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<br /> ; 78-� 0��2342 �
<br /> The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States '"�"`
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<br /> � THIS MORTGAGE.dated u of tha...28th......_. day of.....__..Msrch...................... 19.78..,betwern Willial[t� . ' F kx�
<br /> � Dibbern, also known as William Dibbem, and Joy J. Dibbern, also known as J� "' s' � �
<br /> Joy Joan Dibbern, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, }` ` ��
<br /> _ Wood Biver, Nebraska 68883 � ; �:
<br /> , whose officd addceu is.................... ............................................................. . . . . ...... .. ...._.. ...... .. �':,
<br /> ppst . ....................................... .... ....
<br /> �hercinafter;called "Mor��egor," a�d THE EQUITABI.E LiFE ASSi1RANCE SOCIETY OF 7TiE UNITED STA'I'ES,a New York > �`
<br /> 2ocponNon,luviog its pnnnpal office and post office address nt 1283 Avenue of the Americas,New�York,New�York 10019,hereinafter �F}
<br /> :�' 'catled':Moitgsget';
<br /> � WHEREAS the Mortgagor is justly indebted to the Mortga� in the sum of...T�ree..Hundred.,2hirt,y*-four.Thousand �,•, A
<br /> � �N9/�VO.... -----'----- 34 000 DO ...... ' �.
<br /> .....•••.........................Dollars ..3....a. . .s ... . .....) with intemt,�Il u set forth in hia cemin promissory note
<br /> ("Note") of even date herewith maturing......�rcfi..�........................................t9.��.. #��" . r,
<br /> � NOW,THEREFORE,THIS MORTGAGE WI'INESSET'FI,that,to securc tlx payment of the principal of and interat on the Note r 'i.
<br /> 3 and the perFormance oF the covenants therein and herein contained,and in consideration of the ptemisa,the Mortgagor by Uaesc ptesents i; x
<br /> does grant, bargaia,xll, convey,transEer, assign, mortgage,�pledge,warnnt and mnfirtn onto the Mortgagee all the pmperty ("tbe � '
<br /> ,Na��gwged Propertr••) herrinaFter described.to-wit: . N ,
<br /> ' � I. The followring deutibed«al ptoperty located in the County of.................. ' ` +
<br /> Nebraska .........Eiall................................................................. �
<br /> j State of.................................................................M-witc `
<br /> ;r.
<br /> �. �..� � �. R��
<br /> {,.
<br /> ` } The Southwest Quarter (SW'�) of Section Eight (8) and the Nortts- � : �
<br /> j, east Quarter (NE'�) and the North Half of the Southeast Quar�er �. zs �Si
<br /> i (N�SE'�) of Section Nine (9), all in Township Eleven (11) North, � ' �}��`;:
<br /> # Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M. � � ' .�� ;'�
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<br /> Default 'by the mortgagor uader aay other iastrumeat secnriag the debt hereby s ` , r ��
<br /> �sacured shall constitute a default uader this iast�++�++�nt. Y, ', r��'
<br /> ,. :
<br /> . � � . � ' S '� �u
<br /> � J, 4_i,
<br /> II. The Moregagoc's interest as leswr in all lenses (including but not limited to,oil,gas and minenl leases) now or hereafter �' S +f ��,
<br /> affecting the above-described rnl property or any part thereof. �� t'
<br /> TOGETHER WITK the rents, iuua,and pro6ts thercof, resrning,however, (unleu otherwise provided herein or in a separate � ' z ^��
<br /> it�strument of assign ment),unto the Moctgagor the right,prior to any default in the paqmm[of the Note or ia performante aE any �'»y ' xr �
<br /> a�reement heteundeq to collect and rcttin such rcnts,issues,and profits as they become duc and payablc,and together also with afl and r.
<br /> a�ngular the tmements,hereditaments,and appurtcnances thereunto belonging,mcluding irrigation,drainage,and wnter ri�ts of evety �
<br /> ki�and description. ' y
<br /> 'I'O HAVE AND 70 HOLD the same unto thc Mortgagee,its successors and assigns,fom•er. r.
