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i <br /> i <br /> ��14��1�5 <br /> Laan Na: �5�]0681�9� Data ID: 796 <br /> TaGETHER W�TH a11 the impra�ements nvw c�r her�after erecte�on the property,and all easements, <br /> a urtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a art of the property. All repla�ements and additions <br /> _ <br /> al a shali be co�ered by this Security Ins�rument. All o�the faregoing is referred t�in this Security <br /> Instrument as the"Property." <br /> BORR�WER G�VENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby can�eyed and has <br /> the right to grant and can��y the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, ex�ept for <br /> encumbrances❑f record. Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Properiy against <br /> ali claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record anc�Iiens for taxes for the current�ear <br /> nat yet due and payable. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uni�c�rm �ovenants fa� natianal use and non-uniform <br /> co�enants with limited�a�iatians by�urisdi�tion to �anstitute a uniform security ins�rument r.overing <br /> real praperty. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VENANTS. Ba�rower and I.�nder ca�enant and agree as fallows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal. Borrower shail pay when due the principal af the debt e�idenced by the <br /> Note. <br /> Z. Barrower N�t Released; Farbearance By Lender Nat a �Vaiver. Extension af the time af <br /> payment❑f the sums se�ured by this 5e�uri�y Instrument granted by Lender ta any successar <br /> in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrawer ar <br /> Borrnwer's successor in interest. Lender shall nUt be required to commence pr�ceedings against <br /> any successor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizati�n <br /> o�the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrum�nt by rea�an af any demand made by the original <br /> Borrower r�r Borrawer'� successors in intere�t. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any <br /> right or remedy shall no�be a wai�er of ar preclude the exercise c�f any righ�vr remedy. <br /> 3. Succe��ors and Assigns Bouad; Joint and S�reral Liability; Ca-signers. The ca�enants and <br /> agreement5 0� this Security Ins�rument shail �ind and benefit th� successors and assign� of <br /> Lender and Borrower: Borrower's co�enants and agreements shall be joint and se�eral. Any <br /> Borrower who�o-signs this Security Instrument but does not exe�ute the Note:(a}is co-signing <br /> this 5ecurity Instrument on�y to mortgage, �rant and �onWey that Borrnwer's interest in the <br /> Praperty under the terms of this Secuxity Instrument;�b}is not personally vbligated to pay the <br /> sums se�ured by this Se�urity Instrument;and �c}agrees that Lender and any other Borrower <br /> may agree ta extend,modi�y,forbear ar make any accommadations with regard to the term of <br /> this Security Instrum�nt or th�Note withaut that Borrower's consent. <br /> 4. Natices. Any natiGe to Borrower pro�ided for in this Security Instrument shall be gi�en by <br /> deii�ering it or by mai�ing it by �rst class mail unle�s agplicahle law re�uires use of an�thex <br /> method. The notiee shall b�directeci to the Prc�perty Adc�ress or any other address Borrower <br /> designates by n�tice to Lender. Any notice tu Lender shall be gi�en by first �lass mail to: <br /> Department of Housing and Urban De�e�apment,Attentian:Single Family Na�es Branch,45I <br /> Se�enth 5treet, S�, Washington, DC �ij410 nr any address Lender designates by notice to <br /> Borrower. Any notice pro�ide�i f�r in this Security�n�txument shall be deemed ta haWe been <br /> gi�en ta Barrower❑r Lender when gi�en as pra�ided in this paragraph. <br /> 5. Governing Law;Se�erability. This Ser.urity�nstrument shall be governed by Fec�eral 1aw and <br /> the law nf the jurisdiction in whi�h the Property�s loc:ated. In the e�ent that any pr�vrsion or <br /> clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable iaw,such conflict shali <br /> not affe�t ather provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note whi�h can be gi�en effect <br /> wi�hout the conflicting pro�ision. T� this end the pro�isians of this Security Instrument and <br /> the Note are declared to be se�erabte. <br /> f. Borrowex's Copy. Borrower sha11 be gi�en one conformed copy of the Nate and o�this Se�urity <br /> In�trument. <br /> NE6RASKA FHA PART[AL CLAIM SECIJRITIf 1NSTRUNlENT <br /> �2014 Middlebecg Riddle Group Ofi113 {Page�of 4 Pages} <br />