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��14��141 <br /> �iii� �enters for Medicare �1C� M�C�1Ca1C� S�I`Vl�eS �"CMS"}, or any <br /> applicable �r successor authority, or its agent, issues a notice to <br /> �p�rat�r of a den�al of payments by �MS (or a fiscal <br /> intermediary� far new admissions at the Healthcare Facility; <br /> ��v} CMS, or its agent, designates the Healthcare Faci�ity to be a <br /> "Specia� Fo�us Faci�ity77 ar another g�vernmenta.l authority has <br /> made an equivalent design�tion; <br /> �v} A notice is issued to �perator of a proposed denial, refusal to <br /> issue, ar termination of the Permits a.nd Approvals for the <br /> Hea�thcare Fac�l�ty; or <br /> (vi} A second revisit survey is required as a result nf fa�Iure to clear <br /> defi�iencies cited in any survey or equivalent examination by any <br /> applical�le government authority. <br /> �b} The Consu�tant shall review the management af the Hea�thcare Facility <br /> and, subj ect to applicable legal requirements gn�erning the �onfidentiality of patient re�ords, <br /> have �omp�ete access to th� Healthcare Fac��ity and its records, affices and faci�ities in arder to <br /> carry aut its duties under such engagement. �perat�r shall instruct �onsultant to prepare and <br /> del�ver to HUD, the Lender, and �perator a written report, �n a format appr�ved by HUD, af the <br /> �ansultant's findings and rec�mm�ndations re�ated to the operational andlor financial <br /> deficiencies noted in HUD's written notice to �perator, within thirty (3�� calendar days after its <br /> engagement. <br /> (c} �perator shall, within twenty �2�} Business I]ays �f re��iving <br /> Cansultar�t's report, implement any and al� reas�r�able recammendat��ns, as approved by HUD in <br /> cansultatian with �perator, Lend�r, and Borrawer, made by th� �onsultant to address any <br /> performance def ciencies, provided hnWever, �n na event shall �perator implem�nt any <br /> recommendations that are in c�nfli�t with Pr�gram �bligations or atherwise not in compliance <br /> with this Agreement or any other lega�requirements. <br /> (d� HUD's decision t� require ar n�t require the engagement of a �onsultant <br /> is within HUD's so�e discretion and such decision shall not affe�t or timit any of HUI]'s ather <br /> rights and remedies, nor�ause HUD to be deemed the operatar of the Healthcare Facil�ty. <br /> 7. RISK MANAGEMENT PR��RAM. In a�cordan�e with Program�b�igations, <br /> �perator shall implement and maintain a risk management program vvhi�h incorporates a real- <br /> time incident reporting and track�ng system that infarms �perator's senior management of a1Z <br /> in�idents with the potential to expose th� �perat�r to liabil�ty for personal inj ury or other <br /> damages. Each incident must be reviewed by �perator's apprapriately-trained professianal staff, <br /> and su�h staff must follaw-up �n incidents as necessary. The risk management program must <br /> inClude appropriate training for��erat�r's staff. <br /> 8. N�TI�E �F VI�LATI�N ANI3 EVENT �F DEFAULT. <br /> Pre�ivus�ersians absvlete Page 8 of'IS fvrm HUD-9�4SSA-�RCF�Re�.�81�3} <br /> Replaces H U D-924�G-N H L <br />