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��14��154 <br /> Z�14U�137 <br /> financing appro�ed �y HUI], and making payrnen�s far Reasonable <br /> �perating Expenses. <br /> �f� At the request of HLJD, Master Tenant shall �i�e speci�xc answers, <br /> sati�fa�tory to HLJI�, to �u���ions p�sed from tim� ta t�me relating to <br /> incam�, assets, liabiliti�s, contracts, �perat�on, �nd cand�tion ¢f the <br /> Healthcare Facility, and shall prov�de t� HUD copies of a11 boaks, <br /> contracts, recards, documents and other pagers relating to the H�althcare <br /> Fac�lity from time��tim�as HUD may request. <br /> �g} Master Tenant acknow�edges that the financial information referenced <br /> above is necessaiy for HUD tv re�i�w frvm t�me ta tzme, given the r��k <br /> inherent in the operation of th� H�a�thcare Facilit�r, and gi�en th� <br /> nec�ssity of th� Master Tena.n.t's f nax�eia.� and o�ra�iona� s�abi�ity in <br /> order to ensure ��rnely payment of arnounts due under the Mas�er Lease <br /> �s�er�t�a1 to the�BorrovWer's debt ser�ice. <br /> 15. �JNIFQRM C�MMEIZ.�IAL��UEILIENS. <br /> �xcept as otherwxse appraved in writing by HUD, IV.[aster Tenant shall grant to <br /> Lender and HUD a first Iien se�urity interest in aI� of Mas�er Tenant's rights tv <br /> pers�na.l pr�per�y of Master Tenant used in the ap�rat�an �f the Healthcare <br /> Facility or the Proje�t as additional secur�ty for the ob�iga�ions vf the Borrower <br /> under the Nate, Barrower's Security Instrument, and �orrov�rer's Regulatury <br /> Agr�emer�t, and the Master Tenant's obligations und�r this Agreemen�. Such <br /> s�curi�ty in�erest sha11 be e�idenced by such Security agreement(s) as Lend�r <br /> ar�dl�r HLJI] may require in ��nnectian therewith. Master Tenant sha11 execute <br /> arzd deliver, or cause t� �e executed and deli��red, such depasit account contrvl <br /> agreements a� may be required by Lender andlar HUD. Master T�nant shall not <br /> a1l�w any such required de�os�t a.cGount contrvl agreements, sweep a�reemen�s, <br /> or other such requ�ir�d agreements,ta be r��oked�r rescinded at any time without <br /> L�nder's prior written consent. Master Tenan.� hereby author�zes each �f the <br /> L�nder and HtJD to file such UCC financYn� statements and cantinuatian <br /> s�a�ements as either af them may deem �o he necessary or appropriate in <br /> cannectian w�th �he foregoing se�uri#y �nterest. Except as prv�ided in this <br /> paragraph I5, withau� the priar wr�tten appro�a� af Lender and HUD, Mast�r <br /> Tenant shal� not be permi#ted ta gra.nt or permit any other 1 iens on any of the� � <br /> property related to the Pr�j ect. <br /> 1�. Master Tenant shall e�.sure that a1� gvods an� services purchas�d or a�quire�i a.n <br /> conne�tian with the Proje�t are Reasonab�e �perating �xpenses, ex�pt as <br /> ��herwise allowed by Hi�D. <br /> 17. PR�F�SSI�NAL LIABIL�TY INSLTRANCE. <br /> Pr�us►►e�ans obs�ete Page'I Z of 1� €ornn H�a-9Z33T-�RCF tRe�.U3J13) <br />