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��14���34 <br /> The Funds shall he held in an institution whose dep�sits are insured hy a f�deral agency. inst�umQntality. or <br /> en�ity {in�iuding Lend�r, if �ender is an �nstitut�an whose d�po5i�s ar� s� �nsured� or in any Federal Hame <br /> �aan Bank. Lender shall apply �he Funds to pay the Es�row Items no later than the time sp�cified under <br /> RESPA, �ender shalf n�t �ha�ge Borr4wer for holding and applying the Funds, annu�lty analyz�ng the <br /> escro�►�r ac�ount, or �er�fy�ng the EsCrovrr Items, unless Lender pays Borrawer inte�est on �he Funds and <br /> Applicable �aw perm�ts �ender t� make su�h a charge. Unles� an agre�m�nt is made in writing or <br /> Applicabie �aw requires interest to be paid on the Funds, �ender shall nat be required to pay Barrowe�any <br /> interest or earning��n the Funds. Borrower and �ender�an agree in writing, howe�er. that interest sha�l he <br /> paid on the Funds. �end�r shall gNe �o Barrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as <br /> req u i r�d by R E 5 PA. <br /> If thQre is a surplus of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA, Lender shal� aGG�unt to Borr�wer for <br /> the excess funds in ac�ordan�e with RESPA. If th�re is a shQrtage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Bor�ower shall pay ta �ender the amount <br /> ne�e5sary ta rnake[�p the shortage in accordance vu�th RESPA, but in no more than 1� manthly pay�nQnts. if <br /> there is a deficienty of Funds held in �scrow, as defined und�r RESPA, Lender shal� notify Borrower as <br /> required by RESPA� an� Bnrrawer shall pay ta �end�r the amvunt n�cessary to make up th� deficiency in <br /> accordanc�wi�h RESPA. but in no mare than 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in fu�� �f al� sums secured by this Seturity in�trumen�. Lender shall promptly refund to <br /> Barrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bvrrower shal� pay all taxes, assessments. �harges. fines. and impositi�ns attributable ta <br /> the Property wh�ch �an attain prior�ty o�er this 5�curity Instrument. leasehold payments or gr�und rents on <br /> the Property, if any, and Community Ass�ciation �ues, Fees. and Assessments, if any. To the exten� that <br /> the�e items are Escraw Items. Borrower shall pay them �n the mann�r pravided in Se�#ion 3. <br /> Borrawer shall pr�mptly dischargQ any lien which has priority o�er this S��urity Instrument Wnless <br /> Borrower: (a� agre�s in wri��ng to �h� payment �f th� obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender, but only so long as Borrow�r is performing such agreem�nt;�b�tontests th� lien in g�od faith hy. <br /> or defends agai nst�nfor�ement of the I ien i n, iega I pro�eed ings wh i ch �n Lende�`s opi n ion operate tv prevent <br /> the enfor�ement of the I�en while those pro�eedings are pending. hut only un�il su�h proteedings are <br /> eont�uded; or �c] secures fram �he holder of the lien an agreemen�sati5fa�#ory to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien to this Security�nstrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property �s su�j�ct C� a li�n whi�h <br /> �an atta�n priarity o�er th�s Se�ur�ty Instrument. �end�� may gi�� Borrower a noti�e �d�ntifying the li�n, <br /> Within �D days of�he date�n whi�h that notice is g�ven, Bo�r�wer sha�! satisfy the lien or take one or m�re <br /> of the actions set forth abv�e in thi5 Section 4. <br /> �ender may requ�re Barrower �o pa� a one�ime tha�ge far a real estate tax �erifita#ian andlor repvrting <br /> servi�e used �y l.ender in connection with this �oan, - <br /> 5. Praperty Insuranee. Borrawer sha�l keep �he impro�ements n�w existing or hereafter �re�ted on �he <br /> Pr�perty insured aga�nst Ioss by fire. ha�ards inciuded within the term "extend�d eo�erage." and any other <br /> hazards in�luding, but n�t limit�d ta� earthquak�5 and flood5. fvr whiGh �ender requir�� insuranc�. This <br /> insurance sha�l he �na�ntain�d in the am�unts �in�luding deductibte le���s} and far th� p�riods that Lender <br /> requ�res. Vllhat Lender requires pu�suant to the �r�eeding senten�es can change during the term of the Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier pror►iding the insurante sha�l be chosen by Borr�wer sub�ect ta �ender's rEght to <br /> disappr4ve Borrower's ch�ic�� which right shafl nv� be exer�fsed unreasonably. �ender rnay requir� <br /> B�rrawer to pay, in cvnn��tian uvith this Loan, either: �a} a one�me �harge for flood �one determination, <br /> certif�catian and tratking servi�es; or �b� a one�ime charge fvr flood ione determination and �ertifica�ion <br /> aa��2�9s�s�� ci�inank�.�.s�.o��� <br /> NEBRa5KA3ir�gle Familyfannfe MaelFreddle Mac LINIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3028 1101 <br /> vMP� VMPSA[NE][7302},00 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Fin�ncial 5en►ices Page 6 of 17 <br /> . <br /> t <br />