<br /> The prapexty is Iocated in ...Ha 1 l.................................................. at ...,...... . ..................
<br /> ..... ...
<br /> �County}
<br /> ..34�3..'�..�-.4th..st............................. ..Grand.zsland,.,.,............., Nebraska ..6,8�8�3..........
<br /> �Address} (Ciry} (ZZP Code}
<br /> Together with alI rights, easements, appurtenances, royal.t��s, m�n�ral. rzghts, oi� and gas rights, all water and
<br /> r�parzan rights, ditches, and water stock and all e�isting and future �mprovements, structur�s, f�xtures, at�.d
<br /> rep�ac�ments that may naw, or at any time in the future, be par�of the real.es�a�e des�rxbed ab�ve�al.�referr�d
<br /> to as "Prop�rty"}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM 4BLIGATIUN�LIMIT. The tatal principal amount se�ured by �is Securi�y Instrument at any
<br /> �ne tzme sha1.� nat exceed $ ?o r.o 0 0..�.�................... ............. . This Iimitatian of amount do�s nat
<br /> ...
<br /> include interest and o�her fees and �harges validly made pursuant to this Security Znstrument. Also, this
<br /> limi�a�ron does nat app�y t� advan�es made under th� tenns of this Se�urity �nstrument to pratect
<br /> Benefzczary's secur�ty and�o perform any of the covenants cantained in this Security �nstrum�nt.
<br /> 4. SE�UREI3 DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. Th�term "Secured Debt" is defzn�d as fo�lows:
<br /> A.Deb� incurred under�he terms af aII promissory nn�e�s}, contrac��s}, guaranty�ies� ar a�her e�id�nce of
<br /> de�t described below and aII their extensians, renewals, m�c�ificatians or subs��tutions. (�ou mus�
<br /> spe�%�'cally iden�ify t�he debt��sJ secr�red and you shouZd in�Zude the final maturity dat�e af such del�t�s}.}
<br /> Note Da�ed September l8� �414 ,In The Amount of $20, 0OO.OD
<br /> AGcruing At A Variable Rate With A Maturit Dat� of September �5, �419
<br /> S a i d Loan In The Name�s} 4 f K�vin D Laho�►�re��
<br /> And Tammy Lahowetz
<br /> B.A�1 future advances from B�neficiary to Trus�or or other futur� abiigations af Trustor ta Beneficzary
<br /> under any prom�ssary nate, cantract, guaranty, or other ��idence of debt executed by Trustor in favor
<br /> of Benefi�iary after this Security Instrument whether or not this Security Instrument is sp�cifzcally
<br /> refer�nced. �f more than one person signs t�115 Security Instrum�nt, each Trus�or agrees that �his
<br /> Security Znstrument w�xl secure all future advances and future oblzgatzans that ar� gi��n tfl or incurred
<br /> by any one or mare Trustor, or any �n� or more Trustor and others. AII futur� advances and ather
<br /> future ab�igations are secured by this Security Instrument even though alI or part may nat yet be
<br /> advanced. A�� future advances and ath�r future ob�zga�i�ns are secured as zf made an th.e date of�hzs
<br /> S��urity Instrumen�. Nathing in this Securzty �nstrument sha11 canstz�ut� a c�mm�tment to make
<br /> additional. or future �oans or ad�an�es in any amount. Any such commitmen� mus� be agr�ed to in a
<br /> separate wri�ing.
<br /> C,Al�ather obi�gations Trustar�w�s tfl Benefxc�ary, wh���.may later arise, to th��xter�t not prahibited by
<br /> law, including, bu� not ��m�ted to, �zabili�zes for overdrafts relating ta any d�posit accaunt agreem�nt
<br /> betv�reen Trustor and Benefxcia.ry.
<br /> D.All additionaI. sums advanc�d and ex�enses incurr�d by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or
<br /> otherv�rzse protecting the Praperty and its value and any other sums advanced and exp�ns�s �ncurred by
<br /> B�nefzciary under the terms of�his Security Instrumen�.
<br /> In the�v�nt that Benefi�iary fails to provide any required notxc�of the r�ght of resczssz�n, Beneficiary wai�es
<br /> any subs�quent security interest in the Trus�or's prin�zpal dwe��zng that�s created by�his Security �nstrument.
<br /> 5. DEED C]F TRUST C�VENANTS. Trustor agrees that the�o�enan�s zn thzs s�ctzon are materzal. abizga�zons
<br /> under the Secured D�b� and thzs 5ecurity �nstrument. If TrustQr brea�hes any covenant zn thzs s��tzon,
<br /> Benefx�iary may refuse �a make addztzanal. ext�nszons of credit and reduce the credit Iimx�. By n�t exerc�s�ng
<br /> either remedy on Trustor's�reach, Benefzczary does n�t waa.ve Beneficiary's right�o Iater consider�he event a
<br /> breach if it happens aga�n.
<br /> Payments. Trustor agr�es �a.at a1X payments under th� Secured Debt wiii b�paid when due and in accordan�e
<br /> with th.�terms of the Secured Debt and this Security �nstrument.
<br /> Prior Secur�ty Interests. With regard to any oth�r mortgag�, deed of tru�t, securi�y agreement or o�h.er ���n
<br /> documen� that creat�d a prior secur�ty �nt�rest or encum�rance on the Property, Trustar agrees ta make ail
<br /> payments when due and to perform or comply with all co��nants. Trustar alsa agrees not to al�flw any
<br /> modzfication or�xtensxon of, nor to request any future advan�es under any nflte or agreement s��ur�d by the
<br /> lien do�ument without Benef�czary's prior written appro�al..
<br /> C�aims Aga�nst Title. Trustor wz�� pay a1I taxes �includ�ng any tax a�sessed to this Deed �f Trust},
<br /> assessments, �zens, encumbra.nces, �ease payments, graund rents, utili�ies, and a�her �harges relating to the
<br /> Propeart� when due. B�nefzczary may require Trus�or�o pro�ide to B�nefz�xary �op��s af a11 notic�s that such
<br /> amounts are due and the recezpts evid�ncing Trustor's payment. Trustor wz�� defend titl� to the Prap�rty
<br /> again.st any claims that would impair the Iien nf thxs Security Ynstrument. Trustor agrees to ass�gn ta
<br /> Beneficiary, as reques�ed by Benef�ciazy, any rights, cZa.ims flr defenses Trus�or may hav� against par�tzes whn
<br /> supply Iabor ar materials to mai.nta�n or improv�the Prop�rry.
<br /> 5ec�rity Instrument-Open-End-Cansum�r-NE ❑CP-REDT-NE 71�1�011
<br /> VMP�Bar�k�rs Systems�'^ VMP-C455�NE} {1 107].�❑
<br /> Wofters Klt�w�r Firianciaf Ser�i�es D�994,2fl�Z Page 2 of 6
<br />