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<br /> i 7S— �9 REAL ESTATE 0 TGAGE ___ FoeM F�e zoa aev. �-�_ �
<br />. f! �:
<br /> ! �i .
<br />� � Date APril 20, 1978
<br /> � I � �;
<br />� � �� � � � � ; �
<br />� Donald D_ Rainforttt (also known as D. Dean Rainforth) and Judith L. Rainfortti, �
<br />! hi�chanA anli wi fP , Mo2'tg8g0l's, �
<br />� oi HA�� County, Nebraska , in consideratioa oI �
<br />�% the advance of the�prSnclpal sum recited in the note hereinaSter described,receipcof which Ss acknowledgeQ, hereby �7
<br />! � mortgage and convey to �f
<br /> IF
<br /> s THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, �
<br />� �} of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address ,
<br /> J is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, ��
<br />�� �� Mortgagee„(Sub�@ct.�Lp�-.011: ges; and mineral rights owned by Dartles other thxn MorLgagors• exlsting easements of �°
<br /> !, record; res�iwations in UnS.Led�StaLes and State pucents;and the rights of che publlc in all hlgt�ways),thefollowing- �
<br /> j �� described rea$r'�estdt�Y`n ' " Hall " county, Nebraska : � , �
<br />' SEC. TWP. R8. ?� b `
<br /> i �� � y,
<br /> j W'�; and SE�4 (except 2.73 acres, more or less, conveyed �� i
<br />; by deed recorded in Book 146, Page 337; and except 1.582
<br />� acres, more or less, conveyed by deed recorded in Book � nr,�
<br />; 172, Page 319) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 9IJ 11 W 6thP.M. � ;
<br /> y � � �� ,��
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<br /> containing 475 acres, more or less, together with all of the rlght, title, anQ Snterest i
<br /> �� (naw owned or hereafter acqu ired)of the Morcgagors ln sald property, Sncluding all bulldings, improvements,fixtures, � ;: _
<br /> or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed thereon: all water, trrigation, and dralnage rights- the tenements, ! T�-
<br /> heredltaments, antl appurtenances thereto enci the rents, issues, craps, and profits arlsing Tram sa1Q lands; and (Sf �
<br /> � � the Mortgagors� rlghcs in Lne �uDlic domain nre required by Martpµgee for securlty purposes) all leases, yennits, � 4
<br /> llcenses,or prlvlleges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to sald mortp,ageQ premises,now or hereafter issued, exLended, �; ?
<br /> or renewed to the nortgagors Dy the United Staces or Lhe state Sn whinc �he aDove-described proDerty is located or �� t��
<br /> any department, bureau, or agency thereof. ' �`
<br /> i� r � x'.
<br /> Th1s mort�ge ls glven to secure a promissory note of even dste herewSth, executed by Mortgagors to Hortgagee, Sa �, a.�
<br /> � .
<br /> tne principal sum of �EE AiTNDRED TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HIJNDRED AND NO/100 - - - �pyLaRS, !�
<br /> peyable wSth lnterest accordSnq to the terms of sald note, the f1na1 payment being tlue and payable on the ISrst day ��
<br /> af January, 1998 . ��1.^, conveyanr.e shall be voitl upon the payment of salA promissory note. � it
<br /> �
<br /> This mortgage Ss sub�ect to the provisions of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental � 1
<br />� thereto. The yroceeGs of the loan secured hereby will be vsed for the purposes specified Sn the Mortgagors� appli- �i
<br /> cation for sald loan and suthorized by said Act. �!
