<br /> �e�� as the agreemen�s and c��renants �f�.iis Se�ur�t,� �nsti-ument and alI Related'D�cumen�s (hereinafter aIl
<br /> r�ferred t�as�he"Indeb�edness"}.
<br /> FUTURE AD�1'ANCES.Ta the ex�ent�ermit�ed b��av�r,�his Secux•ity Ins�ru.ment�ril�secure future ad�ances as�f
<br /> such advances were made Qn the date of�h�s Security Instrumen�r�gardless of th�fac��hat fram time�v time f.here
<br /> may be no ba�ance due under the na�e and r�gardless af�rhefher Lender is o�hliga�ed t�make such fu�ure advances.
<br /> �R�SS �ULLATER.ALIZATI�N. It is the e�pressed �ntent �f Grantor to cr�ss collateralize alI af i�s
<br /> Indebtedness and obl�gat�ans to Lender, hv�soe�er arising and v�rhens�e�rer incur�ed, ex�ept any obligat�on
<br /> e�is�ing or arising aga�nst�he�pr�ncipa�dwe�l�ng af any Gran�or.
<br /> '4�VARRANTIES. Gran�vr, for �tse�f, 1�5 he�rs, persana� represen�a�ives, successors, atlCi a55Ig17S, represen�s,
<br /> �arrants,c��renants and agrees w��h Lender,i�s su�cessors and assigns,as fall�v�s:
<br /> Performance vf �biigation5. Grantor pr�mises tv perform aI1 terms, �ondi�ions, an.d c��renants �f this
<br /> Se�urity In�trument and�Related I]ocu.men�s in.acc�rdance��h the terms c�ntained�herein.
<br /> Defense and Titie ta Pr�perty.At the t�e�f executivn and deli�rel-y❑f this inst�ument, Gran�ar is�avvfully
<br /> seis�d of�he es�ate hereby con�e�ed and has t�he e�clus��e r�gh�tfl m�r�ga�e, grant, con�ey and assign�he
<br /> Pr�perty.Grantor covenan�s that the Pr�per�y is unencumbered and fr�e of a1i Iiens,e��ept for encumbrances
<br /> af rec�rd ac�ep�able t� Lender. Fur�her, Grantor c�venan�s �hat Grantar�ii�v�arrant and defend generall�
<br /> the title �o �he Proper� against an� and aI� claims and demands wha�soe�er, subj ec� to the easemen�s,
<br /> restric�i�ns, ar ofi�ier e�lcumbrances �f rec�rd accep�able to Lender, as ma� be �isted in tbe s�hedule �f
<br /> exceptions t� c�verage�,in any abs�ract of t��le �r ti��e �nsuran�e polacy insur�ng L�nder's in�erest �n �he
<br /> Prvp er�y.
<br /> Conditian nf Property. Grantar promi.ses at a��times �� preserve and to ma�fa�n�he Proper€y and every
<br /> par�therevf in good repa�r, wvrking order, and c�nd�t��n and vvi1�fram�ime to time, make alI needfu� a�ld
<br /> prop er.rep airs so�hat the�a�ue of�he Prap e1-�y sha�l no�in any vvay b e un�a�red.
<br /> Remv�al of any Part of the Property. Gran�ar pram�ses n�t t� remave any par� �f�he Proper�y from i�s
<br /> present locat��n,e�cept f�r replacement,maintenance and rel�ca�ian in�he ordinary course�f business.
<br /> A�t�rations ta.the Pr�perty. Gran�or promises �o absta�n fram the cvmmissi.�n �f an�r vwaste on or �n
<br /> �ar�nec�ian v�ith�he Pr�perty.Fu�-�her,Grantor sha��rnake n�mate�-ial a�tera�xons,addi�iQns�r impravements
<br /> �f any type vvhatsoever�o the Proper�y, regardless of v�he�ier such alterat��ns, addi�i�ns vr impr��ements
<br /> would increase the value of�he Pr�per�, nor permit any�ne t� d� so e�cept for tenant unpr�vements and
<br /> completion af items pu'rsuant�� approv�d plans and specifications, �ithaut Lend�r's pr�ar written consent,
<br /> vvhich consent may be �vi�hhe�d by Lender i.n. �ts sale discre�i�n. Grantor vv�ll comply wifh a�1 1av�s and
<br /> regulations�f a11 public au�harities ha�ring jurisdict�on over the Propert}�including,�thau�Iimi�at�on,th�se
<br /> relating to the use, �ccupanc� and mai.n�enance thereof and shall up�n request pr�mptly subm�t to Lender
<br /> evidence af such cam�lrance.
<br /> Due an Sale--Lender's C�nsent,Grantur sha��nat sel�,fi�h�r encumber or o�her�ise dispose of,e�cep�as
<br /> herein pro�v�d�d, any or a1I af i�s in�eres� �n any par� of or a�� of�he Proper�y w��hout �rst ��faining the
<br /> written cansent �f Lender. If any encumbrance, Iien, t�an.sfel• or sale �r agr�ement for these is created,
<br /> Lender.may dec�are imrned�a�ely due and pa�al��e,the entue ba�ance�f�he Indebtedness.
<br /> Insurance. Grantor pr�mises��keep fhe Property uasured aga3nst such r�sks and xn such form as may v�xthin
<br /> the sgle d�scretx�n of Lender�e accepta��e, causing Lender t� be named as loss pa�ee �r if requested by
<br /> Lender, as m��-�gagee. �The xnsurance company shall be chosen�� Gran�or s��j ect to Lender's approval,
<br /> ,uvh�ch� shal� not be unr�asonably vvithhe�d. A�� insura�ce pv�icies mus� prv�ide �hat Lender will get a
<br /> minimum�f 14 da�rs notice pr�ar t�cancellation.A�Lender's discretion,Grant�r may be required ta prflduce
<br /> recerp�s of pa�d prem�ums and rene�a�polic�es.If Gran��r fai�s t�oh�au�.�he requv-ed�average,Lender may
<br /> do so at Grant�r's e�pense.Grant�r hereby direc�s each and every insurer of the Proper�y t�make payment�f
<br /> loss to Lender v�-ith the pro�eeds t�be appl�ed, only at L�nder's opt�nn,t�the re�air and replacement af the
<br /> damage or Ioss or ta be app�ied to�he Inde]�tedness wi�i the surplus,if any,�o be paid by Lender to Grantor.
<br /> Paym�nt of Taxes and Uther Applicable �harges. Grantor pram�ses �o pay and �a discharge �iens,
<br /> encumbrances,�a�es,assessmen�s,�ease paymen�s and any other�harges relat�ng ta�h�Pruperty�vhen le�ied
<br /> or assessed against Grant�r or the Proper�y.
<br />