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��14��139 <br /> NAME n�FIRST❑EBTQR 1A QR 18 �N RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT <br /> ORGANIZATiDN�S NAME <br /> JV BICKF�RD MASTER TENANT,LLC <br /> INOIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MI�DLE NAME SUFFI?C <br /> NAME�F FIRST SECURE❑PARTY 3A�R 3B �N RELATE❑FINANClNG STATEMENT <br /> �RGANIZATI4N'S NAME <br /> KEYBANK NATI�NAL ASS(l�IATI�N <br /> INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MiDDLE NAME,SUFFI}C <br /> E�HIBIT B T�U�� FINANCIN�STATEMENT <br /> A11 of the fol�owing describ�d property and interests in property, whether n�w ltl <br /> existence or h�reafter arising, relating ta, situated, or lncated on, or used or usable in connectian <br /> - with, the maintenance andlor operation af the praperty des�ribed in Exhibit A �her�after referred <br /> to as the"Land"}: <br /> �a} Ail fixtures, furniture, equipment and ather goods and ta.ngible personal property <br /> af e�ery kind and descriptinn whatsoever now �r hereafter located or�, in or at the Land, <br /> includir�g, but not limited ta, all lighting, laundry, incinerating and power equipment; all engines, <br /> bo�lers, ma�hines, radiators, motors, furnaces, compressors and transformers; ali power <br /> generating equipment; all pumps, tanks, ducts, conduits, wire, 5W1�C�"l�S, electr�cal equipment, <br /> and �xtures, fans and switchb�ards; a11 telephone eQuipment; ali piping, tubing and plumbing <br /> eyuipm�nt and fi�tures; al� heating, refrigeration, air-�ond�tioning, coo�ing, ventilating, <br /> sprinkling, water, power, waste dispasal and communications equipment, systerns and apparatus; <br /> a11 water caolers and water heaters; all fire pre�ention, alarm and extinguishing systems and <br /> apparatus; all �leaning equipment; all iift, ele�ator and escalat�r equipment and apparatus; a1� <br /> partitions, shades, blinds, awnir�gs, screens, screen doors, storm daors, �xterior and inter�or signs, <br /> gas fixtures, sto�es, o�ens, refri�erators, garbage disposals, dishwashers, kitchen and laundry <br /> �xtures, utensils, appl�ances and e�uipm�nt, ca�inets, mirrors, mantles, flo�r co�erings, carp�ts, <br /> rugs, draperies and other furnishings and furniture novv or hereafter installed ar used or usable in <br /> the operation of any part of the buildings, structures or improvements er�cted or tn be erected in <br /> or upon the Land and e�ery replacement thereof, �.CC�5514�1 theret�, or substitution therefor, <br /> whether or not a�l of the abo�� are r�ow or hereafter acquired or attached to the Land i�n any <br /> manner; <br /> (b� A11 articles of tangil�le persona� property nnt otherwise described hereir� which are <br /> n�w or hereafter tocated in, attached to �r used in, on or about the bui�dings, structures or <br /> impro�ements now or hereafter l�cated, placed, erected, ��nstructed or�uilt on th� Land and all <br /> r�placements ther�of, accessions thereta, or substitution therefar, whether or n�t the sam� are, or � <br /> will be, atta�hed ta such buildings, structures�r impro�ements in any manner; <br /> (c} All rents, Ieases and guarantees of leases, subleases and guarantees of subleases, <br /> income, revenues, issues, prof ts, r�yalties and other �enefits arising ar derived or to be dert�ed <br /> from, or re�ated to, directly ar indirectiy, the Land, whether or nat any of the property described <br /> in this item �c� constitut�s accounts, chattel paper, dacuments, general intar�gibles, instruments or <br /> money; <br /> B-1 <br />