<br /> �
<br /> The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners oi the mortgaged real property; that they i � � �
<br /> w111 aefend the Litle agalnst all clalmants whomsoever, anQ that saltl property Ss tree from all encumbrances: that i
<br /> they w111 keep all the improvements, flxtures, and apDurtenances occupied and Sn good repair and De�it no acts of fl
<br /> � waste• and they will relinquish all rights o7 homesteaa Sn said premises,and covenant antl agree with the Hortgagee, ��
<br /> � as�follows: ��
<br /> ii
<br />. (i) That they will pay when due all taxes, llens, Judgments, or assecsments which may be lawfully assessed against
<br /> Lhe proDerty nerein mortgaged. j� � ,
<br />� (2) That they wlll insure and keep insuretl buildings or other improvements now on or which may hereafter be placeQ i� �
<br />� on sa1G��premises Lo the satisfactian of Lhe Mortgagee,such insurance policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage ciause j ��� �
<br /> �. � with the�loss thereunder to De payable to Lhe Mortgagee. Any sums receSved may 6e used to DaY Sor reconsLructlon jl
<br /> of the desLroyeG SmDrovements; or, if not so applleQ, may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be applted Sn payment oi ��
<br /> ar�y lndebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by thia mortgage. . �
<br /> ��
<br />. (3) Tb ��Y all rents, Sees, or charges now Cue or to become Cue ;uiaer the terms of each lease, permit, llcense, or :;
<br />. � yrivilege on the Dub11c Comain wnich 1s appurcenant or nonappurtenant to the mortgaged premises, whlch has been 41 � � � � � . � �
<br /> issued,extendeQ,�or renewed .Dy the United StaCes or the state In whlch the above-described property is locateG: and � �
<br /> .�.to. perfoFm�and�oDserve avery��acG, covenant, condition, and�stipulation necessary to keep each of the same in good �; � .�
<br /> � �aCsnding: and�to take every necessary step Co secvre the relssue, renewal, or extension of each of the same; and to il � � �
<br /> . asslgn, waive,��ple0ge or entlorse to the Mortgegee�each�lease, permlt, 2lcense, or privilege Sf Mortgagora� rlghts �i -w.c^"� .'
<br /> Sn yuClic domain are required by Hortgagee for securlty purposes. .
<br /> . �. � _ i� . �;
<br /> � �(a) ThAt in the event�the Mortgagee is.a�party tu sny lltigation affecting the security or the lien of Sts morc- +} I. � "
<br /> ,gage,.�lncluding��aqy sult��by the�t7ortgagee to Soreclose this mortgage or any sult in which the Mortgagee may De nameR �J . g '�
<br /> ��� a pa�ty daZendant Sn whi�ch IL is obllgat�d bo Drotect lcs rights or lien, lnclu6ing condemnation and bankruptcy �I ti
<br /> ��� prceeedla8s.��the�Mortgagee may��.incur expenaes�and advance payment for abstracG fees, attorney fees (except to the +� �� � �
<br /> ,� extent yrohibited Dy law), casts�,� expenses, and�other charges. � � � � I� � � . � -
<br /> ,. . . . . . . . . . � . M1.
<br /> �' (5) �et Sn the event.�the Hortgagors�fakl to�pay-when due�aoy taxes, liens, �vdgments, or assessments, or Saii to °` �"�� �
<br /> malntaSn�,lnsurance as��hereinbefore yrovided�, or?a11�to p�y rents, fees, or charges uneer the terms of any lease, �� ���+�^����� ^*,= ��
<br /> , �.�.permit,�llCease,.or-prlVilege; or Martgagee�Ss requlred to Sncur exyenses for abstract fees, attorney fees, costs, I �-� � � �
<br /> exyennea�,�antl other charges in�connection wlth 11tSgatlon. M.^rtEage° msy me1:e �uch pay^nent or provlae sucr Snsurance, �
<br /> .�or�ihe�x� such-oblSgatien; anQ'�the amounts paid therefor shall Decome a part oS Lhe SnGebtedness secured hereby Aue � � .
<br /> ��anG�ey.able 1mneQiate�y,�and�s�ha11 bear interest trwn�the.aate of payment at the same rate as provlGed for default '
<br /> ..in Ehe-note .��� . . ... . �. . � �.. . . - �
<br /> ._—�._.__._._.;�..>7__� ._ .. .. .. _ . .. . .. .. . � . . �
<br />' f� --=__ �-..��_��-.�..._.�_._. _.....-_�.-.._ _ ,;_..- .,_.. _ ... .. t
<br /> il . ..._. ....�... ... ..... .. .._._..,. _,..,,. ��_........ ... ........ . .. . . � � � �
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