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i <br /> � <br /> ��14��1�5 <br /> Loan l�in: �5U�b8149� Data ID: 79b <br /> NQN-UNIF�RM��VENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 7. Acceleratian;Remedies. Lender shall gi�e natice to Rorrower prior to ac�eleration fvllowing <br /> Borrower's breach a�Any co�enant ar agreement in this Security Instrument�but not prior to <br /> acceleration unless Applicable Law pro�ides otherwi�e}. The nutice shall spec'sfy:{a} the defAu�t; <br /> (b}the action required to cure the de��ult; �cj a date by which the detault must be cured;�xnd <br /> (d} that failure ta cure the default an or befare the date specified in the notice may result in <br /> acceleration o�the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sate v�the Praperty. The <br /> notice further shall in�orm Borrower af the ri�;ht ra reinstate af'ter acceleration�nd the right <br /> tv assert in the fore�losure proceeding the non-existen�e af a default vr any other defense o� <br /> Sorrower to acceleratian and sa�e. If the defauit is not cured on or be�'ore the date specified <br /> in the notice,Ixnder at its optian may reyuire immediate payment in Fuil of all sums secured <br /> by this Security Instrument without further demand and may in�oke the�wer o�sale and any <br /> ather remedies permit�ed by Applicable Law. Lender to the extent permitted by Applicable Law <br /> shall be entitled �o collect all expenses incurred �n pursuing the remedies p�v�ided in this <br /> Paragraph 7,including withaut limita�ian rea�onable attorne�s'�ees and costs o�title evidence. <br /> If the puwer o�sale is in�oked,Trustee shal!record a natice of default in each county in which <br /> any part of the Praperty is located and shall mail capies o� such notice in the manner <br /> prescribed by Applicab�e Law to Borrvwer and ta�he o�h�r persans prescribed �y Applicable <br /> Law, After the time required by Applicable Law,Trustee shali gi�e publi�notice of sale ta the ; <br /> persan�and�n the manner pres�ribed b�Applicable 'I'rustee without demand on Borrower , <br /> shal!sel�the Yroperty at pubiic auctian ta the h��hest bidder at the time and place and under <br /> the terms designated in the natice of saie in one or mvre parcels and in any order Trustee ' <br /> � <br /> determines. Trustee may pastpone sale o� al� or any parcel vf the Property by public <br /> annvuncement at the time and place of any pr�v�ously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee <br /> may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price hid,TruStee sh�11 deli�er tu the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> con�eying the Properly. The recita�s�n the Trustee's deed shall be prima f�cie evidence of the <br /> truth of the statements made therein. Tru��ee shall �pply the proceeds af the sale in the <br /> fallawing order: �a) to all costs and expenses of exer�i�ing the gower of�ale and the �ale, <br /> including withaut limitation the payment of the Trustee's fees ac.�tually incurred and reasonabie <br /> attorneys' fees as permitted hy Applicable Law; �b} ta ali sums secured by #his Se�urity <br /> Instrument;and �c) any exce�s to the person or person�legally entit�ed to it. <br /> If the Lender's interest in this 5ecurity Instrument is held by the 5ecretary and the Secretary <br /> requires immedia#e payment in fu1l under Paragraph 4 af the Subordinate Not�,the 5ecretary <br /> may in�ake the nonjudicial power of sale pro�ided in the 5ingle Family Mvrtgage Fareclasure <br /> Act o� 1�34 {"Act"} �12 U.S.�, � 3751 et seq.} by reques#ing a fareclosure commissioner <br /> designated under the Act ta commence foreclosure and to sell the Property as pro�ided in the <br /> Ac�. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall depri�e the 5ecretary of any rights otherwise <br /> av�ilable to a Lender under this paragr�ph or appiicAble law. <br /> 8. Recon�eyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender sha11 <br /> Fequest Tru.stee to recon�ey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all <br /> nates e�idencing deb�se�ured hy this Se�urity Instrument t�Trus�ee. Trustee shall reconvey <br /> the Property without warranty to the person❑r persons legally entitled to it. Such persan or <br /> persons sha�l pay any recordatian casts. Lencier may charge such person nr persons a fee for <br /> recan�eying the Property but only if the fee is paid to a third party �such as the Trustee} for <br /> services rendered anci the�harging of the fee is p�rmitted by Applicable Law. <br /> 9. 5ubstitute Trustee. Lender,at its option,may from tirne to time remo�e Trustee and appoint <br /> a successor Trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunaer hy an instrument rec:orded in�he county <br /> in which this Security Instrument is recorcled. With�ut conWeyance of the Praperty, the <br /> successor Trustee shall succeed ta all the title,power,and duties conferred upon Trustee herein <br /> and by Applicable Law. <br /> 1D. Request f�r Notices. Borrower requests that�opies of the natice af defau�t and sale be sent <br /> t❑Barrower's address,which is the Prnperty Address. <br /> NE�3RASKA FHA PARTIAL CLA�M SECURiTY INSTRUMENT <br /> �a0i 4 Middleherg Riddle G�oup D6113 {Page 3 vf 4 Pagesj <br />