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��14��141 <br /> �a} Subj ect t� subsecti�n (�� bel�w, up�n any ��olation af any pr�visian af <br /> th�s Agr�ement by �perator, HUD may give written notice �"Notice of Violatian"} thereof to <br /> �peratnr, with a copy to Borrower and Lender. �peratar shall have thirty �3�} days following <br /> receipt af such natice in which to cure any such violation, provided that HUD shall extend such <br /> thirty [3�� day period by su�h time as HUD may reasonably determine is necessary to c�rrect the <br /> violatian far so �ong as, HUD determines, �n �ts reas�nable discreti�n, that: �i) B�rrower is <br /> timely satisfying all payment obligations in the Loan Documents; �ii}none of the Permits and <br /> Approvals materia� tv the operation �f the Healthcare Fa�ility is at substar�tial and imrn�nent risk <br /> �f being terminated, suspended or otherw�se restr��ted in such a way that such termination, <br /> suspension or restriction wau�d have a mat�r�ally adverse effect on the �peratian of the <br /> Healthcar� Faci��ty; (iii} such vi�Iation cannot reasonably be corrected during such thirty (3�} <br /> day period, but can reasonably be carre�ted �n a time�y manner, and �iv�cure is cammenced <br /> during such thirty (3�} day period and ther�after dilig�ntly and continuously pursued. If upon <br /> the expiration of such cure per�od, the violation has not been �ured to HUD's satisfaction, HUD <br /> may, without further notice, declare an Event of I]efau�t. <br /> �b� Upon declax�ng an Event of Default, HUD may W�th�ut limitation: <br /> �i� Terminat� or cause the terminat�on of any Borrower-�perator <br /> Agreement, seek the appointment of a receiver for the Healthcare <br /> Facility, andlor require Barrawer to �mmediate�y procure a <br /> replacement operator (including an �nterim operator vvhere <br /> appropriate�. <br /> (�i� Appl� to any �ourt, state or federal, f�r specif c p�rformance of <br /> this Agreement, for an injuncti�n against any vialation of this <br /> Agreement, or far such other relief as may be appropriate. <br /> (c� Not�withstanding any other provisians of this Agreement, �f HUD <br /> determines at any time that any of the Permits and Approvals are at substantial and imminent risk <br /> of being terminated, suspended or otherwise restri�t�d, if such termination, suspension, or other <br /> restriction would have a materially adverse effe�t on the Proje�t, includ�ng without lim�tation, <br /> HUD's determination that there is a substant�al risk that deficiencies identified by appl�cable <br /> state andlor federal regulatory andl�r funding agencies �annot be cured in such manner a.nd <br /> within such time periods as w�uld avoid the �oss, suspension, or diminution af any Permits and <br /> Approvals that wou�d have a materia�ly ad�erse effect an the Proj ect, or if HUD determines at <br /> any time that th� health and safety of the residents of the Heaithcare Facility are at substantial <br /> and imminent risk, then HUD may immediately �vv�thaut thirty (3�} days n�tic�} de�lare an <br /> Event of Default �f this Agreement and may immediately proceed to take acti�ns pursuant to <br /> subsectivns �b�(i} andlor�b}�ii} above. <br /> �d} �perator agree� that, in the event that HUD requires a replacement <br /> operatar pursuant to this Agreement, �perat�r shall cooperate �vith such replacement and take a�l <br /> actions necessary t� (i} pr�vide for an orderly transition to the replacement operator of li�ensed <br /> aperations with app�icab�e Medicaxe and Medi�aid certifications intact, �ii) maintain norma� <br /> operati�ns, (iii� avoid displacem�nt of residents, and �iv� transfer all transferable pr�vider <br /> Pre�ious��rsions obsolete Page 9 a�'IS farm HUD-974fi6A-�R�F (Rev. �81�3} <br /> Replaces HUD-9z4GG-NHL <br />