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��14��133 <br /> 5. EX�ULPATI�N. Except for persanal �iability expressly pro�id�d for in this <br /> Security Instrument or in the Note or in the Barrower's Regulatory Agreement,the execution of <br /> the Nat� shal� impose n�personal lial�ility upon Borrower or National Health In��stors,Inc., <br /> Michael D. Eby,Joseph A.,Eb and Andrew P. E�for payment of the Indebt�dness <br /> evidenced thereby, and in the Event af Default, the holder of the Note shal� �ook solely ta the <br /> Mortgaged Proper�y in sat�sfaction of the Indebtedness and wi11 n�t seek or obtain any defi�iency <br /> �r persona�judgment against Borrawer ar National Health In�estors Inc. MichaQl D. Eh <br /> Joseph A. Ebv ,and Andrew„P.�, except such judgment or decree as may be necessary to <br /> forecl�se or bar its interest in the Mortgaged Pro er� and a�l other ro ert m�rt a ed, led ed, <br /> � Y p p �' � g p � <br /> con�eyed or assigned to se�ure payment of the Indebtedness; pro�ided,that nothing�n this <br /> Section� of this Security Instrument and no action so taken shall operate ta impa�r any <br /> obligation of Borrower under the Borrower's Reguiatory Agreement. <br /> 7. DEP�SITS F�R TA�ES,INSURAIITCE AND �THER�HAR�ES. <br /> �a� Borrower shal�pay to and deposit with Lender,together vvith and in addition to <br /> the monthly paymerits of interest or of principal and interest payabl� under the terms of the Note , <br /> on the first day of ea�h month after the commencement of amort�zation under the Note, and <br /> continuing until the debt secured hereby is paid in full�the fallowing sums: <br /> �1� an amount suffic�ent t�pro�ide L�nder with funds to pay the next <br /> mortgage insurance prem ium if this Security Instrument and the 1�Tote are <br /> insured by HL1D, �r a monthly ser�ice charge, if they are held by HLII], as <br /> fallows: <br /> �i} If and s� long as the Note is insur�d under the pr��is�nns of the <br /> National Housing Act, as amended, an amount suff cient to <br /> accumulate in the hands of Lender one month prior to its due date <br /> the annual mortgage insurance premium; or <br /> �u} If and so long as the Note and this Security �nstrument are held by <br /> HUD, a manthly service charge in an am�unt equal to the lesser of <br /> the amount permitted by lavv or one-twelfth of one-half(�Il� of <br /> 112�percent of the a�erage outstanding principa� balance due on <br /> the Note�omputed fvr each succ�ssive year heginning with the <br /> f�rst day nf the month foll�vving the date of this Security <br /> �nstrument, or the first day of the month follovving assignment, if <br /> the Note and this Security Instrument are assigned t� HUD w�thout <br /> taking into account d�linquenc�es or prepayment; and <br /> �2} a sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due,plus the premiums that <br /> will next become due and payable on poliCies of f�re and other property <br /> insurance covering the premises co�ered hereby,pius vvater rates, Taxes, <br /> municipailgo�ernment util�ty charges and special assessments next due on <br /> the premises covered here�y �all as estimated by Lender} �ess all surns <br /> already paid therefore divided by the number of months t�the date vvhen <br /> such ground rents,prem ium s, water rates, Taxe s, mun�c ipalluti�ity charge s <br /> Previous�ersions absolete Page 16 of 4� form HUD-94a��-�RCF�Re�.Q3113} <br />