<br /> (d} A�l awards na�v or h�reafter made ("Awards"} vvith respect to the Land as a
<br /> result of�i� the exercis� nf th� power af condemnation or eminent domain, or the police pawer,
<br /> �ii�the alteration of the grade of any stre�t, or(iii� any ather injury or decrease in the value af the
<br /> Land (including �ut not limited to any destruction or decrease in the value hy fire or other
<br /> casuaity}, whether or not any of the property described in this item �d� constitutes accounts,
<br /> chattel paper, documents, general intangibl�s, �nstruments, in�estment proper�y, deposit
<br /> accounts, or rnaney;
<br /> �e} All land surveys, plans and specifications, drawings, briefs and other work
<br /> praduCt and ather papers and recnrds n��v or hereafter used in the construction, rec�nstruction,
<br /> alteration, repair or operation�f the Land;
<br /> (f� All licenses, permits, certificates and agreements for the pro�ision of proper�y or
<br /> 5eI`V1C�5 �n �C lI1 C4I7I1eCtlaXl Wlt�'l, or otherwise benefitir�g, the Land andlor the healthcare faci�ity
<br /> situated on the Land �the "Healthcare Facility"}, any nursing home license, assisted living
<br /> facility l�cense, any and a�l Medica�dlMedicar�ITRICAREICHAMPU� or other go�ernmental
<br /> insurance pro�ider agreements �"Pro�ider Agreements"}, and any other license necessary for
<br /> the pro�isi�n of ser-rvic�s at the Land andlor the operation of the Healthcare Facility. Provided
<br /> that this collateral description sha�1 be construed as��idencing the grant of a security interest,the
<br /> assignmer�t of recei�ables,the giving domini�n and contro�, or des�gnation of an attorn�y-in-fact,
<br /> with resp�ct to the �o�ernment Recei�ables Accounts or �overnment Payments ta the greatest
<br /> extent permitted by and n�t in violation of �i� applicable law, naw enacted andlor hereafter
<br /> amended, and �i i� the Pro�ider Agreements. For purposes herein, "Go�ernment Receivabies
<br /> Accounts" shall mean separate deposit account�s} into which only �overnment Payments ar�
<br /> ` depasited, and "Go�ernment Payments" shall mean a payment from a go�ernmental entity and
<br /> sha�l includ�, without limitat�on, payments go�erned under the Socia� Security Act �42 U.S.�. §�
<br /> 1395 et seq.}, incXud�ng payments under Medicar�, Medicaid and TRI�AREICHAMPUS, and
<br /> payments administered or regu�ated by the �ent�rs for Medicare a�d Medicaid Ser�ices of the
<br /> U.S. Department of H�alth and Human Services; �
<br /> (g� All funds, monies, securities and other property held in escrow, lock boxes,
<br /> depos�tory or hlacked accounts or as res�rves and a11 rights to receive �or to ha�e distributed to
<br /> the Debtor} any funds, monies, securiti�s or property held in escrovv, lack boxes, d�positary �r
<br /> b��cked accounts �r as reser�es inc�uding but not limited to all of Debtor's rights �if any� ta any
<br /> funds ar am�unts in that certain reser�e funds andlar residual receipts accounts creat�d under any
<br /> regulatory agreement required by the Secretary of Hausing and Urban De�elopment or the
<br /> Federal Housing Administrativn�ommissioner;
<br /> �h) All accounts, accounts receivable, general intangibles, chattel paper, �nstrum�nts,
<br /> and any rights to payment evidenced by instrument(s}, dacum�nts, in�entory, goods, �ash, cash
<br /> proceeds, bank acc�unts, depasit accounts, certificates �f deposits, securities, insurance policies,
<br /> ietters of credit, letter of credit rights, deposits, jud�ments, �iens, causes of actian, warranties,
<br /> guaranties and al� other properties ar�d assets of the Del�t�r,tangible or intangible, vvhether or not
<br /> similar to the prop�rty described in this item (h). As used herein, the term "accounts
<br /> re�ei�able" shall include �i} all healthcare insurance receivables, includ�ng, but n�t limited to
<br /> Medicaid and Medicare receivab�es, Veterans Administration or other go�ernmental receivab�es,
<br /> private patient r�cei�ables, and HM� 1 U r�ceivables; �ii� any payments due or to be made to the
<br /> B-�
<br />