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��14���53 <br /> senten�es shall n�t apply to �he presence, use, or storage an�he Prop�rty of sma�� quan�it�es of Hazardous <br /> Subs�ances that are generally re�ognized to be apprapriate to norma� reszdentia�uses and to ma�nt�nance af <br /> the Praper�y ��ncluding, but n�t limited to, hazardous substances �n consumer pr�duc�s}. <br /> Barrow�r shall promptly g��e Lender wr�tten no�ic��f�a} any �nves��gat��n, c�az�m, demand, �awsuit or other <br /> ac�i�n by any ga�ernm�n�a� ar regu�atary agency or prxva�e par�y invalving the Pr�per�y and any Hazardous <br /> Su�stance or Environmen�a� Law of wh�ch Borrower has ac�ua� knowledge, �b} any Environmen�a� <br /> �onditian, in��ud�ng bu�na���m�ted�a, any sp����ng, �eak�ng, discharge, release or threat af re�ease�f any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and �c} any condit�on caused b��he presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> whi�h ad�ersely affects the�atue of the Praperty. �f Barrawer learns, or is notified by any gavernmen�a� or <br /> regulatary authority, �r any private par�y, that any rem�va� �r other remediat��n�f any Hazardaus Substanc� <br /> affecting the Proper�y is necessary, Borr�u�er shail pramp��y�ake al� necessary remedza� a�t�ons�n <br /> accordanc�wi�h Enviranmenta� Law. N�thing here�n sha�� crea�e any ab��gation an Lender fflr an <br /> En�ironmenta� C�eanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Cn�enants. Borrovver and Lender covenan�and agree as f�l�ows: <br /> 2�, Acceleration; Remed�es. Lender sha�l giv�n��ice to Borr�wer pr�or tio acce��ra�ion following <br /> Borraw�r's�reach nf any cnv�nan�or agreem�nt�n th�s Securi�y Ins�runr�ent �but not prior�o <br /> acce�erat�on under Se���on 18 un�ess App��ca��e La►�v pra�ide�o�herwise}. The na�ice sha��5pecify: �a} <br /> the defau��; �b} �he a�tian required to cur�the default; �c� a da�e, not�ess than 34 days fram�he date <br /> �he no��ce is gi�en�a Borrower, by which the default mus�be cured; and �d} �ha� failure�o curQ the <br /> default an ar before the date specified in the no�ice ma�resul�in acceiera�inn of�he sums secured�y <br /> �hi�Securi�y Instrument and sa�e of t�e Proper�y. The no��ce sha��Fur�her�nfornl Borrower of�he <br /> right�o reins�a�e af�er acceierax�on and�he r�gh��o br�ng a court act�on�o asser�the non�exis�en��of a <br /> defaul�or any vther defense af Borrower to acce�erat�vn and sale. If�he default is not cured�n flr <br /> beforQ the date spec�f�ed in�he noticey Lender a���s op�ivn may require imm�dia�e payment�n fu�� af <br /> a��sums secured by this Secur��y Instrumen�w�thout fur�her demand and may�nvoke�he paw�r of 5ale <br /> and any other remedi�s permit�ed by Applicab�e Law. Lender sha���e ent�t�ed�o coZ��ct a��e�p�nses <br /> �ncurred�n pursuing�he rem�d��s pro�v�ded in this Sect�on�2, �nc�ud�ng, bu�no��im��ed�o, rea��nable <br /> attorn��s' fees and costs af t����ev�dence. <br /> If the power of saie�s�nvoked, Trustee sha��record a notice of default in each coun�y in whi�h any <br /> part of�hQ Property�s�ocated and sha�l rnaa��cop�es of such natice in�he manner pres�r�bed by <br /> App��ca��e Law ta Bvrrvwer and ta the o�her persons prescrxb�d by Appli�ab��Law. Aft�r�he��ame <br /> required b� Appiicab�e Law, Trus�ee shall give pub�ic no��ce of sa�e to�he persflns and�n�he n�anner <br /> prescribed�y Applicable Law. Trust��, �v��hout d�mand an Borrower, sha��s����he Proper�y a�pub�ic <br /> auc�ion�o the highes�b�dder a�the t�m�and p�a��and under the�erms designated in the notice of sale <br /> in vne or more parCe�s and in any arder Tru�tee det�rm�ne�. 'Trus�ee may postpone saie of ai�or any <br /> parc��nf thQ Property by pubiic announcenaent a�the time and place�f any previausly scheduled�ale. <br /> Lender ar�ts designee may purchase the Praperty at any sale. <br /> Upon receip�of paym�n� af�h�pr�ce b�d, Trus�e�shal� de�iver to�he�urcha�er Tru��ee's deed <br /> canve��ng the Frop�r�y. The rec�ta���n the Trust��'s deed�ha��b�pr�nr�a facie ev�dence vf the truth af <br /> �he stat�ments made the�e�n. Trustee sha��app�y the proceeds of�he sa�e in�he fa��owing order: 4a� �a <br /> a�� �os�s and expenses of exercising�he power of sa�e, and�he sale, �nc�uding the payment of�he <br /> Trus�ee's fees ac�ually incurred and reasanab�e attarneys' fees as perm���ed by Appli�able Law; �b} �a <br /> all�ums�ecured bx�his Security Ins�rument; ar�d �c} an�exeess�o the persan or persans Zega��y <br /> enti�ied ta i�. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFqRM lNSTRUM�NT Farm 3D28�1�� <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE��7 3021 <br /> Wofters Kluwer Financ�af 5er�i�es Page�4 af 17 <br />