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<br /> i ( 8 ) That �n the event any awards are made Co the Mortgagors or their successors In Snterest for taking or damaging . � . .
<br /> by the exerclse of eminent Gomain the whole or aqy part of the mortgaged premises or aqy easement therein , the said �
<br /> �j awards are hereby assigneQ to the Morcgagee ; the Mortgagee Ss hereby auchorizee to collecc , receive , and recelDt � � � � . �
<br /> j". therefor and to apDly Lhe same in p�yment of aqy SnGebteGness , maturea or unmatureQ , secured by this mortgage . � � �
<br /> j� ( 7 ) That in the event nortgagors eefault ln the payment oI said ➢rinclpal sum , or of any installment thereof , or � � � �
<br /> � of any Snterest thereon , at the time wnen the same shall be Gue , or with respect to any covenant or condlcion here- �
<br /> �� of , then . aL the optlon of nortgagee , tne entire SnaeDtedness secured hereby shall forthwlth 6ecome due and payable , ; �
<br /> shall bear Snterest at the deiault rate descriDed in said note , ana the Mortgagee may SmmeQlate]y foreclose this �;
<br /> mortgage or Dursue aqy other avallaDle legal remeQy . ii . .
<br /> � 1
<br /> ( g ) That in the event action Ss brought to Soreclase this mortgage , the Mortgagee shall be entitled Lo Smmediate
<br /> possesslon of the mortgagea premises , andthe court may ayyolnt a recelver to taKe possession of sald premises , with i
<br /> che usual Dowers of receivers in 11ke cases . ,
<br /> �� ( 9 ) That fallure or delay of Mortgagee to exerclse any ot its rlghts or pr1v11eges shall not be construed as a ' �� � �
<br /> j welver thereof ; that aryy act of Mortgagee walving any speclflc default of Mortgagors shall not be construed as a . . �
<br /> i walver of any future defaults ; Lhat Sn case of default Sn che DAyment ot any amortlzatlon installmencs or incerest , �� �
<br /> �� or in case oS pe�yment Dy Mortgagee of aqy 11en , Judgment , Cax , lnsurance , cost or expense , or rents , fees or charges , : �
<br /> sald Mortgagee shall have the privllege , wlthout declaring the whole Sndebtedness due and payable , to foreclose on
<br /> i account of such sDeciflc default for such sums as are ln default antl such toreclosure proceedings may oe hatl and � � � � � �
<br /> j� the land descrlbed hereln may De sold , suD,lect to the unpaid SndebLedness hereby secured , and this mortgage shall . .
<br /> �i continue as a llen for any unpaid balance . . � �
<br /> }
<br /> �, ( 10 ) That the Mortgagee may extentl anQ defer the maturiLy of and renew and reamortize said lndebtedness , release � .
<br /> trom llabillty any yarty 1lable thereon , anQ release from the lien riereof portions of the DroDerty covered hereby ,
<br /> �� wlthout aftecting the prlorlty hereof or the liabllity of Mortgagors or aqy other yarty for the payment oS sald � � �
<br /> �� indebteMess , all such extensions , deferments , renewals , and reamorcizations to De secured hereby . � � � .
<br /> if ( 11 ) Transfer ot Securlty . IC Ss agreed Detween che pa.rties hereto , their helrs , 1e3a1 repr=sentatives anA asslgns , �� � .
<br /> ia that the Sntegrlty and responsib111ty of the Mortgagors constltuces a part of the consSderatlon for the note secured . � - �
<br /> ff hereby , and that in the event the Mortgagors shall sell , trnnsfer , or convey the property descrlbed hereln , tne
<br /> `� Mortgagee may at its option declare the entire Sndebtedness Smmetllately due and payable and may proceed ln the en- � � . .
<br /> � forcement of its rlghts as vn atty other defaulG in the terms ot the note and mortgage .
<br /> ¢} ( 12 ) Asslgnment of Proceeas of Mlneral Lease . Mortgagors hereby trxnsfer , set over , and convey to Hortgagee all ` . -
<br /> �� rents , royaltles , bonuses , and tlelay morieys that may from time to Lime become due ano pxyaDle under any oll , gas , �. � -
<br /> or other mineral leuse of any k1nG naw exlsting or thaL may hereafter come into ex : stence , covering the above land E
<br /> �� or e.ryy part thereof . All such sums .so recelved by Mortgagee sha11 De applied tq the indebtedness secureQ hereDy ; or � � . � �
<br /> ,� said Mortgagee may at Sts optlon curn over and dellver to the Mortgagvrs or thLir successors In lnteresL , any or all . � � �
<br /> 4� of such sums without pre� udlce to any oS MorLgagee � s rSghcs to take nnd retain future sums , 3nd without pre? udlce . �
<br /> Lo any of Sts other rights under thi � mortgage . The Cransfer and conveyance hereunder Lo Mortgagee o2 sald rents , �
<br /> �; royaltles , bonuses , and tlelny moneys shall Ue construed to De rs provlsion for the payment or retluction o2 the mort- _ � � � . � � �
<br /> �� gage Qebt , sub� ect to the Mortqagee � s option as hereinbefore Provlded , SnGepenoent of ehe mortgsge lien on salti real � � � .
<br /> !; estate . Upon payment in full of Lhe mortgage debc and the release of thls mortgage of record , thls conveyance shall - ' . � �. � � . � �
<br /> �' Decome Snoperative and of no further force and effect . . �
<br /> �; (No>ds and yhrases herein , irzclvdiag the acknowiedgment hereof , sho. 12 De const *ued as tin the s4nguta+ or yLuraZ . , �
<br /> i� auabers and as masculine , feminine , or neuter gender , accordinq to the cotttext . ) � � . . . .
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<br /> : � � On thls 17 day of F M��' , A . P. . . 15 �8 , before me , a Notary publlc Sn and for sald County snd ,
<br /> �
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<br /> t::.
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