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��14��135 <br /> r�placements, additi�ns, betterm�nts and impr���ments thereto, and, in connection therewith, the <br /> Master Tenant may temporari�y rem��e the same, or any part thereof, from the Project if such <br /> remo�a� is necessary or advisable in connection with th� �perat�r fulfilling �ts obligations <br /> under this Section 3��and does not affect the priority of the security interest created hereby. <br /> �g} The Master Tenant wi I1 operate or caus� the �peratar to operate the <br /> Hea�thcare Facility in accordance with, and in a�l other ways ��mply with, the Master Tenant's <br /> andlor �perator's Regulatory Agreement and Program �bligations �as such term is defined in <br /> the Loan Documents). In additi�n and withaut lim�ting the generality of the f�regoing, the <br /> Master Tenant will deli�er to Secured Party copies of all reports, financial statements and other <br /> informatian which the Master Tenant is obiigated to pr��ide t� HUD pursuant to the Master <br /> Tenant'S Reguiat�ry Agreement or oth�rwise pursuant to the Loan Dacuments or Program <br /> �b�igations cancurrent with the delivery of such reports, �inancial statements and other <br /> informatian to HUD. In addition, Master Tenant shall provide such oth�r f�nancial statements, <br /> rep�rts or other information pertaining to the Project or financial condition of Master Tenant as <br /> Secured Party may reasonably requ�st, ta Secured Party within ten �1�� days after Secured <br /> Party makes such r�quest or such ather time frame as may be required under the applicable Loan <br /> Document or Program �l�ligations. <br /> �h} The Master Tenant wi�l no# change �i� without th�rty �3D} days prior n�tic� <br /> to the Secured Party, the location of �ts chief executi�� offce or �ii} w�th�ut the pri�r written <br /> cansent of Secured Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, its jurisdiction of <br /> organization or its "location" �as such term is defined in the L3CC}pro��ded that na such change <br /> shall be permitted unless Master Tenant has provided aIl such financing statements or <br /> amendments, andlor filed f�nancing stat�ments in such additional jurisdictions, and pr�vided al� <br /> other assurances necessary to assure the creatian, pr�ser�ation, continuation andlor perfection of <br /> Secured Par�y's Liens. <br /> �i} The Master Tenant wi�1 not m�rge or consol idate with or int� any ather <br /> Pers�n without the prior written c�ns�nt of Secured Party. <br /> [j} The M aster Tenant w i 11 nat e stabl i sh any Depo s it Acc�unts (as defi ned <br /> belaw} unless �i} with respe�t to any proposed Deposit Acc�unt �other than those disciosed an <br /> unrecorded Exhibit� at least thirty (3U} days prior written notice of the name and address of the <br /> deposit�ry bank, the type of a�count and any other information reasonably reauested by the <br /> Secured Party is pro�ided to Secured Party and (Yi} contemporaneausly therewith, if requested by <br /> the Secured Party consistent with the Master Tenant's abli�ations under Section 15, a deposit <br /> account control agreement in f�rm and substance acceptable to the Secured Party and HUD <br /> �"DA�A"� or, in instances of a Government Recei�abl�s Account �as def�ned below�, a dep�sit <br /> account instru�tion ser�ices agre�m�nt in form and substance acceptable to SeCured Par�y and <br /> HUD �"DAISA"�, is entered into among the Master Tenant,the Secured Party and the depository <br /> bank where the deposit account wauld be maintained. <br /> As used herein, "Depasit Accaunt" means �1} any deposit accour�t into which <br /> payments to the Master Tenant with respect to the operat�on af the Healthcare Facility are <br /> in�tially d�pasited, as opp�sed to being transferred from another Healthcare Facility aCcount, and <br /> Pre�ious�ersions obsolete Page 8 of Z� form HUD-9Z34n-�RCF�Fte�.�31�3} <br />