, _ _ (- , J �
<br /> ' �n = , :
<br /> ' by the �note) to........'�f.`.!.-......................... _....; (i) that if the Mortgaged Froperty or any poNion thercof shall be takm or damaged � - �
<br /> under ehe power of eminent domain, the award for any property so taken or damaged ( inciuding sevennce damages to the remaini�ng <
<br /> ? premises) shal[ be paid to the Mortgagee and app fied in fu{I or i� part at tF�e option of the Mortgagee in reduction of the indebted•
<br /> ness hereby sKured ; (jj that the Moctgageo shal( have the right to inspecf the Mortgaged Properry at such reuonble times as ' the � ;' , �^
<br /> +3 Mortgagee may desire to determi�e the Moctgagor's complianee with lhe coernants conta�aed in th�s Moctgage; (k) thu the Mortgagee ' ` „, �
<br /> i may rcleite From the licn hecmf any part oF tfie abore-described rnl property without requiring any cons�deratwn therefor, and ( 1 �
<br /> � � that he is lawfnlly seized of said premises in ft�, simple. Lhat the sartx are Free from encumbrances except u may otherwix be s ) � ` ;s
<br /> ,� cifically noted huein oc waived in writiag by the Mortgagee, that 4e will �ecuCe or procure any Eurther necwary usnruua of h� �
<br /> apd dxs hercby wwrrinEgenera11y' the title to uid premises and wiU fom•er defmd the same mst the claims and demands of all f.
<br /> �j ; persons wlwmsoeyer,: and tFut his xparate atate, whether vested, contingent or in e�pectancy�s here6y com�rycd and hc does hereby �
<br /> expressly waire, release and rdinquish dtl tigtrts and benefits of any homatead, dower, cuNesy, appraisemrnt, exemption aad sqy � ' . P
<br /> t laws of this state. It is agreed thu the interest provided for in sub•section (g) above shalP be 12% pet annum or the highest lawful , .x•
<br /> nte pecmitted by tontraet under. npplicabl� Iaw, sv6ichevv is leuer.
<br /> �� SECOND: 7'hat if the Mortgagor shal[ default in the payment of the Note or in the performance of a�y oF the covenants or agree- l,
<br /> � ments heiein or in the Note or in my agreement collateral heceto conqined, or if the then owrxr of the Mortgnged Property slull make
<br /> an assi$nment For the benefit of cceditocs o� shsll file a petition for rc�ieF undec tlae Bankruptcy Ad oF 1898. u amended, or under any
<br /> `-i similar statute, or sha0 be adjuilicated ba�krupt or insolvent, oc if any recefrer, liquidator or trustee shall t+e ap�intc.i fnr ,ucl, - �hen -
<br /> ¢ � owner or zny of� fiis property, thrn in such event, the rntire indebtedness herehy secured shall, at the option oC the Moctgagee and with• r
<br /> out notice to the Mortg�go r, be due and collectible at once by judicial Eoreclosure proceedings or u otherwix providedby �aw, oc, when ! , , �
<br /> .' avaifa6(e under applicable statutes or mles of practice, by advertisement and sale, and in such an even[ this provision shall be deemed u �;
<br /> ,� authorizing and mnstituting x po�ver of sale as menNoned in said statutcs or rules; that in addition to thc riRhts a�d remedies herein, the � :
<br /> ' Mottgagee is hereby authorized and empowered at its option to exercise forthwith and from time to time any further rights and cemedia �' `
<br /> ( available to the Mortgagee under tt�e laws of the state wherein the Mortgaged Property i3 situate, such as the right to collect the rcnts, k ' �-�
<br /> issues and profiGs, or ro have a receiver appointed to collect the same. • i
<br /> % THIRD: Thc following schedule(s) is (are) annexed hereto and madc a azt hareof �f no rnt '' J
<br /> ' ; . P ( ' cy, this section is inapplinble) : S.
<br /> � ........ .�...............:.......-•..........................••-,..................................... ....... ........ ............ _............................................................... _...................... . Y {'
<br /> jFOUR71i: That the covrnants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages thereof shall inurc to the respeetive � '� rz .
<br /> hein, executors, admioistnMrs, successors, and usigns o( the parties hereto. In this Mortgage unless the contezt otherwise reqvires words -' �
<br /> �� in the singular �umber include the plural and in the plural indude the singular, and words in thc rtuxuline gender i�clude the feminine ��<';
<br /> � �nd the nnmc ,�
<br /> .,��� . � � . � �� ::
<br /> � 2 ':
<br /> F �
<br /> � F4 '
<br /> 'I . I � r.''b
<br /> �:� � . � : t Na
<br /> IN WITL�TESS, WHEREOF, each of the undersigned hu signed, seafeJ and delivered this Mortgage as of the day, month and year ' " {t , '�`T
<br /> � first above w�ntten. � � �� ���
<br /> . � . . . '� G...� ` L// Z%1�'�r"`!"i— -- -......... � � :.; y "'�re.
<br /> W�enesses......... .. .....r. .... ....... _.r...... . . .. (Seal) 5 � �;'�
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<br /> : �Y �Y y Y x,
<br /> on tl�is.... tc .... .... day oE..._+� .F,�.�. ..........................19.�8... rsonally appeared bef re mc the within named.��.�.d,�,�..�w 1
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<br /> imtiumrnt. and duly uknow�edgcd to me that..............t� .............sigoed and executed the sune u............. • '' • .
<br /> . �'................ their
<br /> . . ............._..... h ; +
<br /> free and votuntuy ut and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mrntioned.
<br /> GIVEN under my hand and official seal, tl�e day and ymr in this certi6cate first above written. ;
<br /> R
<br /> (�) w�uirwtMr-aww�..r. ` '
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