I �
<br /> 7. Condemnation. In the event the Propezty, oreny pert thereot, shelt be taken by eminent domain, the MorGgagee
<br /> is erttpowered to aotlect and [eceive all aompensetion which may be paid for any property Caken pr for da�ages, W propenEy
<br /> noC taken, and MorEgagee shali apply suah compensatioa, at its option, eiEfier to a rednctFon oL the Ind'ebtedness secured
<br /> dereby or to repair and'restore:ihe pmperty sn darnaged.
<br /> ( 8. Performance by Mortgagee. Markgagee mag, but sha[I have no o6tigadon, Eo do any aet which Ohe 1Vlodgagor
<br /> has agreed 6ut Pajls to do; end Mortgagee may alsq do any act Yt deems necessery Eo protect the lien hereot. Mortgagor
<br /> agrees Eo [epay, upon demand, any sulns so expended by Cl�e Mattgagee fo; the sbore pucposes, and any swns so expended.
<br /> by the Mortgagee shp11 be added tq the indebtedness secured hereby and become sult)'ect to the lien hereof. Mortgagee
<br /> Shall aot incur any peisonal lialiility 'becawse oP anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 9, Detault; Assignment of Rents. 15me i5 0[ tiie essence hereoL; and upot� Mortgsgor's de,[ault 'an any covenant
<br /> or agieement ot ttlls Maetgage, lnduding covenenis; to pay when dae the spms secured by this lYfortgage, the 3Nortgagee shA1l
<br /> - be entitled, at its sole option and without notice, to declare ell sums seeuzed by th'ts Mortgage to 6e [mmediately du¢ and
<br /> payable and may commence foreclosure of this Mortgage by judleial pXoceedings; end, ptovided f.urther, that upon such
<br /> detault fhe Mostgagee, or a :+eeeiver appointed by a rourt, tnay at its qpCiop a�d without regard to the sdequacy of Che
<br /> security, enter upon and take p:os5exsion of the ProperOy and collect the rents, issues and pzoflts therefrom snd apply them
<br /> 6est to tiNe cosp o[ c611ection aad opetation of the Properky end the:n u.pern the indebtedness secured by this Mortgagee;
<br /> said mnts, i&auea snd proflts being assigned to the Ivlortgagee as fuzther se.cu:ity for the payment of Ehe indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby.
<br /> 1,0. R4ans[er of Pcaperty. If all or any part of the Properhy is sold or Cransferred without the expness wriCten con•
<br /> sent vP fihe MorEgagee, Mortgagee tnay at ats sole ogtion, declare all sums seepted dy this Mortgage to- be immediately due
<br /> and payable.
<br /> 11. �Cutc i4dvances. Upon request of IVlortgagar, Mortgagee may make additional and fature advances to
<br /> Mortgagee. Such advances, wiCh interest theYeon, shall be secuced by thu MorC�age Whea evideneed 'b.y promissory notes
<br /> sfating that said hotes are secured hereby. At no time shall Che prinaipal amount of the indebtedness securnd by khis
<br /> MoYtgage, not including Sutns adYanced to p�teet Chr sesurity of this Mortgage, exceed Che pH�nal Note.
<br /> 12. Miscellaneous Procisions.
<br /> (a) Any for+ebearance in exerciaing any right or rnmedy ,shall noC be a waiver Yhereof.
<br /> (6) All remedies peorided herein aze distincC and aurttulative to any other right a[forded by law or equity,
<br /> Md m8y be exetcised co�currentlp, independenUy or successi-vely.
<br /> �c) T6e covenanCs and agrerments contained hecein shali bind, and the righta inure to, the respectiue
<br /> successoxs and assigns of Che lYIortgagor and the MortgBgee.
<br /> (d) All covenants and a¢eements oC the MottgagoK are je�nt gnd severel.
<br /> (e) 'I'he headi .ngs of 2he paragraphs of this MorUgBge are for conveniehee onty and shall not be used to, inter-
<br /> prnt ot de�ne the provisions hereoL
<br /> 13. Release. Upon payment of all sums securnd by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shnll diacharge t6is Mortgage and
<br /> shall execute and delider a satis[actory celease therefo�'.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor has executed this MoKgage on the 30�ay of �r� _, 19 78 .
<br /> , � � � �. . � � ��KL���-=..��Lf�--�-��� Bovower . �. . .
<br /> SYlal
<br /> '�c� I � � �?'IA�O.. OG'
<br /> ��we�
<br /> State ot Nebcasta, �11 County ss: •
<br /> On this 30th �y o� M�irCh 19 78 before me, the undecsigned, a Notary Public
<br /> duly rnmaussioned and qualited tor said munty, pexsonally came �'n' `7 - Nlarshall and L_ Jan
<br /> Marshall
<br /> , to me known to be the
<br /> identica! person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged t6e execution thereof
<br /> to be 1'u-S arY3 her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness handt�nd notarlal seal at ��� �Z� in said county, the
<br /> ddte afoces�i� dMr� ---�
<br /> � $. �_ S_ 79 � j� � .7�,
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