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<br /> ;i _ REAL ESTATE MORTGA�E_.._____.____—_.____—
<br /> li i
<br /> ;� �
<br /> r Date May 15. 1978
<br /> � ,
<br /> 'i � Fred Eickhof£ and Dorothy Eickhof£, husband and wife
<br /> �'
<br /> ij . Mortgagors . . �
<br /> �j of �11 County. Nebraska , Sn consideratlon of
<br /> E� the advance of Lhe Drincipal sum reclted ln the note herelnafter �escrlbed, receipt of whlch is acknowledgetl, hereby �
<br /> jfmortgage and convey to . � .
<br /> �• TNE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation.
<br /> j i! of OmaMa, Douglas County, Nebreska, whose address
<br /> a �i is Farm Credit Building, dmaha, Nebraska 68(00.
<br /> ��i ,3 � ' � �
<br /> S �I� Mortgagee��(sub]:2'Ct'�tD oiYYY'''}}} gas, and mineral rlghts owned by partles other than Mortgagors• exlsting easements of . �
<br /> � record; reservatlons.SII, U�tea States and Scate Pacent�; and the rights of the public in all ?ilghways), the following-
<br /> � � descrlbed.real,e,��L,@`,�,� Hall councy, Nebraska
<br /> �� SEC. TWP. RG.
<br /> } ;.
<br /> t jf
<br /> �C S� SF}� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 11N 11 W 6th P.M.
<br /> `� - - - - - - - - -
<br /> i;
<br /> and the following described real estate situated in Buffalo
<br /> ' Ei County, Nebraska:
<br /> � �'
<br /> 'f
<br /> 9 j� NW'� (except tract of land conveyed to the State of Nebraska
<br /> 3 by deed recorded in Book 121, Page 570); and NW'-t SW3i; and
<br /> ! ±� t h a t p a r t o f N F}� l y i n g W e s t o f a b a n d o n e d h i g hwa y - - - - - - 23 12N 13 W 6th P.M.
<br /> � ' �r �
<br /> �� i�
<br /> � ��
<br /> � S!
<br /> �1 � ��
<br /> �� �
<br /> ':� �; contalnlna 295 acres, mcre or tess, toqether wSth a11 of the rl�t, tltle, ane intr.rest � � �
<br /> (now owned or hereafLer acyuired)01 the Mortgagors 1n snid property, 1nc1uding all bulldings, Smprovements, flxtures ,� . .
<br /> i or apPu^Lenances thereon or he^eafter Ulxced thereon; all water, Srrigation, and dralnage rlghts• the tenements '�
<br /> -� � hereGltaments, and appurtenances thereto nnd the renLs, issues, rrops, and proflts arising from sald lands; anG (Sf �� �
<br /> '�i ; Lhe Mortgagors� r1 ts Sn the _ �� �
<br /> � gh publlc Comaln sre requiretl by Mortp�gee for security purposes) all Leases, permlts, � ..
<br /> ;�. � 1lcenses,ar Drlvlleges, appurtenant or nonappurtencuit to sald mortp,aged premises, now or hereafter issuea, exLenQea, � � ��
<br /> -t �� or renewetl to the riort6aSors by the United States or Lhe star.e Sn whlch the above-described property Ss located or � � . '
<br /> � '( flny tlepartment, �ureau, or agency thereof.
<br /> � ��
<br /> 4� This mortgage ls �;iven Lo secure a promissozy note ot even tlate herewith, executed by Mortgagors to Mortgagee Sn .
<br /> � i� tne principal sum oS' EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ppLLnRs,
<br /> f pAVRDle with Interest nccorAlnq to Lhe t�[•ms of .^.aici note, the final � �
<br /> , '� paymenL being due antl payable on the ftrst day
<br /> i� March, 1998
<br /> j of . 11�is convey�ice shall be void upon the Pxyment of salA promissory note .
<br /> � 1} This mortgage is sub�ecL Lo the provlslons of THE FARH C9EDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental � � �
<br /> 1j thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be useti for the purposes specified in the Mortgagors� appl! .
