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<br /> A1_L'PIIRPOSE-NEBq. Felton dc Wol[Co.,Llncoln.Nebr.
<br /> �; 7s�U(12343 rt•
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<br /> FINANCIN(i STATEMI.NT O SECCT$1TY AQEG�1' a ��{��-z�+� �
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<br /> � Fof Eltlllj ` �^ �
<br /> • �� � De6rorG1(Luc Nune Pieu�od Md�ns<nY• � �Secue�d P�rlY�iw>:Nu�vtsl�nd Addrw/sl� No.:ftlin�O�ciC 0 .
<br /> IIibbern, William & Joy Joaa, �E EQITITABLE LIFE ASSi�At1C�( ;F-V • .� ? � � �
<br /> R. R. 2, Box 171 h � � SOCffi1Y OF T� UNiTED STATBS � o � `' �,'' N 3�
<br /> Wood Rivar, Nebraska 68883 600 Co�erce To�ver n � — � � �,
<br /> Kansas City, Misaouri 64105 � :N:. �; o
<br /> �, . .. . . � cn �;.� � .
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<br /> Debtor,whether one or more,as security for all Debtor's preseat and(uture indebtedness and liabilities ot whatever nature to secured party,and all
<br /> renewals and extensions Nereof,grants Secured Party a security interest in the Following collateral,whether now owned or hereafter acquired and in
<br /> additions,accessions,substitutions thereto,and all products and proceeds thereo(. .�
<br /> � 3�04 Berkley Ceatrifugaii Pimmp, ao 6erial D7o.
<br /> Three 8" Western Land Roiler Turbine Pimps, Nos. 445391, 749175 and 451154
<br /> Five 6" Weatera Land Roller Turbine R�mps, Nos. 963179, 963180, 76343, 963257 � C72627
<br /> Oae 40 Borae Pawer Allis Chalmers 4 cyl. Propsne Motor, No. W7.71-060
<br /> Oae 80 Horse Po�p�er �C V9 - 4 cql. Dieael Motor, No. 54447
<br /> One 20 Horse Power Allis Chalmers 4 cyl. Propane Motor, No. PV62096B
<br /> dae 15 Horae Power Century Electric Motor, Serial No. iM
<br /> Two 15 Horse Pawer U. S, Motors Electric Motorg, Nos. R133703170 � 3464209
<br /> One 15 Horse Po�er Fairbanica Electric Motor, No. 4190113008
<br /> 9�30 f�t�4�eaip mm aim ai 1 Motor �� ��
<br /> L i p pe; 700 feet 9 al�iavm pipe; 3,000 ft. 8 alvmi.nimm pipe
<br /> Tfae abava described equipmeat is sffixed to the South�vest Quarter of Sectioa 8 and the
<br /> Northeast 6tuarter and North Half of the Southesat Qusrter of Sectioa 9, aI1 in Tovnship 11
<br /> North,' Range 11 West of tlae 6th P.M„ Ha11 County, Nebraslca.
<br /> 1Zsi.s �d a11 allied instr�meats are emecuted to aecure paymeat of the indebtednesa by a
<br /> certaia promiseorq aote of even date herawith psyable to Secured Party, on order as follows:
<br /> Pri�3pa1 - $334,000.00, �ai.th interest at the rate of 9-1/2i6 per amzsmm payable ds follows:
<br /> $I0�020.00 plus intereat due March 1, 1979 aad asmvally therea€ter vatil matssity, _
<br /> Mterch 1, 1999, �ahen balaace is dne sad payabie.
<br /> Debtor wanants that the Collateral is used or being bought primarily for personal,family or household purposes;but if marked here �j for farming
<br /> operotions,----if marked here p for business operations.
<br /> If ma�ked here p the Cdlateral is being a�quired with the proceeds of the note or notes,which Secured Party may disburse directty to the seller of
<br /> the CollateraL
<br /> � Facecuted this ��'� day of e�� 19 78.THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES AlL THE PROVISIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE.
<br /> Tf� $QIIITABLE ISFS ASSURANCE �(/T 2:�X�tr/+�
<br /> SOC�TSt �+ T[� UNI7�D STATSS ,/
<br /> Seared Party Wiiliam D bb�er°a
<br /> , By .���/i� �',1-�� /V.��
<br /> ector o• asm Servi�— �'p� ,r oy Jo-�ibTern
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