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��14���39 <br /> Praperty �ond�t�on, Alteratians and Inspection. Trustor will keep �he Prope�-ty in good condi�ion and <br /> make a11 repairs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not c�mmit ar a.11ow any waste, impairment, or <br /> deterioration of the Praper�y. Trustor agrees that the nature �f the oGcupancy and use wili nat substantially <br /> chang� without Beneficiary's priar written cons�nt. Trustor w�11 not permxt an.y change in any Iicense, <br /> res�rxct��e covenan� or easement without Beneficiary's prior written cansent. Trustor will notify �enefic�ary <br /> of all demands, proceedings, claims, and actians agai.nst Trust�r, and af any lnss ar damage ta the Praperty. <br /> Beneficiary or Bene���ary's agents may, a�Benefxciary's apt�on, en�er�he Property at an� reasonable time for <br /> the purpase af inspecting th.e Pra�ex-ty. Beneficiary shal� gi�e Trustor noti�e at the time of or before an <br /> inspection specifying a r�asonable purpose for the insp�ctian. Any inspection af the Property shall be en�irely <br /> far BenefYciary"s ben�fit and Trustor will in no way rely on�enef�ciary's inspectian. <br /> Authority to Perfarm, lf Trustor to perfarm any duty or any of the co�enants conta�ned �n this Security <br /> Instrument, B�n�fxciary may, withaut noti�e, perform or caus� them �o be perfarmed. Trust�r appoints <br /> Beneficxa.ry as att�rney in fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amount necessary for p�rfflrmance. <br /> Benef�cYary'� right to perform for Trustor s�iall not create an obligat�on to perform, and Benef�ciary's fax�ure <br /> to perform wii� not preclude Beneficiary fram exercising any of Benefic�ary's other r�ghts under the 1aw or <br /> this S�cur�ty Instrumen�. <br /> Leaseh��ds; �o�adam�nxums; Planned Unit Dev�lopments. Trus�or agrees to comply w�th the pravisions flf <br /> any �eas� if th�s Security Instrument is �n a leasehold. �f�he Praperty includes a unYt �n a condanunium or a <br /> planned unxt deve�apment, Trustor wi11 p�rfarm aII of Trustor's duties under the covenants, �y��aws, or <br /> regu�atiflns of the candominium or planned unit deveiopmen�. <br /> Condemnat�on. Trustor wi11 give Ben�fic�ary promp� notice of any pending or threatened actian, by pr�vate <br /> or public entities to purchase or take any or a.�l of�he Praperty through candemnation, eminent domain, ar <br /> any oth�r means. Trustar authorizes Beneficiary to inter�ene in Trus�or's name in any of the a�o�e d�scribed <br /> - actions ar c�aims. Trustar assigns ta B�neficxary the proceeds af any a�vard or claim for damages conn��t�d <br /> with a candemnation or �ther �a��in.g of ali or any par� of the Prop�rty. Such pro�eeds sha�l be cons�dered <br /> paym�nts and will b� appl�ed as pro�ided in this Security In.strumen�. This assignm�nt of pro�eeds is sub�ect <br /> to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agre�ment or a�her Iien document. <br /> Insurance. Trustar shall keep Prflperty xnsured aga�nst loss by fir�, flood, �hef� an.d other hazards and rzsks <br /> reasanab�y associated w�th the Proper�y due t� its type and lflcatian. This insurance sha11 be maintained in the <br /> amounts and for the periads that Beneficiary requir�s. � Beneficiary requires pursuant to the preceding <br /> two sentences can change during the term af the Secured Debt. The insuran�e carrier pro�iding the insurance <br /> shall b� ch�sen by Trus�or sub�ect to Beneficiary's appro�aJ., which �hal1 not be unreasona�Iy withheld. Yf <br /> Trustor fails to maintaxn the caverage described aba�e, Beneficiary may, at Benef�ciary's op�ion, obtain <br /> cov�rage to protect Beneficiary's rights in�he Proper�y according to�he t�rms of th�s Secur�ty rnstrument, <br /> All �nsurance po�icies and renewals shall b� a���ptable ta B�neficiary and shall include a standard "mortgage <br /> clause" and, where app�icab�e, "�ass payee clause." Trustor sha1X Ymmed�ate�y notify Beneficiary af <br /> canceliation ar term�natian of the insurance. Benef�c�ary shaii ha�e the right ta hald the policies and <br /> r�nev�a.�s. �f Beneficiary requires, Trustar sha11 immediately give ta Benef�c�ary a.�i receipts of paYd premxums <br /> and renewal na�ices. Upan loss, Trustor sha11 give immediate natice to th� insurance and Benefi�iary. <br /> ��neficYary may make proof of Ioss if nat made immediateiy by Trustor, <br /> L�nless �therw�se a�reed in writing, all insurance praceeds shall b� app�ied to the restaratifln or r�pair of th� <br /> Property �r �o the Secured De�t, or not then due, at Beneficiary's aptian. Any appl�ca�i�n of <br /> proceeds to prin�xpa.� shall no� extend �r postpone the due date af the scheduxed payment nor �hange th� <br /> amount af any payment. Any e�cess wx1� �e paxd ta the Trustor. If the Prapezrty is acquir�d by B�nef�c�ary, <br /> Trustor's righ� to any insuran�e policxes and proceeds resultxrag fr�m damage to the Property before the <br /> acquisitxon sha.�l pass to Benefic�ary ta the extent af the Secured Debt immediately before the acquis�tian. <br /> Financial Reports and Additional Dacuments. Trustor w�l� provide to Benefic�ary upon request, any <br /> financ�al statement or informatinn Beneficiary may deem r�asonably necessary. Trustar agrees to s�gn, <br /> deli�er, and file any additianal do�uments or certifYcatx�ns that Benef�ciary may�onsider necessary to perfect, <br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's abligations und�r thxs Securxt� Instrument and Seneficiary's Iien status on <br /> the Praperty. <br /> 6. 'VLT Y �F TITLE. Trustor warran�s tha� Trustor is or wi11 be lawfully seiz�d flf th� �stat�c�nveyed <br /> by�his Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocab�y grant, convey, and sell the Property to Truste�, in <br /> trust, wi�h power of sa1�. Trustor also warrants that the Pr�perry is unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br /> of re�ord, <br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. B�neficiary may, at its op�xon, declare the ent�re balance of the Secur�d De�t to be <br /> immediately due and payab�e upon the creatian of, or �ontract f�r the creat�on of, a transfer or sal� of aII or <br /> any part of the Property. This r�ght �s subj ect t� �he restrictions imposed by federal xaw ��.2 �.F.R. 5 91}, as <br /> applicab�e. <br /> Security[nstr�ment-�pen-End-Consumer-NE ❑CP-REQT-NE 71212�1 i <br /> VMP�Banicers Systems�'"' VMP-C4fi5�NE} ���Q7�.{7Q <br /> Walters l�luw�r Financial Ser�ices Q1994,2Q�'1 Page 3 vf 6 <br />