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��14��374 <br /> Z. Appli�at�anof Payments ar Proceeds.Except as other�wise described in this Section 2, a1�payments <br /> accepted and app�ied by Lender shall be applied in the foll�wing arder of priority: (a}interest due under the <br /> Note; (b�principal due under the Note; (��amounts�iue under Section 3. Such payments sha11 Ue applied to <br /> ea�h Periodic Payment in the order�n which it became due.Any r�maining amo�nts sha11 be appl�ed first to <br /> Iate�harge�,s�cond to any other amaunts due under this Security Instrument,and then to reduce the <br /> principal balan�e of the Note. <br /> If Lender recei�es a payment fram Borrow�r for a delinquent periodic Payment which includes a sufficient <br /> . arnount to pay any�ate charge due,the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the Iate <br /> char�e, If more than one Periodic Payment is autstanding,Lender may apply any payment rece�ved fram <br /> Borrower ta the repaymen�of the Periodic Payments if,and to the extent that,each payment can be paid in <br /> fu11. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the fu11 payment of one or more <br /> Periadic Payments3 such exc�ss may be applied to any�a�e charges due.�o�un�a.ry prepayments sha11 be <br /> �ppl�ed first tv any prepaymen�charges and then as described in the Note. <br /> Any application of payments,insurance pr�ceeds,or Mis�ellaneaus Proceeds to pr�ncipal due un�der�h�Note <br /> sha11 not extend or postpoae the due date,or change�he amount,of the Periodic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Fundsfflr Escro�►ltems.B�rrawer sha11 pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the <br /> 1Vote,until the Note is paid in fu11,a sum�the "Funds")�o provide for payment of amounts due for: (a}taxes <br /> and assessment�and other items which can attain prio�ity�ver this Security Instrum�nt as a��en or <br /> encumbrance an the Property; (b)l�asehvld payments vr ground rents on th�Praperty, if any;(c}premiums <br /> for any aad a11 insurance required by Lender under Section 5;and(d}Mortgage Insurance premxums,if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrov�er to Len.der in�ieu af the payment of�Vlor�gage Insuran�ce premiums in <br /> accordanGe with the provisi�ns of Section i 4. These items are called"�scrow Items."At origination or at <br /> an�time during the term af the Loany Lender may requixe that�ommunity A�sociatian.Dues,Fees,and <br /> As�essments, if any,be escrowed by Bonawer,and such dues, fees and assessments sha11 be an Escrow <br /> Item. Borro�er sha11 promptly furnish to Lender a11 n4tices of amounts to be paid under this S�ction. <br /> Borrower s�all pay Lender the Fun�ls for Escrow Items unless Lender�vai�es Borrower's abligati�n to pay <br /> the Funds for any ar a11 Escra�v Items, Lender may waive Borrvwer's�bligation to pay ta Lender Funds for <br /> any or all Escrow Items at a�y time.Any such wai�er may only b�in writing.In the event of such waiver, <br /> Borrowe�-�hall pay directly,�vhen and tivhere payabl�,th�amaunts due far an�Es�row Items for�vh�ch <br /> pa�ment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires,sha11 furnish to L�nder receipts <br /> evidenc�ng such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borr�wer's o�ligation to make <br /> su�h pa�rr�e�.ts and to�r�vide receipts sha��for a�i p�rpase5 be de��ed to be a covenan.t a�d agre�ment <br /> can�a.ined in this Security Instrument,as the phrase "eovenant and agreement" is used in S�ction 9.If <br /> Borro�ver i�obligated to pay Escrow Items direct�y,pu.rsuant to a wai�er,and Borro�er fai�s to pay the <br /> anx�unt due for an Escrow Item,Lender may exercise its rights under Sectivn 9 and pay such amdunt and <br /> Borrower sha�l then be obligated under Secti�n 9 ta repay to Len�er any such amount. Lender may rev�ke <br /> the waiver as to any or all Escraw Items a�any time��a notice given in accordanGe with S��tion 15 and, <br /> upon such revocatxan,Borrower sha11 pay to Lender a11 Funds,and�n�uch amounts,that are then <br /> under this Section 3. <br /> Le�.de��nay,at any time,co��e��and ho�d Fu�.�s��an.arr2ount�a)suff ci�nt ta�aerm�t Lender tv apply the <br /> Funds at the time specified under RESP�,and(b�not to exce�d the m�.x�mum amount a lender can.require <br /> under 1�.ESPA.Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current d�ta and reasonable <br /> estimates af exp�ndrture�of future�scrovv Items or at��rwxse in accordance�vith Ap��i�ab�e La�v. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingie Famify-Fannie MaefFreddie Mac UNiF�RM iNSTRUMEMT WITH MERS Form 3428 11U1 <br /> VMR� VMPfiA(NE}(1342}.40 <br /> Walters Ktuwer Financial Se�vices P�ge 5 of 17 <br /> q4333�44846Z U233 357 �517 <br /> �.�,��. <br />