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��14��134 <br /> "Borrawer" shai�mean the entit��dentified as"Borrower" �n the first paxagraph of this <br /> Agreement, t�gether with any successors, heirs, and assigns {jaintly and s�vera��y}. "Borrower" <br /> sha�l inc�ude any person or entity taking title to the Mort�aged Pr�perty whether or not such <br /> person ar entity assumes the Note. "BorroWer" is sornetimes alsa referred to in the Loan <br /> I]�cuments and Program �b�igations as the "�b��gor,"t�'le "�wner,"andlor the "Mortgagor." <br /> "Borrower-�perator Agreem�nt"means a,ny agreement relating to th� operation o�the <br /> Healtbcare Facil�ty by and between Master Tenant and �perator, including any <br /> �perator Lease. <br /> "Barrower's Security Instrument"means the Healthcare Deed of Trust Securi <br /> A�reement,Assi�nment�f_Rents�and Fixture Filin�,{Nebraska}, and shall be deemed to be <br /> the mortgage as defined by Program�bligations. <br /> "Distribution"means any d�sbursa�, con�eyance, loan�r transfer of�ash, any asset af Borrower, <br /> or any other pvrt�on of the M�rtgag�d Property; other than in payment of Reasana�le �perating <br /> Expenses. <br /> "Firm Cammitment"means th� c�mmitment for insurance of ad�ances or commitment far <br /> insurance upon completi�n, dated Au ust 25 2�14 to ether with an extensions or <br /> amendments thereto, issued to Lend�r by HUI] under which the debt evidenced by the Note is <br /> to be insur�d pursuant to a Sect�on of the National Housing Act. <br /> "Fixtures"has the meaning set farth in the Borrawer's Secu.rity Instrument. <br /> "Healthcare Facil�ty" means that portion of the Proj e�t operated on the Land as a Nursing <br /> Home, Intermed�ate �are Faci�it�, Board and Car� Home, Assisted Living Facility andlor any <br /> other healthcare facility authorized to receive insured mortgage financ�ng pursuant to S��tion <br /> 232 of the Nationa� Housing Act, as amended, including any�ommercial space included in the <br /> facility. <br /> "HUD"means the U.S. Department of H�using and Urban De��l�prnent acting by and thr�ugh <br /> the Secretary in the capacity as insurer or ho�der�f the Loan under the autharity of the National <br /> Hausing Act, as amended,th� Department of Housing and Urban Development Act, as amended, <br /> or any other federa� law or regu�ation pertaining to the Loan or the Proj e�t. <br /> "Impro�em�nts"has the meaning set forth in the Borrower's Security Instrument. , <br /> "Indebtedness"means the�rincipai of, inter�st on, and a11 �ther amounts due at any time under <br /> the Note or the Loan Documents, including prepayment prem�ums, late �harges, default interest, <br /> and advances to pr�tect the securit�as provided in the Laan Dacuments. <br /> "Land"has the meaning set f�rth in the Borrower's Securit� Instrum�nt and is also legally <br /> desCribed on E�hibit A, attached heret� and incorporated here�n. <br /> "Lender"means the entity ident�fied as "L�nder" in the first paragraph of the B�rrower's <br /> Security Instrument, or any subsequent holder of the Not�, and whenever the term"Lender" is <br /> used herein,the same sha�l be de�med to include the "�bligee", ar the "Trustee(s}" and the <br /> Pre�ivus�ersions obsole#e Page 3 of 28 form H U D-924GG-�RC F�Rev.�3113} <br />
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