� �
<br /> Z$'�.J Q 2 O El O _ g�,C�Np MOATGAGE
<br /> This'Mortgagalsenteredinto becween �'C� J�.MAR51iAtZ AL�ID L. .TAN NRIRSFIAI�L Husbarx3
<br /> �� � ���� and Wife ; � � �
<br /> , .: . _ _. (herefn"Marfgagor")and
<br /> > ; , �OVEF�AI�ID h'II�TI� BAi3IC OF GR1�1L�ID ISLAND. C,Yancl I5larxi, Nebraska �herein`•Moztgagee")
<br /> „. ' ' Moptgagot is indebted tq MorEgagee in the pancipa!sum o[$ 52,000..00 �evidenced by Moztgagot's note
<br /> ��d .' Mc'ttch 30�T978 (ti�rein"Note")prov`tding for pBYments o[prineipel and interest,.wit4 the balsnce ot ttie
<br /> 3pdebtedness,it aot sqoner psid,dqe snd payable an Mar'ch 3Q. 1979_
<br /> � To secure the payment oC the Note,with interest es provided therein,the payment o[al(othec sum�,�vith interest,
<br /> advanced by 1Hortgagee to proteat the security o[this Mortgage,and'the penformance of Che covenants and agreements of
<br /> �e.Mortgagoc coptained herein, MotCga�or does he�reby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the fot7owing described
<br /> . pro�YeFty located in Hall County,Nebraslte:
<br /> IDt 7:Wenty-0ne (�17 . Biock Four (4) of fihe R�plat of Rivcyrside P,eres
<br /> Additiot* Ga trte City o£ Grand =sland. Hall Cotmty, Nebras9ta
<br /> F
<br /> Togethea wi'th al�"bnlldings,imprctvcmenCs.fixtures,streefs,alteys,Passageways, easements;rigM�ts�Pcivileges and
<br /> app�artenances located thercon or in anywise pertaining-thereto„and tihe renks,i5sues end proPts,t^evecsions and reaneindeis
<br /> . Wereof;induding,but not limited to,heating and cooling equipmpnt Snd s�ch persanal property Yhat is eYtached to.Wr
<br /> improvements so as to consGtute a Ciacture;all of whicb,including replacemenfs,.and additions thereto,is here6y declazed
<br /> :. - -to be a part of t6e real estate spcured by the lien of this Mortgage and a►1 of the forngoing being refetred to deieln as t6e
<br /> �.pr��,,.
<br /> ` . _ Mortgagor further convenants and agrees,witfi Mortgagee,as tollows:
<br /> 1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest 6hereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> � : � ' 2:TfUe. Morigagor is the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to mortgage the Property,and
<br /> warranfa that the lien cteated hereby is a tirst and prior tlen on the Property,except as may otherwise be;set forth herein.
<br /> �]17�e Property is subject to a Mortgsge wherein
<br /> is t6e Mortgagee,xecorded at Book ,Page of the Mortgage,Records of Couaty,
<br /> Nebcas)cs,which Mortgage is a lien prior to the lien crnated hernby.
<br /> ❑ Other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br /> 3. Taues,Aesesaments. To pay when due all taxes,special assessments and all other charges against the Property
<br /> aad„upon wtttted demand by Mortgagee,to add to the payments rnquired under the Note seeured hereby,such emount as
<br /> may be su[Scient to enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes,assessments or other charges as they become due.
<br /> ;' 4. Iosurmce. To keep the 3mprovemenis now or hereatter located on the real estate described herein insuLed
<br /> againat`damage by.5re and auch other hazards as Mortgagee may require,in amounts and with rnmpanies acceptable to the
<br /> 'Moirtgagee, aad'with'Ioss payable to Lhe Mortgagee: In case of loss under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br /> - `adjust"'collect' aad compromise,in its disctetion,all cIalms thereunder at its sole option, aut6odzedto eitherapply the
<br /> ` pe+ocxeds to the'restoxattoa ot the Property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby,but payments hereunder shall con-
<br /> !_. � .•: t�aue tihtil the sums securnd heYeby are paid ln tulL
<br /> .,: . , . i ._
<br /> , ,�b. 0 F�ctow For.Taxes and Insurmee. Notwithstanding anything contained in�graphs 3 and 4 hereoL to the
<br /> r 1"s � s,contracy,Moktgagor stsall;pay Yo'the::Mortgegee at the Lime of paying the.monthly installments of,principal and interest, : �
<br /> v :> ,s , ���-�',4�tFh.of,We.yeaiiy taxes,.ascessmeats,:hazard:insurence premiums,and grouad centa(if.anY)which may attaln a 'r:
<br /> , ; P�o�Y.over this,'MartgsQe,;aFl es remoaably:estimated 8om time.to time by.the Mortgagee.The amounts so peid shall be
<br /> ,
<br /> ` p y pect to which sucta amounEs were t' " -+ . `"�
<br /> 3 -,:held�iythe MorLgaQee withput interest ahd'applied to Eiie a 'ment ot the items in res .
<br /> depae�bed.T1ie s!ims paid,to.Mortgagee'�ere�ind'er are pledged as additional security for.the indebtedness secured by this I ,
<br /> t `Mortg�e:Mortgsgoxshall pey to Mortgagee the atnount of any de8ciency between the actual taxes,sesessments,insuranee 1 �
<br /> � .� .,�iremiums and ground reaEs�and Che-depoei�6:tiereunder within 10 days after demand is made upon Mortpagor requesting ��'.
<br /> __ pay'mei�t't��reoL
<br /> A :8 Repait,Maintenance and"Use. To proai_ptlp,tepair,resWze oi_rebuild any bitildings or improv+ements now or „
<br /> ....
<br /> `. ==2ieieaites'oa`the Pcoperty;to 7cepp ttie Property in go8d."condidon and zepair,without waste,and frne from mechanic's or
<br /> ot6erliens not eicpeeasly suf�ordinhted to,the llen hereoi;ubt to mske,suHes or pe=mit any nuisance to exist,nor to dimin-
<br /> '"- � =;ish,oz impair the;yaLte oL.the•Property by'any act'or'aemiasion td act;and to comply with all requ9rnments of law with
<br /> "' "' -.rEspect to tht Propetty_ ' . r
<br /> ' �, - �. .. . ._.z . -. r. :�._:' .. - - . . ..... . �
<br />