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��14����7 <br /> .A►.pp���ab�e Law. As used in �his Se�urity Instrumen�, the term "Appli�a��e Lav�" shall mean a�l cantrolling <br /> appl�cable federal, state and loca� statutes, r�gula�ians, ordinances and administra�ive rules and�rders ��hat ha�e <br /> t�e effect of�aV�}as w�l�as a�l applicab�e fn�.l,non�appea�able�ud�cial opinions. <br /> �= Charges; L�enS. Borrower shal� pay all �ax�s, assessmen�s, charges, fnes and xmpas�tions at�r�bu�a�le t� �the <br /> Prop�rry which may atta�n pr�or��y over this Security Ins�rumen�, and leasehold payments or gr�und r�nts, �f any. <br /> A��he reques�c}f Lender,Borro�ver sha1l promp��y furnish�o Lender receipts evid�n��ng th�paymen�ts. <br /> Barrower shall promp�ly dis�harge any ��em�which has pr��rity ov�r�his Security Instrument unless Borrower: �a� <br /> agrees in wri�i��g to �he payment of the obligation secured �y �he lien in a manner accep�able �� Lender; �b} <br /> contests in g��d faith the Iien by, or defencls aga�ns� enforcement af the lien in, Iegal proceedings vvhich in the <br /> Lender's opinic►n op�ra�e �a pr�ven� the enfarcement af th� Xien; or �c} secures fr�m �he holder �f the lien an <br /> agreement sat�sfactary to Lender subordina�ing the lzen to this Security Znstrument. If I�ender determ�nes that any <br /> par�flf�he Pro�3erty is subj e��to a lien wh�ch may attain pr��rity fl�er th�s Se�uri� �nstrument, Lend�r may gi�e <br /> Barrower a no�ice zdentifying�he lien. Borrcfw�r sha�� sat�sfy the lien or take one or more of�he ac���ns se�for�h <br /> ab��e w��h�n 1��days flf�he gi�in�of no��c�. <br /> Hazard or Prc}per�y Insuranc�. Barrov�er�hall keep�he impro�emen�s now ea�xsting or hereafter erected on the <br /> �roperty insur���agains�t loss by fire,hazards included wi�hin�he term"extended co�erage" and any o�her ha2ards, <br /> inc�ud�.ng flood.s ar flooding, f�r v�h�ch Lender requ�res insuran��. Th�s irisurance sha�I be maintained in the <br /> amounts and fo:r the per�ods tha�Lender requ�res. The�n.surance carrier pro�iding�he insuran�e shal�h�chosen by <br /> �orrower subje�ct �o Lender's apprQva� wh�ch shall nat be unreasona��y v��thheld. If Borr�v�er fails �o maintain <br /> caverage described aba�e, Lender may, a� Lender's opt��n, obtain �o�erage �o pratect Lender's rights in the <br /> Praper�y in acc��rdance wi�h sectian titled Pr+ate�tion of Lender�s Rights in the Proper�y. <br /> All insurance �alicies and renewals shall be acceptab�e �a Lender and shall include a standard mortgag� clause. <br /> Lender shall have�h.e right to hold�he po�icies and renevvals. Zf Lender requires, Borrawer shall pramp��y gxve�o <br /> Lender aI�recei:pts of pa�d premiums and rer,�ewal notices. In the e�rent of loss, Borrower shall give pr�mp�no��ce <br /> ta�he insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make prflof flf�oss zf not made prompt�y by Borr�vver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrov�er otherv��se agr�e �n writing, insuran�e proceeds shal� be applzed to res�aratian or <br /> r�pair of the ProperCy damaged, if, in Lender's sole discr��ion, �he restora�ion flr r�pa�r is econ�mically f�asible <br /> and Lender's security is not �ess�ned. If, in Lender's sole drscretion, �he restoration or repa�r �s nat econflmi�al�y <br /> f�as�ble or Ler�c�er's securi�y v�ould be iessen�d,the insuran�e proceeds shall�e applied to the sums secured by�hzs <br /> Secur��y Instrulnent, whether or not then d.ue, w�th any excess paid �o Borrower. If B�rrower abandons the <br /> Proper�,or do��s not ariswer w�th�n the num�aer of da}�s pres�ribed�y Appli�ab�e Law as set forth in a not�ce from <br /> Lender�a Barr��wer that�he znsurance carrier has affered�o se�tle a claim,then Lender may calle�t�he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lend�:r may use the proceeds �o r�pair or res�or� �he Pr�perty or ta pay sums secured by this Se�urity <br /> rns�rument,wh�,�her or not then due.The period of��me far BorroW�r�o answer as se�f�r�h in the notic�vv�Il beg�n <br /> when�he notice is g�ven. