<br /> �
<br /> � � . . � DmHTOR WA1tRANTB AND COVE[VANTB: (1) Th�t 'smpt !or Ne �ecurlty lnterest �raeted heraby DsMor 1�, or W tba aztaet that thls j
<br /> � �ament�. �fatp that the ColLteral I� to �equtred atter Ns d�te herea[, wfll be, tha owaer ot the Coll�lanl � traa Lrom W ad�ene llan, se-
<br /> � curltY~ �utsraat o� encnmpr�nee: and that Debtor wlll . detend tae .ColLter�i �sl+ut s11 elalm� anA demaad� ot all ysr�on� st �nY �1me Nafmint .
<br /> . � � t6� s�me o� �nY IoterM thareln. (S) ThsL no tlnanclns �tatement corarint the Cotlstei+l or aaY Droceed� t6arw[ L on flle In �ay puDlle ottfes �
<br /> ' : � � anA tAat at t6e iepvest of 8eeured ArtY. �b[o� .�lll ]oin wlth 8ecunA P�rty fn azeeuUas eae , ormore flnanelni �e�M+ Dursuunt to tbe
<br /> �. -Nabnst� Unl[wm Commerc4l Code ln torm satL[�etory to 8eeured P�rly u�d �.Itl y�y ths co�t o! fllln� such llnaacln� Ratemant, thL �ecurlty
<br /> ��� Yreement; and �ny eontlnu�tlon or trrminatlon atstemmt, In all Dubtle oKlee� whererer fllln� b Aeamed by 8ecured PaKy to be neen�ry �.or
<br /> dMlrable: anA IL the Coll�ter�t b attached to nal est�te D�1or to �he perfeetlon of the saeuAty faternt �r�nted hereby or tC the Coll�ter�l
<br /> ladudes CroO� or ofl, tu or mineraJa to be e:tractad or tlmb�r to - De cu4 De�tor will, on demand o[ 8eeureE B�Ky, furnlsA SecureA Party
<br /> � wIN a dlscl�lmer or dl�el�lmer� or �uDordlnatlon ��reemmt slsned by dl Oe++ons h�vin� �n Intero�t 1n lha re�l atate, dlaeldmin` or �uW
<br /> � ' ordlna[in6 �Y lnterest In the Cnll�teral whlch f� D��or to the Interest ot 8eeureA P�rty. B) Not to �ell, traos[er or dlapo�e ot the UNo�l�taral•
<br /> ao� take the s�me or attemDt to take the ume Lrom tT�e county where kept �e sbove et�ted. wlthout the Drlor wrlttea con�ent ot the 8ecurcd
<br /> Party. U) To Day W t�zes anA wessmenta ot every neture �tdch m�y be le�led or aa�wed �pin�t tlae Collater�l. f6) Not to Dermtt or dlow .
<br /> any adrer�a Ilen. teCUHty Intereat or enNmbr�n<e rh�esoever vpon tt�e ColLteral, �nd not to yH'mlt tha �Yne to De �t4ehed or ttD�l�lneA.
<br /> (8) That t�e Cotlatersl Is In good condltloe, anC that he alll at hls own espense. keeD �e rme In iood eonAltlon wd from tlme to tlme. .
<br /> torthwith, reDlaca �nd rcpdr all �uch y�rta ot ttin Collateral as m�y be broten, worn out or dun��ed wlthout allowlat �Y Ilan b be ereatCd �.
<br /> upon the Coll�taril on accouat ot sueh revl�eement or reD���. �d ihet tTe 8eeurcA Party may e:unlna md In�paet the ColLteral st W Lm4
<br /> wharever louted. <7) Th�t Ae wlll �t hfs ow�n e:pense keeD �e Collatenl lnsured in a eompsoy s�tU[actory to 8acured Yart7 �unK loo. �s
<br /> •ODroyrl�te, Ey thett, colllsfoa, llre �nd e:tenEad eoverage, w7th loss D�Ynble to 8acured Party u 1b Interoat may �DDe�r, wna �fll oe� deaund '
<br /> delh•e� said pollcles ot Inaurance o� turnleh D��� e� »1Ch Inauranee to 9eevrsd Party. (8) At tt� oDtlon 8seured Party m�Y D��+ro Neh fmur-
<br /> �nee, diech�rse tues. llens or securlty Interests or other eneumbrsneea at aqy tlme levled or D�keA on tha Cottstarai �nE ma7 WY �tor the repatr
<br /> - ot sny dam��e or In7ury to or tor !he D«+ervatfon ma mafntmanee ot tne - Cotl�tertl. Debtor ��rea to relmbu*�e 9ee�eed �p�+"�Y �n demaoe . .