<br /> � � � �PROVIDED, ALWAYS,that if the Mortgagor,his heirs, cepresentatives,scucessors or assigns,shafl pay unto the Mortgagee,its �
<br /> '.�,� successors or u�igns,the uid sum of monry mrntioned in the Notc and the intcrest thcreon at the times and place and in the manner
<br /> � speci6ed in the Note,and all other sums that may become due and owing to the Mortgagee pursuant to any o(the te[ms,covenants and 1 •
<br /> ' � mndd�oos 6ereof, and perform all the conditions and mvenaats rnntai�ed in this mortgagc("Morlgage"),then these presents and the
<br /> ' i estate heceby ganted shal(cease,determine and be void,otherwise to nmain in full force and eBect
<br /> ' # AND SUBJEGT to the covrnmts and mnditions hercinafter set forth. � `'
<br /> FIR$T:�The�Mongagor hereby covrna�ts and agrees,to the eztent permitted by law,u follows: (a) [o pay prompCIy when due
<br /> ,� the printipal and intere�t and other sums of money prov�ded for in the Note and in this Mortgage,or either, (b)to�ay afl taxa,assess•
<br /> ` � mrnts and other charges(including ditch,canal,reservoir,or other water charges, taxes or assessments) im by aw upon the Mo�t-
<br /> gaged Property;'the Mortgagee's intercst therein,o�upon thc Mortgage or the Note;provided however,t at,in the evrnt of the pu- � "
<br /> sage of 3ny law changing'the laws for thc taxation oE mortgaga or debls secured by mortgage so as to affect this Mortgage,the entire
<br /> 'indebEedness secuted hcrcby shall:at the option of the Mortgagee,beeome due a�d payable;(c) to keep the Mortgrged Property and im-
<br /> � ptpvemrnts thereon in gaod mndition and repair and not ro commit or suffer waste thereoF,md exttpt u authorized in any schedule �
<br /> annoced Ixreto and formmg a part hereoF,neither to mnove nor permit the removal of any timber,bu�ldings,oil,gas,minenls,stoee,
<br /> ; tock,ctay,fertilizer,gravel'or top soil without the prior written rnnsrnt of the Moctgagee; (d) to maintain and ddiver to the Mortgagee `; ( ,��
<br /> � -policia of.insvnnc'a agaiost�uch.hazards nn.che buildiogs.now or hereaftec louted on the Mortgaged�Property as the Mortgagee maq � .
<br /> '� teqwre,.in such Cocnpanws and amounts and with such (oss payable clauses u sFult be satisfac[ory to the Mortgagee;thar'in zhe evrnt oF + `
<br /> losa the Mortgagee is c.cp�essly authorized to settle or eompromise claims u�der stid policies a�d the proceeds shall be paid to the Mort• �
<br /> k� "�igee w}w'may apply sartse ot any pact thercof on the�ndebtedness secuced hercby or towards rhe ceconstruction orreQa�r of said bvild-
<br /> ,ngs or ceIease same to ehr Morrgagor;(e) to pay any lirn;daim or eharge agai�si the Mortgagcd Property which nu'ght taka precedence i
<br /> �� ovet the liea hereof;:(fj to pay on daaaad all fegaF expensa,title searches,or nttorney fees reasonably incurred or paid by the Mortgagee y�
<br /> �• ., -m collect t6allote oc foraclose ot pcocect ehe lien of the Mortga�e; (g) that in the event he shalt Cail to comply with the provisions oF �-x`'� '
<br /> ' `
<br /> -�j)���y(�) aypaq t�e TKodgagee may talce such action u n nacessary to remedy such faluce and all svms paid by the Mortgagee . ,,,,_�._,.,, x�
<br /> ;pursuaol:6erdo.with.intesest=u the nte;hea�aafter pcov�ded shal3 constdnt�a I�m upoo the Mortgaged Property.shall br sttvred by ' r �
<br /> � - :t6is Moctgagq and altail(x immediately;due and repayable to the Mastgagee: Ch) not.to sell the premises or any portion theceof. or, �?
<br /> ,:iE thrMo[tgagoc is,a rnrpogation,!wti+�re,fhao'�'46 oE ib m rate sbodyshall be sold.trrded or disposed of to perso�n othn tlun �.
<br /> �'the p�seuf„owners,pnoc eo tlie tiene etir indel+qednas aecnred,her�y 3ha11 hsve been ceduced.(e�aclusive of prcpayments not permitted re
<br /> . . .. . � � . � ���„,, g`n,
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