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��14����7 <br /> Inspec�ian. Lender ar i�� agent may make reasona�ble �ntries upon and �r�spec�xons of�h� Properry. L�nder shall <br /> gi�e Barrower no�ice at�he t�me of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabXe cause for the inspec�ion. <br /> �and�mnatian. The proceeds of any avvard or c�a�m.for damages, d�rect or consequential, in connecti��w�th any <br /> condemnation or ather�aking of any part of�he Proper�y, ar f�r conveyance �n lzeu of condemnati�n, are hereby <br /> assxgned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the e�en� of a total �aking �f the Property, �he pr��eeds sha�X be appl�ed to the sums se�ured by this Security <br /> �nstrum�n�, wh�ther or not then due, v��th any excess paid t� Borrawer. �n �he even� of a par�ial ta.king of�he <br /> Praper� �.n wh�ch the fa�r m.arket va�u� of the Properry �mm�d�ate�y bef�re the taking zs equa�to or greater than <br /> �he amount flf the sums secured by this 5ecurity Ins�rument immediate�y before the �aking, unless Barro�ver and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in u�r��ing,�he sums secured by�his Securi�y�ns�rument sha11 be reduced by the amount of <br /> �he praceeds mul�iplied by�he fol�o�vsring frac��an: �a��he�o�a� amoun�of th� sums secur�d immedia�ely befare�he <br /> tak�ng, divided by �b} �he fair marke�value af the Pra�er�y immediate�y b�f�re �he �aking. Any baiance sha1l be <br /> paid �a Borrower. In �he even� of a par�ial �aking of�he Froper�y in whxch �he fair market value of�he Praper�y <br /> �mmed�ately befare the �a�i.n.g �s ��ss �han the amount of�he sums secured �mmedia�e�y before the �aking, unless <br /> Borr�wer and Lender�thervW�se agree in v�ri��ng or un�ess App�xcable Law vther�ise pro�ides, �he proce�ds sha�� <br /> be applied�o�he sums secured by�his Securi�y Instrumen�whether or not�he sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Pr�pez-�y �s a�andoned by Borrawer, or if, after n��z��b�Lender tn Bnrr�vWer tha�the condemn�r affers to <br /> make an award or settle a clazm for damages, Borr�wer fails to respflnd�o Lender within�he minimum.number of <br /> days established by App��cable Law after the date the n���ce�s gi�en,Lender is au�h.or�zed�o collec�and apply the <br /> proceeds, a� �ts op�xon, either to res�orati�n or repair �f the ProperCy or �o �he sums secured by �his Security <br /> �nstrument,whe�her ar not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otiherwise agree in v�r���ng, any applicat�on of prac�eds�o princ�pal shall no�ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due date af the paymen�s due under�he Contra�t�r change�he amoun�of such payments. <br /> Barrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender No� a �V'a�ver. Ex��nszon of �he time for payment ar <br /> madxf catxon of amartiza�ion �f the sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrumen� gran�ed by Lender to Borrow�r or <br /> any succ�ssar �n in�eres� af Borrovv�r sha1� no� aper�te to rei�ase the 1�ability of th� or�gxna� Borrower �r <br /> Borrower's successors ix� interes�. L�nder shall no�be required to commence praceedzngs against any suc�essor in <br /> �nterest or refuse to ex�er�d time for paym�nt or o�hervvise modify amor��za�i�n of�he sums secured hy th�s Security <br /> Inst�rum.�nt by reason of any demand m.ade by the orig�na� Barrflwer ar Borrower's successors in interes�. