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��14��154 <br /> 2U14�6137 <br /> insured by an ageney of the federal government, prvvi�ted that an ac�vunt <br /> held in an institution rated by �he ����rnrn�nt Natianal M�rtgage <br /> Associa�ion may ha�e a ba�ance th�t �xceeds the axnount to which such <br /> �nsurance is limited. Funds �enerated by the operat��n of�he Healt��are <br /> Facility may he transferred tr� nne or more central disbursen�ent or other <br /> acc�unts in which such funds are cammingled with ot�er funds, provide� <br /> that a ca�mplete and a�curate acc�unting of such funds(including depvsits <br /> ar�d dis�ursem�nts�is maintaxned at a��t�mes. <br /> �c} Master Tenant shall submit, or cause�o be submitted,to HUI3 and L�nder, <br /> on a quarterly and year�to-dat� basis [or mvre fr�quently xf specified by <br /> HUD}, prepared and �ertifiec� by an authorized representati�� or agent of <br /> Master Tenant, such financ�al r�ports reZatin� to the Healthcare Facility <br /> (including, but not �imited �a, financial statements, accouYats rec�ivable, <br /> ag�n� reports and occupancy r�parts} in the formats and a� such times as <br /> may be requ�red by HUD, including without lixnita��on any �ans��idated <br /> statements if required by HUI�. Such reparts must �e submitted na later <br /> than thirty �3�� days after the period cavered by th� reports, except for <br /> r�go�rts rela�ing�o th� final quarter of each year, which sha�l be submitted <br /> no �ater thaun six�y �G�� days af�er end af the fiscal y�ar. Such r�ports are � <br /> sul�jeCt tv the sanctions contained �n I$ U.S.�. 5ectians 1�U 1, �U��, and <br /> �a�z. <br /> (d} �f �aster Ter�ant �or any direct or indirect parent af Master Tenaint} is <br /> required to provide an audited financial sta�ement to any Iender, Master <br /> Tenant sha.l� s�multaneously �rovx�.e cvpies of such audited financ�a� <br /> statements to HUD ar�d Lender. If HUD has reason to 1����e�e that any <br /> ce�t�fie� stat��ments subrn�tted on beha.�f �f the Master Tenant ma� be <br /> unr��iab��e [for examp�e, indicate a likely pr�hibi�ed use of projeGt funds}, <br /> or �.re �o� presented in a manner that is �vnsistent with Pr�gram <br /> �bligatia�ns, H�JD may, �n a case-by-cas� basis require f nanGia.l <br /> statements fr�m the Master Tenant which ha�e be.en e�rtxfied by an <br /> independent public acc�untant, at the Master Tenant'S PX�3EIl5�� dl1� Sl1C�'1 <br /> certif ed f nancial statement must�e del�v�red tn HUD w�thin n�nety (9�� <br /> da�s after H�TD requests such ite�ns fr�m Master Tenant. <br /> �e� If a quarterlylyear-to-date financial statement relatiag �o the Healthcare <br /> Facility demonstrates negati�� Hea�thcare Fa�ility VVvrking Capital as <br /> def ned by HT.JI�, or if such required statemen� is not tirne�y suhamitted, <br /> then until a cw�rent quarterlyly�ar-to-date financia�statement demonstrates <br /> positi�e Healthcare Fac�lifiy Warking �a�ita�, or until vtherwis� <br /> authori�ed hy HUD, funds derived from �r in conne�tion with the <br /> operatian of that faci�it}�may nat be distributed for any purpvse ather t�ian <br /> payments due�pursu�nt to the Borrower-�perator A�eem�n� <br /> ar�dlor Master Lea�se, making �ayments required �o be made under the <br /> Loan D��uments, making paym�nts pursuant to any accounts re�eivable <br /> Pre�ious versiflns abs�vlete Qage 11 of 14 Totm HUD-9a337-C�R�F�Rev.�]3I'13� <br />