<br /> �n the Proper�y and rights under this Se�uri�y �ns�rument; and�d� �akes such ac�ion as Lender ma�
<br /> r�astinab�y r�quire t� assure that Ilender's �nterest in the Proper��and r�gh�s under this Secur�ty �nstrunr�ent,
<br /> and Borrov�rer's ob�igatian�o pa��he sums secured by this Se�uri�y �nstrun�en�, shall cont�nu�unchanged.
<br /> L.ender may require that Borraw�r pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or mare of�he follawing
<br /> farms, as se�ected by Lender: �a} cash; ���m�ney order; �c} �erti�ed�heck, bank check, treasurer's�heck or
<br /> cashi�r's check, pro��ded any such check �s dra�n upon an inst�tut�on whase deposits are insured by a
<br /> federal agenc�, instrumental�ty ar�ntit�; or�d} �lectronic Funds Transfer, Up�n reinsta�ement b� Borro�ver,
<br /> �h�s Security Instrument and o�lzga�ians secured hereb� sha�� rema�n fui�y effec�i�e as if no ac��lera�ian had
<br /> occurred. ��we�er, this righ�to reins�ate sha1� not app�y in the case of accelera�i�n und�r 5ec�ion �S.
<br /> 2�). Sale vf Nate; Change of Loan Ser�icer; Notice vf Grie�ance. The Note or a partial interest in�he
<br /> Nate��ogether vvith fhis Security �nstrum�n�}can be so�d one or more times v�ithout pr��r not�ce�o
<br /> Borrav��r. A sale might result in a�hange �n the entity�known as�he "Laan �'ervicer"} �ha�co��ects P�riodi�
<br /> Payments due under the No�e and th�s Security �nstrur�ent and p�rfarms other mor�gage ioa� ser��c�ng
<br /> �bl�ga�ions under the Na�e, �his Securit}�Instrum�nt, and App�ica�le Law. There also might b�one�r rnore
<br /> changes of th�Laan Servicer unreiated to a sale of�h�Note. �f�here is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Bnrro�rer wil�b�gi�en wri��en not�ce�f the�hang�wh�ch wi�� s�ate the name and addresS of�he ne�vv Laan
<br /> Servicer, �he address�o which payments shauld�e made and any ather xnfarmat�on RESPA r�quires �n
<br /> connect�on w�th a n��ice of�ransfer of ser��cing. �f the Not�is sold and thereaf�er�he L.�an is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Set`�icer other�han�h�purch�ser of the No�e, the mor�gage loan ser��cing flbiiga��ons�o Barrower v�ill
<br /> r�ma�n urith the Laan Ser�i�er ar be�ransferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are no�assumed by �he
<br /> No�e purchaser unless otherwise prn�rided�y�he Note purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrow�r nor L.ender may commence,join, or�e jo�ned�o any�ud���a� action�as either an
<br /> indi�idual li�igan�or th�memb�r of a c�ass}�hat aris�� from the��her par�y's a���ons pursuan�to this
<br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�nr�ha�al�eges �hat the�ther par�y has breached any pro�v�sian of, �r any du�y�wed b�r
<br /> reason of, t�is S��uri�� Ins�rumen�, unt�l such Borrnwer or Lender has n�t�f�ed the o�her par�y �wi�h such
<br /> no��ce given in comp�iance w��h the requi�emen�s��'Section I S} af such alleged br�ach and afforded�he
<br /> ��her party here�o a reasanah�e perio�af�er the gi�ing of such notice to take carrecti�e acti�n. �f Applicable
<br /> Lav�pr�v�des a time period vvhich must e�apse bef�re cer�a�n a�t�on can be tal�en, �hat�im�.e per�ad v�ai1�be
<br /> deemed to be reasanabie for purposes of this paragraph. The no��ce of acce�eration and oppor�un�ty�o cure
<br /> gi�en�o B�rrower pursuant to S�G�ian 22 and the not�ce�f a�celera��an gi�en ta B�rrower pursuant��
<br /> Section �$ shali be d�emed ta sa�isfy th�no�ice and appar�unity to take correc�x�re ac�i�n pr�v�sions af this
<br /> Se�t��n��.
<br /> ��. Hazardaus Suhstances. As used in�his Sectian 21: �a� "F�a�ardaus Su�s�ar�ces"are�hose substances
<br /> def�ned as�o��c or hazardous substanc�s, pollutants, or was�es b� En��ronmen�al Law and the fallowing
<br /> substances: gas��ine, kerosene, o�her flammabl�or t�x�c pe�ro�eum produc�s, toxic pest�c�des and herbicides,
<br /> �o�ati�e so��ents, ma��rials containing asbestos�r formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; �b}
<br /> "Enviroyzrfi2ental.Law"means federal laws and�avvs nf th��urisdiction where�he Praperty is �o�a�ed�hat
<br /> rela�e�o health, safety or en�ir�nmen�ai pro�ec��on; �c} "Environrr�ental �'�eanup" �ncludes any response
<br /> action, remediai ac��on, or rema�a� action, as defined in En��ronmen�al Law; and �d} an ".�rivirort��ten�ar
<br /> C'ojzditiat�"means a condi�ion�hat can cause, contribute�o, or�therwise�rigger an En�ironmen�a�Cleanup.
<br /> Borr�wer shall not cause or permit�he presence, use, d�sposal, storag�, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�an�es, or threa�en�o re�ease any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in the Property. Borr�v�rer shali not do,
<br /> nor a��ov�r anyone else to do, anything affec�ing the Proper�� �a} �ha� �s in�ioiation af any �nvironmen�a�
<br /> Law, ��} wh�ch creates an Envir�nmenta� Condxt�on, or��} �h�ch, du��o��e presence, use, ar reiease of a
<br /> Hazardous Su�s�an�e, creat�s a candit�on�ha�ad��rse�}� affec�s��e va�ue of the Propert�. The preceding�wa
<br /> NEgRASKA-5ing�e Farr�ify-�annie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRLIMENT �arm 3�28�10#
<br /> VMP[� VMPfiZNE)�13QZf
<br /> Wotters Kluwer�inar�cia!5er�ices Page�3❑f 17
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