<br /> .��t j: catlon for sald loan and author2zed by sald Act. . . �
<br /> � � The Mortgagors, ¢nd each oi them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners oi' the mortgaged real Propercy; that they ' � �
<br /> '� � �! wlll defend the tltle agalnst all clalmants whomsoever, an� that sald property Ss free from ali encumDrances; Lhat � �
<br /> ; f� they wili keep all the lmprovemencs, fixtures, and appurtenances occupled and in good repair and permlt no acts of '�� � . � � :,
<br /> �,-j "� waste• anG they will relinquish all rights of homesteatl 1n said premises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee, ��. . �-
<br /> �� as follows: : �
<br /> �, i� (1) �fhat.they w111 pqy when due all taxes, liens, �udgments, or assessments which may Ce lawhilly assessed xgalnst ? � � � , �
<br /> it the property hereln mortgaged. �
<br /> :� II {2) That they will insure and keep insured bu11d1ngs or other Smprovements now on or which may hereafter be placed � :
<br /> 11x on said Dremises to the satlsfacLlon oi the Mortgagee,such Insurance pollcy shall be endorseC wlth a mortgage clause
<br /> �� with the loss chereunder Lo be payable to the Mortgagee. pqy sums received may De useG to pay for reconstruction . .
<br /> of che destroyed lmprovements; or, Lf not so applied, may, at the optlon of the Mortga�ee, De 2pDlleti Sn payment o2
<br /> � {� flDy iRd0bt2dnESS, maturea OI' unmatureG, secured by Lhls mOi'tgage. ,, . � � � � �
<br /> �I � (3) To pay all rents, fees, or charges now due or to Oecome due untler the terms o2 each lease, permit, 1lcense, or � �
<br /> privilege on Lhe puD11c domain whlch Ss aDPurtenant or nonappurtenant Lo the mortgaged premises, which has been �
<br /> � .Sssued,extended,or renewed by the United StaCes or the state Sn which the above-described property is located; and � �
<br /> to pertorm and observe every act, covenant, conditlon, and stLpulatlon necessary to keep each of the same Sn good
<br /> � standing;.antl to take every necessary steD Co secure the relssue, renewal, or exLenslon of each ot the same: and to � ,. - �•
<br /> .,�;�. 1 � assign, waive, yleQge, or endorse to the Mortgagee each lease, Dermlt, license, or privilege if Mortgagors� rights � "
<br /> I Sn publlc�domain are requlred by Mortgagee for security purposes. . -� ..
<br /> ��� �. .(a) . That Sn the event the Mortgagee is a party tu any l±tlgation affecting the security or the lien of Sts mort f; ��
<br /> gage, SncluGing aqy suit by the Mortgagee toforeclose thls mortgage or aqy suit Sn whSch the Hortgagee may be named �
<br /> a party defendant in whlch �it Ss obliga$�d to protect its rights or llen, Sncluding conde�atlon antl Dankruptcy $..
<br /> -- y� �nroceedings, tha�Mortgagee may Sncur expenses and advance pr�yment for abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the
<br /> , �,a.� extent prohiblted by law)-, costs, expenses, and other charges. °��� s;, <x;
<br /> - � (5) �That in Lhe event Lhe Hortgagors fail to pay when due any taxes, 11ens, �udgments, or assessments, or fail to � ��t ,. J�rt` �
<br /> 4 maintain Snsurance as herelnbeTore provicle4, or fail to pay rents, fees, or char6es under the terms ot any lease, � � "�Y'
<br /> permlt, llcense, or �+r1v!]ege; or Mortgagee 1.s reQulr?A to tnour ?xpenses for nhstrac* �e�c ar.[nrney fees, costs,
<br /> ti expenses�,anQ other charges Sn�connectlon wlth 1ltlgatlon, Mortgagee may make such DaYment orprov!de such Snsurance, � ��
<br /> � 1 or�incur such oDllgatlon, and the emounts�paid therefor shall become a Dart of the SndeDtedness secured hereby due II
<br /> E` and DBYgble i�renedlate�y, and shall bear.interest from the date of DaYment at the same race as provlcled for default I ��
<br /> = �} Sn the note. �
<br /> --- =:.:__. ..,-- ._,. .__.
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