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��14���34 <br /> servi�es and subse�uent �harges ea�h time remappings or similar �hange� ot�ur whi�h reasonably might <br /> affect such d�term�natian or certificati�n. Borrower shal! also be resp�nsible for the payment of any f�es <br /> imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agenty in conne�tion with the re�iew �f any flood zone <br /> de#erminativn resulting fr�m an objection �y Borr�w�r, � <br /> If Ba�rower fa��s to maintain any of the �o►rerages descr�bed ab�ve, Lender rnay ob�a�n insuran�e�o►►erage, <br /> at �ender'��ption and B�rrower's exp�nse. �ender�s under no ob�igativn to pur�hase any particular type or <br /> amount of coverage.Therefore�such cnverage shall cov�r Lender. but migh�or might not protect Borr�wer� <br /> Borrower's equity in the Property� or the contents �f th� Properky, against any risk, hazard or liab�lity and <br /> might pro�ide greater or lesser�o�e�age than was�re�iausly �n effect. Borrawer acknowfedges that the �ost <br /> �f the insuran�e ca��rage s� ohtained rnight significantly ex�eed the cost of Ensuran�e that Borrower could <br /> ha�e abtained. Any am�unts disbursed by ��nder und�r this 5ec#�on 5 shall hecome addit�onaf debt of <br /> Bo�rower secured by this Security �nstrument. These amoun�s shal� bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shali he payable, with suth �nterest, upon noti�e from L�nder to Borr�wer <br /> req u esti ng payment. <br /> All insurance p�li�ies required by Lende�and renewals of su�h pali�ies shall be sub�e�t to ��nder's right to <br /> ��sappra�e such policies. shall include a standard m�rtgage clause, and shall name �ender as mortgagee <br /> andl�r a�an additional Ioss payee. �ender shall ha►►e the right to h�ld th� p�li�ies and renewa! cert�ficates. <br /> If L�nder requires, Barrower shall promptly gi�e to Lender al� receipts of paid premiums and renevvaf <br /> n�tices. If Borrower ohtains any f��m of insuranc� �o��rage, not oth�nivise required hy Lender, f�r damage <br /> to, or destruction af. th� Property, su�h policy shalf in��ude a standard rnortgage �lause and shall name <br /> �ender as m�rtgagee andlor as an additional lass payee. <br /> In the �vent of lass. Borr4wer shall gi�e pr�mpt notic� t� the insurance carrier and �end�r. �ender may <br /> make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrower. Unless Lender and Borrower othervrrise agre� in <br /> wr�ting, any �nsurance pra�eeds, whether or not the underlying Ensurance was r�quired by Lender, sha�l be <br /> ap�li�d to restoration or repair of the P�operty, if the restoration ar repair is ecflnom�eally feasibie and <br /> Lend�r's security is not lessened. During su�h repair and restorati�n period, Lend�r shall ha�e the right to <br /> hold 5uth �nsurance pr��eeds untii Lender has had an opportunity to inspe�t su�h Praperty to ensure the <br /> work has been ��mplete� to Lender`s satisfaction, pra�ided that such inspe�ion shal� be undertak�n <br /> promptly. �en��r may disburse pra�eeds for the repairs and restorat�on in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progr�ss payments as rhe work is comp�eted. Unless an agreement is made in wri�ing or Appiicable Lav�r <br /> requires interest tfl �e paid fln su�h insurante proteeds, Lender shai! n�t be required to pay B�rrawer any <br /> interest or�arnings�n such proceeds. Fees f�r �ublic adjust�rs, or other third parties. re�ained by Borrower <br /> shall nat b�paid out of the insurance pro�e�ds and shall he the sole obligatian of Borrowe�.If the restoration <br /> ar repair is n�t etonomically feasible or �ender's s�curity would he� insurance�roteeds shall b� <br /> appli�d to the sums s�cured by this 5e�urity Instrument. whether or not then due, with th� excess. if any, <br /> paid t� Borrower. Such insurance �ro�eeds shail be app�ied in the order pra�ided f��in Seetian 2. <br /> If Borrawer aband�ns the Property, �ender rnay file. negotiat� and settl� any a�ailable insurance claim and <br /> re�a�ed ma�ters. If B�rrflwer dves n�t respond uvithin 3D days tv a n�tice from Lender that the insuranc� <br /> c�rrier has offered �o settle a claim. then Lender may nego�iate and settle the �1aim. The 3D�ay period will <br /> hegin when the n�t�ce is gi►►en. In e��her e►►en#� or if �ender acquires the Property under Section zz ar <br /> o�herv�rise, Borr�wer hereby assigns to Lender�a) Borrower's rights to any �nsurance proceeds in an amaunt <br /> not �v exee�d the amounts unpa�d under �he Note ar �his Security Instrument. and �b� any other of <br /> Borrower's r�ghts �vther than the right ta any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower} under al! <br /> �nsurance R�lic�es c�►►ering the Property, insofar as such r�ghts are applicable to th� c���rage of the <br /> Property. �ender rna� use th� insuran�e pro�ee�s either �a repair or res�ore the Pr�perty or to pay amaunts <br /> unpa�d under the Note or�h�s 5e�urity Instrument.whether or not then due. <br /> Od7 72398�635 �itibank 3.�.84.07 V� <br /> N�BF'taSKA�ing#�Familyfannle MaelFre�die Ma�UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 30�8 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPSA(ME](130�).DO <br /> Wniters Kluwer Fina�cial 5er►�ices p�g�7 af�7 <br /> t <br /> � ; <br />