<br /> �lo� �ay paYmeat or ezDense IneurRd Dy 8eeured P�rty yurauant to the lore6oln� authoriatfon. Unill sveh ralmbur�emant, Ne unount ot wY
<br /> aueh yayment, wllh In:eresC ai 2S:e 3:e ef 4^E Der enm�m from aate ot Dsyment undl relmbvreement. �hall be addeQ to the lndeb[ednm� owed �
<br /> by Debtor �nd ahall be eecurcd by thb �greemen0. (e) Thst he MI1S not we t�e COUateral In rlolstlon ot uly aDDllcabls �tatute, rcsulatlon or
<br /> ordlnanea and IL �ny of the Collsteral Is motor sehlelea the same w1I1 not be rented, wed !n rcntal servlte nor In any speed or wQunnee eon-
<br /> teat. C101 Deb[or vlll D�Y ��nd Party any and sll costa and ezpensee Ineurrcd In roeoverin� yosseulop oL the Collatertl md lneurrcd 1n
<br /> eniorMn6 �hL securlty sgrcement, and the aame ehall be secured bY thfa securlty agreement. - - �
<br /> UNT2L DSFAUL2 DeDtor may Aa�e Dosaeaslon ol the Colt�teral md ux It In �ny la�ful m�nner not Ineoeui�tent wlth thL � �iroemmt
<br /> and not Ineonafstent w�lth �oy Dottcy of Insurnntt thereon. and uDon detnult Secured Pvty ehall �.ha�e lhe ImmeALte diht to the DaKulon
<br /> ot the ColteteraL � � �� � �
<br /> � DESTOR 9IiALL HE IN DE!'AULT under thb a6reement �uDon the hayD�nln� ot any ot the foDo�lnt evenb or condlpon�: �(1) detautt
<br /> � � �� � 1n ths Dayment ot performaaee ot u�y obllsadoa, coveMnt or ll�blltty eon4�ned or roterred to Tereln or la any aote evldaaclns the wae: (91 .
<br /> ' �ny warr�nty, xD�van��tloq or sbtement mad� or [arntehed to 9etured Pnrty by or on bah�l[ ol Debtor Drovd to ha�e bean tal�e ta �nY �- �.
<br /> terl�t re�pect wihm made or turnbhed ; (3) any event �vhlch reaWU /n the acceleratlon oi qfe mstudty of the lndeDtednesa ol Dabtor to others � �,
<br /> � uaAer any : lndmturc, ��reemmtor � underuklni: N) loss. theft, datn�te, denlnetlon ule �or eneumbrenoa to or o[ anY ot the �Colbtaral, - or tM
<br /> �. .�m�klnt ot any )evy, seiaurc or attaehmeat fhereo[ or thlreon : (b) death, dWolutlon,. lermin�tlon of ezi�tentt, lowh6oey, bWlne�s ltlluce:. sD-
<br /> , yolnt�aent of a receher ol any p�rt o[ Ne Dropertr o[. �ssftnmen4-tor the Denetlt ot erediton by, or the CommeneemOat o[ �ny ProCeed�K �dK
<br /> . � any b�nkruD�Y or lnaolvenqy . Iaw� by or atadnst Debtor or anY Nd��ntor or �urety- for DeOtor. . . . - ., � � � �
<br /> � UPON BUCtI DDFAVLS and at any tlm� therea[te�. or If It Ceemr Ibett tn�ecure, 9eturcC rsrty maY 4Klam alt ObtlRtlon� ,seeured
<br /> � hereby Immedlately due and D�Y�ble �nd �hall here the remedfes ot a aecurcd D�rty under tha Nebr�ka Ualform Commercl�l CoGe. 8acurod :
<br /> � . P�rty may repulrt Debtor to easembla the Coll�teral end detiver � or m�ke It avallaCle to Securcd Parly �t a D���e to be anl�na[ed by 9eeured
<br /> � Party �rhleh b reasonably eonvenlent to both partiae. Unlns the Collateral Is perlahaDte or threatem to deetlne �peedfly In �Ius or L ot � type
<br /> eusWmadly wid on a reco�nlsed markeq Seeured Party w�Ill �lve Debtor nesonable noYee ot the Ume and D1ue ot anY DubHe a�le theraot or .
<br /> of the tlme a[ter w�hleh �ny prlvale sale or any other Intended dbposltlon thercof b to be made. The requiremente oL re�sonaDle notlee �hall be
<br /> met Il sueA notlea la mdled, yostate OrepalA. to the addrw ot Debtor ahown �t the betinaln� o[ tAls a�raemmt at leut tiva day� bcfore the
<br /> . � Lms ot t�e � We or AlaDoddon.
<br /> .� T No ad�er by 9ecureQ Party o[ any default ehnll oDer�te u a r�lver ot my oNer detault or ot the wna dWWt on � tuture oeea+�oo•
<br /> � D Tds Wcfns o[ N1s �ecurlty a�reemmt �hW not walr•e or Imp�tr any other securtty s�1Q 8ecured Party rt�Y 1�a�e or hera�har �equlre tor tAe
<br /> . W paylnmt o! the abore lndebtedaess, nor �h�ll the t�kfag o[ anY auch addlUonal securlty �►dca or Impdr thls �eeurlty a�reement: but M�d
<br /> �. (n 9seureA Party auy xsoK to �ny �eeurlty It m�y have In ihe nrder ft may deem Droper, anA notwlth�Lndln� any eolLtaral �aeuKt7, BM��
<br /> � PaRr �hall retafn 1L *I�hb of �eto[t a�tinst Debtor. ' ' •� . . " . _
<br /> /�
<br /> � � A All MthL ot Seeurcd Party Lerouader enall Inure to tl�e benefll ot IL �ueeasors and usltns: and ali D��m anA daUa� ot �Stor
<br /> h
<br /> � ahall bind hls Aelr�. wxeuto*� or adminLtrator� or hts or Its eueceesor� or aasl�na. I[ there be moro ehan ons Debtor, thelr U��Rltlq �K-
<br /> und�r aratt M 7ofot aad sevenl.
<br /> W
<br /> � TbL a�reement �h�ll beaome eKxUve when It b si�n�d by Debtor. O
<br /> � . . . . . . . � {�J
<br /> � ' 1.� �
<br /> �
<br />