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��14��137 <br /> a�teration, relinquishment or terminatian, Master Tenant will ad�is� HUD <br /> and Lender pramptly. <br /> �c� Except as �therwise pro�ided below or in Program �bligations, Master <br /> Tenant sha�l electronically deliver, within twa (�} Business Days after <br /> Master Tenant's re�eipt thereaf, t� the ass�gned HUD personnel and <br /> Lender, copies of any and all notices, reports, surveys and other <br /> corre�ponden�e (regardless af form� received �y Master Tenant from any <br /> �overnmental Author�ty that in�ludes any statement, finding or assertion <br /> that �i} Master Tenant, the Healthcaxe Facility, or any portion of the � <br /> Proj ect is or may be in vi�lati�n of�or default under� any of the Perrnits <br /> and Approvals or any governmental requirements applicab�e thereto, �11� <br /> any of the Permits and Approvals �.re to be terminated, ��mited in any vvay, <br /> or not renewed, �ii�� any civil m�ney penalty is being imposed, or (iv} <br /> Master Tenant, the �perator, the Healthcare Fa��lity, or any portion of the <br /> Pr�j e�t is subj ect to any governmental investigatinn or �nquiry involving <br /> fraud. Master Tenant sha11 also deliver to the Pr�ject's HUD-ass�gn�d <br /> personnel and Lender, simultaneously with delivery thereof ta any <br /> governmental authority, any and all responses given by or an beha�f of <br /> Master Tenant to any of the faregoing and shall pr�vide to the HUI] <br /> persanne� and Lender, promptly upon request, such information regaxding <br /> any �f the foregoing as HUI] or Lender may request. Unless othet-�vise <br /> requested hy HUD, the reporting requirement af this provision shall not <br /> encompass regu�ators' cammunications relating sole�y t� Licensed <br /> Nursing Fa�ility surve�s where the most se�ere citation level is at the "G" <br /> leve� or its equival�nt �pursuant tn �MS State �perations Manual, �hapter <br /> 7, as may hereafter be edit�d or updated, or ar�y successor guidance� <br /> unless a citation at such 1eve1 is either �i} unresol�ed from the two rnost <br /> recent consecutive prior surveys, or (i�} �s a repeat vialat��n having the <br /> same citation number. Moreover, unless atherwise requested by HUD �r <br /> Lender, the initial c�mmunication from the �perat�r pursuant to th�s <br /> paragraph shall be a notice by ema�l to the Lender describing the c�nduct <br /> cited,the scope and duration of remedy�ies} imposed, ar�d the timelines for <br /> corrective actions. Then7 un�ess otherwise requested by HUD or Lender, <br /> the next communication from the �perator shai� be notification that the <br /> �itations have been cleared by the issuing regulatory agency. The receipt <br /> by HUD andlor Lender of notices, rep�rts, surveys, Correspondence and <br /> ather information shall nat in any way imp�se any obligation or liabilit� <br /> on HUD, Lender�r their respective agents, representatives or d�signees to <br /> take (ar refrain fram taking} any action, and HUD, Lender and their <br /> res�ective agents, representat�ves and designees shall have no liabi�ity f�r <br /> any fai�ure to act therenn or as a resu�t thereof, <br /> �d) The Mast�r Tenant shall at a�l times maintain, or �ause to be ma�ntained, <br /> in full force and effect the Permits and Approvals. �]Vithout the prior <br /> written consent of HUD, Master T�narit sha�l n�t convey, assign, <br /> encumber, transfer, re��nquish or ali�nate from the Pr�j ect any of the <br /> Pre�ious versians obsolete Page 5 of'�4 fvrm HUD-92331-�RCF �Rev.�31�3} <br />