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<br /> ;. _ _ i' .
<br /> �;
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<br /> �t �
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<br /> ( 8 ) That in the event any awards are maQe to the Mortgagors or thelr successors Sn Snterest for taking or Camagin6
<br /> ' j� by the exerclse of� eminent Aomaln the whole or erLy D�'t of trie mortgageG premises ar aqy easement [herein , the sald �; �
<br /> i � awarQs ax�e hereby asslBned ta the Mortgagee ; the Mortgugee Ss herebY authorized to collect , recelve , and recelyt ;
<br /> ; . � therefor and to apply the same Sn payment o2 any SnCebtedness , matured or unmatured , secureA by this mortgage . .
<br /> ( 7 ) That in the event Mortgagors default in the yayment of said princlDal sum , . or of any lnstallment thereof , or j�
<br /> ? � 4 � � of aqy interest thereon , � at the time when the seme sha11 be Gue , or with resDect to azyy covenant or condltlon here I�' � .
<br /> � of, then , at the option of Mortgagee , the entlre inde6tedneas secured hereDy shail forthwith become due and payable li
<br /> sha1l � bear interest at tha delsult rate described Sn sa1Q note , a.nd the Mortgagee mqy Smmediately toreclose thia ` �
<br /> i � . � mortgage or pursue any � other available legal remedy . IS
<br /> � � ( 8) That in the event action is Drought to foreclose this mortgage , the Martgagee shall De entitled to immedlate �+.
<br /> possesslon of the mortgageC premises , and the courc may aDPoint a receiver to talce possession of sa1G premises , wlth ",�
<br /> �� tne nsuel. Dowers of receivers in llke cases . ���
<br /> ,� ii
<br /> ,� ( 9 ): That Iailure or delay of nortgagee to exerclse any of its rights or prlvileges shall not be construed as a t+
<br /> �4 �aiver thereof • that az�y act o2 Morcgagee waiving any specific Geiault of Hortgagors shall not De eonstrued as a `
<br /> �� � walver of any future deiaulta ; that in case of default in the payment ot any amortSzation instaliments or interest ij
<br /> ; � . or Sn case of payment Dy Hortgagee of any lien . ,7udgment , tax , Snsurance , cost or expense , or rencs , fees or charges
<br /> �� said Mortgagee shall h8ve the prlvilege , without 4eclarSng Uhe whoie SndebteAness Gue and payable , to Soreclose on ;
<br /> ���j i account of such sDeclfic detault tor such sums as are Sn default anG such foreclosure proceedings may De haQ and �; �
<br /> � the land describeQ herei❑ may be soid , sub� ect to Lhe unpaid SnQebtedness hereby secured , and thls mortgage shall S
<br /> � �f continue as a 11en for any unpaid balance . � . .
<br /> ! �j
<br /> " f ( 10) Tnat the Mortgagee may extenG anQ de2er the maturSty of anG renew and reanorcize saia Sndebtedness , release ��, .
<br /> � ;� from liab111ty any party 11aDle thereon . and release from the llen hereol portions of the property covered hereby � .
<br /> i � � wlthout affecting tbe Drlorlty hereof or Lhe 11ab111ty of Mortgagors or any other party for Lhe payment oI sald �
<br /> �� �1� 1nQebtedness , all such extensions , deferments , renewals , and reamortlzatlons to be secured nereDy . � ;
<br /> � tf ( 11 ) Trensfer ot Securlty . It is a�eed Oetween the parties �hereto , their heirs , legal reDresentatives anG assi�s ��
<br /> i that the lntegrity and responsibilLty of the Mortgagors constitutes a part of the consideratlon for the note secured
<br /> i `Fp hereby , anQ that 1n the event the Mortgagors shall sell , transfer , or convey the proDerty descrlbeC herein , Che �i
<br /> � ;� Mortgagee may at 1ts oD�lon Geclare che entire indeDtedness 2mmediately due and DBY�le ana may proceed ln the en k' :
<br /> � forcement of Sts ri�ts as on ar�y ocher deSauit Sn the terms of the noce and mortgage . 4! � �-
<br /> I Y � � �
<br /> �� !tI ( 12 ) Asslgament of ProceeQs ot nineral Lease . nortgagors hereDy transfer , set over , and convey to Morcgagee all �;
<br /> � !� rents , royaltles , bonuses , and delsy moneys that may from time co tlme become due and payable under any o11 , gas �� �
<br /> ! ! or other mineral lease of any klnd now exlsting or that may riereafter come into existence , covering che above land �
<br /> ± P or ac�y part thereot . All such sums .so received by Mortgagee shall be appliea to the indeDteGness secureQ hereby ; or ?;
<br /> ,} � sald Mortgagee may. at Sts opcion turn aver and Geliver to the Mortgagors or their successors Sn interest , any or all �i �
<br /> � ( of such sums wlthout preJudlce to aqy oS Mortgagee � s rlghts to take and retaln future sums , anti wlthout pre� uGlce ,�' � �
<br /> } to aqy of Sts other rights under Lhls mortgage . The transfer and conveyance hereunder Lo Mortgagee of sald rents
<br /> � royaltles , bonuses , and delay moneys shali Ue consLrueC to be a provlsion for the payment or reductlon ot the mart- t;
<br /> � I gage deDt , sub� ectto the Mortgagee � s oytlon as herelnbefore providea , Sndependertt of the mortgage llen on sald real ;` .
<br /> �j � estate . Upan payment in full of the mortgage debt antl the release o2 this mortgage of record , this conveyance shall (i . �
<br /> .j become Snoperative antl of no further iorce and ef2ect . I, ;
<br /> � (Yo-rds and qhrases herein , incCvding Lhe acknowledgment hereof , sha11 be construed as irz the singuiar o� qlumi �?
<br /> � � �� raaab¢rs and as xrasculine , fe+ainine , o+ neuter gender , according to ' . context . ) ,i _ r ,��-
<br /> � .. �'': �. �
<br /> ��� . � ( SEAL1 ' r /%C i� �',,. ' / � / / / .. r.. {,c'- �L ( SEAL ) � � .
<br /> � � � Don D . in ort �� , ''.
<br /> . �y . ( SEAL ) '"f � . �!l : I� ; 1 F :- h '� ;i � ^ ... ' ffi `;.l ( SEAL ) l;
<br /> � { ✓ Jud3th �Ll � Rain ort ;�
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<br /> t On thls _fL_day oi _t.1.�T Y , A . D . , 19 .1d , before me , a Nocary Public in anQ for salti County and � � �
<br /> �� � State , Dersonally apDeared nf,nald n _ Rainfnrth (,3lso known as D . Dean Rainfot' th) and �' � � .
<br /> �, �j ��' �
<br /> E .7udith L . Rainforth . husband and wife ,
<br /> � }
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<br /> ` � � to me kaown to be Lhe � Persons nameQ Sn and who executed the foregoSng Snstrvment , andaclmowleAged thac chey executed
<br /> . � � � the seme aa thelr voluntary act ana deed . ; � .
<br /> � y/J I �, �'
<br /> ' � � tlycommission expires �� CfYC �� l , Z � � r�L // / ("%J}�Q�lt �^� �
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<br /> � �� � p� Notary Pub11c in and Sor said County and State '; �
<br /> Mrtia4�Mti.11�i . . ., . _ _ . .._ _ . :x. _.,_ � � � .
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