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��14��374 <br /> If the power af sale is invoked,Trustee sh�ll record a notice�f def�ult in each county in which any <br /> part of th�Propert�is l�cated�nd sh�il mai�copies�f such ntitiCe in the manner prescribed by <br /> Applicable LavY to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law.After the�ime <br /> required by Applicab�e L�w,Trustee shall give pub�ic nati�e of sale to the persons and in the rnanner <br /> prescr�bed by App��Gab�e LavW.Truste�,�%thaut deman�on Borr�wer,sha11 s�ll the Prvperty at public <br /> aucti�n to the highest bidder at the time and place and under th�terms designat�d in the n�tice of sale <br /> in one or more parcels and in any order Tru��ee determines.Trust�e may pvstpon�sale of all ar�ny <br /> parcei�f the Prvperty by publ�c ann�uncement at ttie tim�and place of any pre�iously sc�eduled sale. <br /> Lende��r�ts designee may purcha�e the Pr�perty at any�ale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment vf the price bid,Trustee shal�deliver t�the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> �an�eying#he Property.The re�itals in the Trustee's de��i shall be pr�ma facie e�idence of the trutb vf <br /> the statements made therein.Trustee shall apply#he proceeds of the sale in the following order: ta}to <br /> al�Gvsts and expenses of ex�rcising the p�wer af sale,�nd#he sa�e,including the payment vf the <br /> Trustee's fees actually incurred and reasonable attorneys'fees as permitted by App�icable Law; �b)�o <br /> a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument;�nd�c)an�ex�ess to the persvn�r persons legaily <br /> entit�e�tv it. <br /> 23. Reeonveyance.Upon payment of a11 sums secured by this�ecurity Instrument, Lender shal�r�quest <br /> Trustee to ree�nvey the Praperty and shall surrender this Security Instrument and a11 n�te�evidencing debt <br /> secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee.�rustee sha11 reconvey th�Pro�erty without warrant�to the <br /> person or persons legally�r�titled to it. Such person or person.s sha11 pa�any r�corda�ion costs. Len�ler ma� <br /> cha�-ge such per�an or per��ns a fee for reconveying the Propexty,bu�only if the fee is paid to a third party <br /> (such as the Truste�}for s�rvices render�d and the charging�f the fee�s permitted under A�pticable Law. <br /> �4. Su bstitute Trustee.Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> trustee to any Trustee appain�ed hereunder by an instrum�nt recorded in the caun.�y in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recorded. Without con�e�ance of the Property,the�ucces�or truste�sha11 succeed to a11 the <br /> title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Apglicable Lativ. <br /> 25. Requestfvr Nati�es.Borr�wer requests�hat copies of the noti�e�f default and sa�e be sent to Borrower's <br /> address which is the Property Address. <br /> q�333U4U8452 ��33 357 1517 <br /> hlEHRASKA�i�g�e Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM iNSTRUMENT W1TH MERS Fomn 34281I41 <br /> VMP g VMPfiA�NE)�93fl23-�� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 15 of 9 7 <br /> �� <br /> r <br />