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�s� agref, �n wri�ing, any applicatian of proceeds to prinCxpal sha�l not extend <br /> or postpone th� due date of the payments du� under th� Con�ract or change the amoun�of the paymen�s. �f under <br /> the sectifln�i���+�Acce�eration; Remedie5, �l�e Praperty is acquired by L�nder, BorroWer's right to any xnsurance <br /> p�licies and prt3ceeds resulting fr�m damage t� �he Proper�y pr�or�a the acqu�s�t�on shal� pass to Lender �o the <br /> e�ten�of the su�ns secured by this Securzty Zn��strumen�immedia�ely prxor�o�he a�quisz��on. <br /> Preser�ation, :Vlaintenance and Prvtectia�n of the Property; Borrower's Loan ApplicatY�n; Lea�eh�Ids. <br /> BnrrQwer shai� r���des�roy, damage or�mpa�:r�he Praperty, allow�he Froper�y to de�er�flrate, flr comn���was�e �n <br /> �he Property.�c�rrower shaXl be in default if any forf�iture ac�ion or proce�dzng,whether civii or crimina�, is begun <br /> tha� in L�nder's good fa��h judgment could r�sult in farfei�ure of�he Property or o�herv��se ma�eria�ly impa�r�he <br /> �ien created b� this Security Instrumen� or L�nder's secur�ty in�eres�. B�rrower may cure such a defauit and <br /> reins�ate, as provi�.ed�n section tit�ed Borro�wer's Right to Re�nstate, by causing the act��n�r prace�ding to �e <br /> d�smissed wi�h��ruling that, in Lender's good faith determ�na��on,prec�udes forfe�ture af�he Borrower's in��rest in <br /> the Property or other ma�erial impairment af the lien created by this Securzty Instrumen� or Lender's secur�ty <br /> �nterest.Borro��er sha�I also��in defaul��f B�orrower,during the�flan app�i�a�z�n process,ga�e mater�a���false or <br /> inaccura�e infoxmat�on or s�a��ments to Len�der �or failed �a pro�ide Lender �vith any rnateria� xnforma�ion} �.x� <br /> connectz��wi�h �he �oan evzdenced by�he ��ontrac�. If�his Security znstrument is on a�easehflld, Borr�v�er sha�� <br /> comply w�th a�1 the provis�ans af the Iease. If Bflrrower acquzres fee trt�e to�he Prop�rry,the �easehflld�nd the fee <br /> �i��e sha�l not m��rge unless L�nder agrees to���e merger�n wvriting. <br /> Pro�ection ❑f ��ender'S Right� in the Pro�perty. �f Borrower fa��s t� perform �he ca�enants and agreements <br /> contained�n this Security�nstrument, or�her� is a Iega�proceed�ng�hat may significan��y aff�c�L,ender's r�gh�s in <br /> �he Property �sL�ch as a pro�e�dxng in bankrupt�y, probate, f�r condemna�ion ar for���ture or to enforce Iaws ar <br /> regu�a�ions�, thE�n Lender may do and pay for whatever is nec�ssary to pro�ect the value of�he Proper�y and <br /> L�nder's rights in�he Propert�y, Lend�r's act��ns may�n�Iude paying a.ny sums secured by a Iien whxch has priority <br /> o�er th�s Secur��.y�ns�rument, appearing in cour�,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and en�ering�n the Proper�y�o <br /> make repairs.A:��haugh Lender may take action under�his section,Lender daes not have to dv sa. <br /> Any amounts disburs�d by Lender under thi:� section shall become addxtianal deb� af Borrower se�ured by �his <br /> S�curity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lend�r agree to oth�r �erms of payment, �hese amounts shal� �bear <br /> �nterest from t�e da�e of disburs�men� a� �h� same rate asses�ed on ad�ances u.rider �he �ontrac� and sha�� be <br /> pa�able,with in�:erest,up�n n��ice from Lend�r ta Borrovv�r requestrng paym�nt. <br /> fl 2�04-2Q13 Campliance;�ystems,Inc.9F96-7D�S-20 t 3L2.0.72� <br /> Consumer Real Escate-5e�urity�z�strument DL2035 Page 2 of 5 www,campliancesys� <br />