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��14����4 <br /> The Fund�shall be held in an institution whase deposits are insured by a federa�a�ency, instrumentality,or <br /> en�ity(including Lender, if Lender is an institution vErhose deposits are so insured}or in any Federal Hame <br /> Loan Bar�.l�. L�nder sha11 apply the Funds ta pay the Escro�Item�no later than the time spe��fied under <br /> RE�PA. Lender sha11 not charge Bonawer f�r holdrng and appl�ing the Funds,annually analyzing the <br /> escrow account,or v�rifying�he Escrow Items,unless L�n.der pays Borrower interest on the Fu�.ds and <br /> Applicable I�av�permits Lender to make such a charge. Uniess an agreement is mad�in writing or <br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds,Lender shall not be required to gay Borrower an�y <br /> interest or earnings on th�Funds. Borro�rer and Lender can agr�e in writing,however,that inter�st sha�l be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall give��Borrvwer,without charge, a�.annual accou�nting of�he Funds as <br /> requ ire d by RE S PA. <br /> If there�s a sur�lus of Funds held in escro�,as d�fined under RESPA,Lender sha11 acc�unt to Barrower far <br /> the e�cess funds in accordance�vith RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escro�v,as def�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�I no�ify Borro�er as required�y RESPA,and Borrovver sha�l pay to Lender the amoun� <br /> necessar�r�o make up the shor�.ge�n accardance�vith R.ESPA,but xn no more than �2 m�nth�y payments. If <br /> there is a deficiency af Fun�s held in escrow, as�e�ned under REST'A, Lender sha�l notify Bonower as <br /> requi��d by RESF'A, and Barrower shall pay�a Le�.d�r t�ie amaunt necessary to make up the deficiency in <br /> accordance with RESPA,but in no more�han 12 mon�hl�payments. <br /> Upon paymen�in ful�of a�l sums secured by this Securi�Instrument,Lend�r shal�promptly refund ta <br /> Borr��ver an�Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges;Li�ns.Borrower shaii pay a�I�axes, assessments, charges, f nes, and impos�tions at�ributable to <br /> the Propert�which can a�tain priarity o�er this Security�nstrument, leaseho�d paymen�s or ground rents on <br /> the Propeity, if an�,and Community Association Dues, Fees,and Assessment�, if any, �To th�extent that <br /> these items are Escraw�tems, Bo�rrower shall pay them in the manner pro��ded in Sectian 3. <br /> B�rrawer shall promptly discharge any�ien vvhich has priarity over this Security Ins�rument unl�ss <br /> Borrower; �a}agrees in writing ta the payment of the obligation secured by the lien i.n a manner acceptable <br /> to L�nder,but only so long as Borrow�r is perfarming such agreement; (b}eontests�he li�n in g�t�d faith by, <br /> or defends against enforcement of th�lien in, lega�proceedings�hich in Lender's apinion operate to preven� <br /> the enforcement of the lien whi�e those proc�edin�s are pending,but�nly unti�such proceedings are <br /> concluded;or(c�secures from th�holder of the��en an a�reement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> �ien to this Security Instrument. �f Lender determ�nes that any part of the Property is su�ject to a lien which <br /> can attain priari�y over this Securi#y Instrument,Lender may g�v�Borrower a no�ice identifying the lien. <br /> Wi�hin 1�days of the da�e an vvhich that notice is given, Barr��rer shaii sat�sfy the lien or take one or more <br /> of the actions set forth above in this Sectian 4. <br /> Lender may require�orrower to pay a one-time charge for a real��tate�ax verif�cat�on andlor reporting <br /> service used by Lender in connectian.w��h th�s Loan. <br /> �. Property Insurance.Borro�er shall k�ep the�mprovements now ex�s�ing or hereafter erected an the <br /> Property insured against lass by f re,haz�rds included tivithin the term"extended caverage,"and any ather <br /> hazards including,but not li�nited to, earthyuakes and floods, far which Lender requires insuran�e. This <br /> insurance shal�be mainta.ined in the amounts(inc�uding deduct�ble 1eve�s}and for the periods that Len�er <br /> requir�s. What Len.der reyu�re�pursuant to th�preceding sentences can change during th�term of the Laar�. <br /> The insurance carrier pra�id�ng the insurance sha11 be chosen by Borro�ver subjec�to Lend�r's r�ght to <br /> di�approve Borrawer's ch��ce,which right shall not be exercised ur�eas�nably. Lender may require <br /> Borrower�o pay, in connection with this L�an, either: �a�a one-time charge for flo�d zone determination, <br /> certifcatian and tracking ser�ic�s;or(b)a ane-time charge for f�ood zon�t�etermination and certification <br /> NEBRASKA�ir�gl�Fami}y-Fannie M�elFreddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT iIVITH MERS Form 3428 1141 <br /> VMP D 1lMPfiA�NE)(1342)AO <br /> �lllolters Kluwer Financia!Se�vices Page B af 1 T <br /> �43329�53795 ��33 555 �f17 <br />