_ _ . _ _ _ . � ' � :
<br /> ; � 78� 002680 a .
<br /> allowed by Iaw or fiederal regulation . Principai amounts prepaid prior to maturity must
<br /> be in amounts equaf to one or more subsequent pri � cipa � payments . ' ,
<br /> 3 . That in additlon to , and together with , the monthly installments provided for ;�
<br /> `� ' under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory Note and any other notes or agreements for >� _
<br /> additional advances as provided he rein Mortgagor will pay as an advance payment to °�
<br /> Mortgagee on the first day of each month until said Note and the total indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby is fuliy paid , an amount estimated by Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable
<br /> the Mortgagee to pay ali taxes , assessments ( general or speciai ) , rents , and other
<br /> � similar charges against the above described premises , as the same become due . Such
<br /> advance payments shal ) be paid each month together with the monthly instatlments provided
<br /> fior under the terms of said Promissory Note and any other notes or agreements for
<br /> addittonai advances as provided herein in a single payment and shall not be , nor deemed
<br /> to be , trust funds but may be commingled with other such fiunds or the general funds of the
<br /> Mortgagee , and no interest shall be payable in respect thereof . Mortgagor shall promptiy
<br /> forward to Mortgagee all bills for taxes , assessments and rents and Mortgagee wilt use
<br /> said advance payments for the payment of said bilis . Mortgagee may , from time to time ,
<br /> at its option , waive , and after such waiver , reinstate any and all provisions of this
<br /> paragraph requiring such advance payments , by notice to M11ortgagor in writing . While such
<br /> waiver is in effect , Mortgagor shail pay all taxes , assessments and rents as otherwise
<br /> provided hereinafter .
<br /> 4 . It the total of the advance payments made by the Mortgagor shall exceed the
<br /> amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee for taxes , assessments or rents , as the " �
<br /> case may be , such excess , at the option of the Mortgagee , shail be credited by the �'�
<br /> Mortgagee on suasequent payments to be made by the �Mortgagor , or refunded to the Mortgagor .
<br /> if , however , the monthly advance payments made by the Mortgagor shall not be sufficient
<br /> to pay such taxes , assessments and rents , as the case may be , when the same shall become
<br /> due and payabie , then the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee any amount necessary to make
<br /> up the deficiency , on or before the date when payment of such taxes , assessments or rents
<br /> shall be due . if at any time the Nbrtgagor shail tender to the Mortgagee , in accordance ', ;;
<br /> with the provisions of the Note secured hereby , _ full payment of the entire indebtedness ` ' ?:;
<br /> represented thereby , the Mortgagee shall , in computing the amount ot such indebtedness , x�r .;
<br /> credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance accumulated under the above
<br /> paragraph . If there shali be a default under any of the provisions of this Nbrtgage `�s
<br /> resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby or if the Mortgagee acquires the _ °''
<br /> s a �
<br /> property otherwise ' after default , the Nb rtgagee shall apply in such manner as Nb rtgagee r
<br /> shall determine the balance of advance payrnents then remaining in the funds accumulated `"
<br /> `s • under the above paragraph , as a credit against the indebtedness secured hereby .
<br /> � s , ,;,-'
<br /> ! 5 . That in the event any of the monthiy advance payments provided herein or month � y
<br /> t installments provided for under the terms of said Promissory Note and any other notes or
<br /> � agreements tor additionai advances have not been made by fihe tenth day of the month in
<br /> Fwhich such payment was due , a late charge of up to ten ( 10 ) percent of the amount of said
<br /> j monthly payment may be assessed by the Association to cover the extra expense involved
<br /> in handling delinquent payments . The Association shail not be obligated to accept any
<br /> monthly payment made atter the tenth day ot the month unless said monthiy payment shall
<br /> be accompaneed by the fuil amount ofi the late charge assessed by the Association as
<br /> provided herein .
<br /> + 6 . To pay any and all taxes , assessments Cgeneral or special3 , rents and other similar
<br /> � charges levied and assessed against the premises , this Nlortgage , or indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured , befiore they become delinquent , fior which provisions has not been made hereinbefore ,
<br /> ;; and in default thereof the Mortgagee may pay the same , and all moneys so advanced with S `
<br /> interest at � � $ from the date ot such payment shall be „epaid by Mortgagor upon
<br /> demand , and shall be secured by this Nb rtgage .
<br /> � 7 . That Mortgagor will keep the improvements on said premises insured against loss
<br /> ; ( from fire , lightning and other hazards included in the standard extended coverage endorse—
<br /> ; ment plus filood insurance wtiere required by mortgagee ) in an artrount not less than the
<br /> j unpaid bala� ce of the indeb -tedness secured hereby , with � oss , if any , payabie to said
<br /> Association , in a company or companies acceptable to the Association ; and should such policy
<br /> or policies contain any provision that could limit the insurance company ' s liability to
<br /> , , pay the amount of any loss or damage up to the full amount for which policy is written ,
<br /> : the amount of i � surance to be provided shall be in an amount sufficient to , at all times ,
<br /> , ,� fully protect the Association . If Mortgagor fails to procure or maintain such insurance
<br /> in the manner specified herein , the Association may , at its option , procure and pay for
<br /> � such insurance , and all moneys so advanced with interest at II $ from the date of
<br /> \,1 such payment sha11 be repaid by Nbrtgagor upon demand , and shall be secured by this
<br /> � ' Mortgage . � , ,
<br /> ' = 8 . That the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair , and ""'"� �`
<br /> � neither commit nor permit waste upon said land , nor sufifer the same premises to be used ".. $
<br /> � for any unlawful purpose: Nbrtgagor further agrees that without the written consent ot � fo ' � a
<br /> t s, .
<br /> Home Federal Savings and Loan no buildings or additions to existing buildings shall be ,
<br /> . "; ;
<br /> ,� erect'ed artd ` all parking and landscaped areas shall be satisfactorily maintained . v �;
<br /> ti . 9 . That in the event the premises or any part thereof be taken or damaged by reason �� � �; , _
<br /> ' of any. publ. ic improvement or condemnation p roceedings , or under right of eminent domain , ° ' �`�'
<br /> - s- ..;ic. .
<br /> � or in any other manner , Mortgaqee shall be entitled at its option to commence , appear in ,
<br /> , ; _
<br /> �
<br />