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��14��137 <br /> determine is necessary to correct the violatian for so long as, HUD <br /> determines, �n its r�asanabie discr�ti�n, that: �i} Borr�wer is time�y <br /> satisfying all pa�ment obligations in the L�an Documents; (�i} nane of the <br /> P�I'1171t5 or Approvals is at 51��75t�I1t�.a.� ax�d imminent risk of b�ing <br /> terminated; ��ii} such violatian cannot reasonably be corrected during su�h <br /> thirty �3�� day per�od, but can r�asonably be corrected�n a timely manner, <br /> and �iv� Master Tenant commences to corre�t such violation during such <br /> thirty �3�) day peri�d and thereafter diligently and continuously pra�eeds <br /> t� c�rrect such violation, or Cause such correct�ve action t� be commenced <br /> and d�ligently pursued. If up�n the exp�ration of such cure period, the <br /> �iolation �s not cured to HUI]'s satisfact�on, HUD may, without further <br /> notic�, declare an Event of Defau�t. Upon dec�aring an Event of Default, <br /> HUI] may: <br /> 1. Terminate, ar cause the termination of, the Master Lease, seek the <br /> appointment of a receiver for the Healthcare Faciiity,t�rminate ar�y <br /> Borrower-�perator Agr�ement, andlor require the Master Tenax�t <br /> to immediately pracure a replacement operator (including an <br /> interim operat�r where appropriate}; an�lor <br /> 2. Apply to any court, state �r federal, far specific performance of <br /> this Agreement, for an injun�tian aga�nst any violation of the <br /> Agreement, or for such�ther relief as may be appropr�ate. <br /> Notwithstanding any �ther provisions �f this agre�ment, if HUD <br /> determ�nes at any time that any �f the Permits and Approvals are at <br /> � substantial and imminent risk of being terminated, suspended or otherwise <br /> restricted, if such termination, suspension, or other restri�tion wou�d have <br /> a materially adverse effect on the Proj ect, including without limitati�n, <br /> HUD's determination that there is a substantial risk that deficiencies <br /> identified by app�icable state andlor federa� regu�atory a.ndlor funding <br /> agencies cannot be cured in such manner and within such tirne periods as <br /> wauld avoid the loss, suspension, or dim�nutian of ar�y Permits and <br /> Apprava�s that would have a mater�ally adv�rse effe�t on the Proj ect, or if <br /> HUD determines at any time that the health and safety of the residents of <br /> the Healthcare Facility axe at substantial and imminent risk, then HUD <br /> may immediately �withaut thirty �3�} days natice} declare a default under <br /> this Agreement and may imrnediately proceed ta take actions pursuarat to <br /> subsectians �a}�1} andlor(a)�2� abo��. <br /> �b� Master Tenant a�know�edges that the viable aperation af the Healthcare <br /> Facility, and thus the preser�ation of the security for the Borrawer's <br /> Security Instrument, depends upon t�mely satisfaction of debts incurred <br /> related to the operatian of the Health�are Fac��ity. In addition to fully <br /> �omplying w�th any payment obligations in the Master Lease, Master <br /> Tenant shall timely pay (or cause �perator to pay} a�i debts incurred <br /> related to the operation vf the Health�are Faci�ity, provided, Master <br /> Pre�ious versions obsolete Page T of'i4 �vrm HUD-9233?-�FtCF �Re�.�31�3} <br />