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender in exerc�s�ng any right or remed� shall nat be a v�ai�er of or preclude �he exerc�se of an� <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assign� B�und; Joint and Se�era� Liab���ty; Accomrnodatian Signer�. The ca�enan�s and <br /> agreem�nts flf th�s S��urity�nstrumen�shall bu�.d and benefzt�he successors and ass�gns of Lender and Borrovver, <br /> �ul��ec� �a the provis�ons of sec��on �i�Ied Transfer of the Pr�p�rty or a Benef�c�al Interest �n Borrower. <br /> Borrower's c��enants and agreemen�s shal�be j oint and several. Any persan who co-szgns this 5ecur�ty Instrum�n� <br /> but has no personal Xxability und�r �he Contrac� �"Accommadati�n Signer"}: �a� is cv-s�gning thzs Security <br /> �ns�rument on�y to mor�gage, grant and convey �hat Accomumadat�on 5igner's in�erest in �he ProperCy under �he <br /> �erms of �he Secu.rity �ns�rument; �b} is nat pers�nally ob��ga�ed �o pay the sums secured b� �h�s 5ecurzty <br /> Instrument; and��} agrees tha�Lender and any other Borravver may agree�o ex��nd,modify, forbear or make any <br /> accomm�da��ons w��h regard�o the terms af�h�s Securzty�ns�rumen�or the C�ntra��wi�hou��ha�Acc�mmodatian <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> Loa n C h a rges. Zf the loan secured by �his S ecurx�y Instruxn�n� �s sub j ec� �o a lav� v�h�ch sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and that law�s fnally in�erpreted so�ha�the inter�s�or a�her�oan charges collected ar�o be co�Iected in <br /> connec�ior� v�ith the loan exceed the permit��d �imi�s, then: �a3 any such loan charge sha�� be reduc�d by �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce�he charge�o th�permit�ed I�mits and�b� any sums already co��ec�ed from Borrower <br /> which exceeded p�rmitted ��mits wi�� be refunded �o Borrov�er. Lender may chaose to make th�s refund by <br /> reduc�.ng �he pr�ncipal avved under�he ��ntract or by makxng a d�rect paymen��o B�rrower. �f a refund reduc�s <br /> princ�pal,the reduc�ion w�X�be treated as a part�a�pr�paymen�under�he Contrac�. <br /> No�xces. Any no�ice �o Borrower provided for �n th�s �ecur�fiy Instrumen� sha�� be gi�en by deli�ering i� or b� <br /> mai�zng��by f rst class mail unless Applicab�e Law requ�res use of ano�h�r methad.The notice shal�be direc�ed t� <br /> the Proper�y Address or any o�her address Barr�v�er d�signates by no��ce �o Lender. B�rrawer agre�s �o provide <br /> L�nder wi�h B�rrower's mast curren�ma���ng address, as �t may change from�ime-�o�tim�. Any notice�o Lender <br /> sha��be gzv�n by first c�ass max�to Lender's address sta�ed herein or any oth�r address Lender d�signa�es hy no�zG� <br /> �o Borravver. Any no�ice prfl�ided for in�h�s Security�nstrument shall be deemed to have been giv�n to Borrow�r <br /> or Lender when given as prov�ded in�his paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Severability.This Secur���ns�rument shall be gfl�erned by federal law and�he�aws of�he s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. In the event �ha� an� �rovisxon or clause of�his 5ecurity �nstrumen� or �he Can�ract confli�ts w��h <br /> App��cab�e Law, such conflict sha�l not affec�other pravzsions of this 5ecuri�y �nstrumen� or the �ontrac� which <br /> can be given effect without�he conflict�n�provxs�an. To�his end�he pro�xs�ons of�his 5ecur��y Ins�rumen�and the <br /> Contract ar�dec�ar�d to be severable. <br /> �orrower's�opy.Barrower sha��be given one copy of�hxs Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> Transfer of the Prop�rty or a Bene�cial Interest�n B�rrower. �f a���r any par�of�he Proper�y or a�.y�nteres� <br /> in �t is sald or transferred �or if a benefic�a� in�er�s� in Borrower �s sold ar transferred and Borro�vver is na� a <br /> na�ural person� wi�h�u� Lender's prior wr�t�en consent, Lender may, a� ��s opti�n, r�quire immediate payment xn <br /> Q 2d�4-2a t 3 Campiiance Systems,Inc.9F96-7D65-2�13L�.0.72 I <br /> Cvnsumer Reai Estate-Security Instniment DL�43d Pa�e 3 of S w►,vw.campliancesystems.cvm <br />