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��14��134 <br /> This Hea�thcare Regulatory Agreement—Borrower�this"Agreement"} is entered int� <br /> th�s l�t day of SeUtem her,2�14,�etween GRAND ISLAND BI�KF�RD ��TTA�E, <br /> L,L.�. a limited liabili com an organ�zed and existing under the laws of Kansas,Whose <br /> address is clo National Health In�estors Inc. �22 Robert Rose Dr��e Murfr�esbar� <br /> Tennessee 37129, its successors,heirs, and assxgns �jointly and severaily} ("Borrower"� and the <br /> U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Deve�opment, acting by and thraugh the Secreta.ry, �115 <br /> or her suc�essors, assigns or des�graates ("HUD"}. Barrower is sometimes also referred t�as <br /> "�wner" or"Mortgagor" in the Loan Dacuments and Program �bligations. If Borrower is alsa <br /> �peratar,references in thi�A�reement to �perator r�fer to Borrower. To the extent that <br /> BQrrawer contracts with any�ther party ta perform any functions included in this Agre�ment, <br /> Barrower sha11 ultimate respansibi�ity for performan�e of all required function� <br /> inc luded here in. <br /> In consideration af, and in exchange for an actxon by HUD, HLTD and Barrovver agre�t� <br /> the terms�f this Agreement. The HUD action may be one of the fo��awing: HUD's <br /> endorsement for insurance of the Note, HUI]'s consent to the transfer of any of the Martgaged <br /> Praperty,HUD's sale and conveyance of any�f the Mortgaged Pr�perty, ar HUI]'s consent to <br /> other actions related to B�rrower,the Project, or to the Mortgaged Property. <br /> Barrower and HUD execute this Agreement in order to comply with Program <br /> �bligatians, with the r�qu�rem�nts af the National Housing Act, as amended, and the regulatians <br /> adapted by HLJI3 pursuant thereto. This Agreement sha11 cor�tinue dur�ng such per�od�f time as <br /> HUD shal�be th� owner,holder, ar insurer of the Note. LJpon sat�sfactian of the N�te, as <br /> evidenced by the discharge ar releas� of the Borra�v�r's Security Instrument,this Agreement <br /> sha�� aut�rnatical�y term�nate. Howe�rer,Borrower shal��e responsible for any violations of this <br /> Agreement which occurred priar to termination. <br /> Vio�at�vn of this Agreement or Pr�gram�b�igations may subject B�rrower and other <br /> signatories hereta to adv�rs�ac�ions. <br /> Barrower and HLTI] ��v�nant and agree as fa�i�ws: <br /> I. DEFINITI�NS. <br /> 1. DEFINITI�NS. Any�apita.lized term or word used here�n but not defined shall <br /> have the meaning given to such t�rm in the Barrower's Security Instrument. The following <br /> terms,when used �n this Agreement�including when used in the above recitals}, sha1�ha�e the <br /> following meanings,vvhether capitalized or not and whether singular or plural,unless, in the <br /> context, an�ncongruity results: <br /> "Affiliate" �s defined in�4 C.F.R. 2U�.2�5, ar any suc�e�sor regu�atian. <br /> "Appro�ed Use"means the use of the ProjeGt for th�operation af the H�alth�are Facility as an <br /> ass�sted li��n facili with 37 units and such other uses as may be ap�roved in writing from <br /> time to time by HUD based upon a request made by Borrower, Master Tenant, or�perator,hut <br /> excludXng any uses t�iat are discontinued with the wr�tten appro�al of HUI]. <br /> Rre�ious�ersions vbsole#e Page 2 of 28 form HUD-9246S-�R�F�Re�.fl3l13} <br />