1 �
<br /> 78- UO2 �D42
<br /> 6. 3f hs f� ils to pay any sutla or keep any co,�enxnt provided for in this mortgaKe, the Mortgagee, at
<br /> its option, may pay or perfurm the same, and all expenditures so made stiall be added Co the prancipal sum
<br /> owing on the abave notF, shxll be secured hereby, and shall besr interest until paid aE the rate providei3
<br /> for in the principal indebtedness.
<br /> � 7. Ilpan request of the Mor't
<br /> gagee, Mor6gagor shall execute and delivcr a supple.mental note or notes
<br /> ior the sum or sums advanced by Martgagee for ihe alterati�n, modernication, or improvement made sk
<br /> r the Mortgagpr's request ; or for mainCenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessmenbs against khe '
<br /> same, and for any ottier purpose eisewhere aathorized hereunder. Said note �r notes sha1I be secured
<br /> ; hereby on a parifsy with and as fully as if the advance evideneed thereby wer� included in the note first
<br /> deseribed above. Said supplemental note or notes sha17 b�ar interest at the rate pruvided for in the prirr
<br /> cipai indel�tedriess and sha11 be payable in appruximately r�uai znonthly nayments for :�uch period as may
<br /> �e agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mnrtgagoz�. Failing t� agree on the maturity, the whole uf the sum
<br /> or surns sn ad�•ance� shall be due and payable thil-t.v ( 30) days after clemind bv Che Mc�rtgagee. In no
<br /> evcnt s}iall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note firck described above.
<br /> 8. He hereby assigr�s, trairsfers ar�d sets over tp the Mortga$ee,. to be applied totivard Che paqment of
<br /> t11e not,e and alt swms secui•ed hereby in case of a default in the performa�ce af any of the terms and condi-
<br /> tioirs oi this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and incarne t� be derive�l from the moe•t-
<br /> �aged premises during such time as the inortgag� indebtedness shatl i•emain unpaid ; and Che :4Iartgagee
<br /> shull have power to sppr;int any agent or agents it may desire for the purposF �£ renting the same and col-
<br /> lecting the xents, 2•evenuc� and inctame, aqd it maS' pay �ut af sxicl inc�mes a11 necessary commi�si�ns atld
<br /> expenses incurred in rentin� and managing Che same and of collectin� rentals therefrom ; th,e balance
<br /> remainin�, if any�, to be anplicd toovard Lhe dischar�e �f �sid mortgage inrlebteciness.
<br /> 9. He will continLioc�sly inaintain hazard imsurance, of such type or types ancl atmauiits as Mortgagee
<br /> may fi•om time to time re�aiire, on the intiprowements now or hereafter on said �remises and except �vhen
<br /> payment for all such prrmiurns h�s theretnfore t�een maeie undex• (a. ) oP nax•agi•aPh 2 hex•euf, �ci11 pay
<br /> �romptly� when due any pi�emiums therefor. Up�n def'ault there.of. Mortgasee may pay the same. A19
<br /> insurance shall be ca�•ried in companies appro��ed by the Mortgagee and the I�olicres an3 reneN�als thereof
<br /> shnll be held by the 1GToY•t�aKee anti have atta�hecl thereto loss payable clauses in favor �f xnd in form '
<br /> aeceptable to the Mortgagee. In event of loss Murtgagor �c�ill gi��e imtnediate notice by �ndy) to the Mt�rC-
<br /> gagee; who may make �ri�of af ]oss if not ma�e prompt]y by Mortgagor, and eaeh inaurance com�ai�y con•
<br /> cr_�rned -is hcreby authoz•ized and i�srected to n�ake payment for swch lcss clirec'tly to the iWlorCgagee �nstead
<br /> of to the M. ortgagnr .�nd the Mortgagee joiutl,v, and the insurance proceeds, or an,y ptxrt thereof,
<br /> may be appbied by the Mortgagee at its qption either to the x•eductian af the inclebtiedness hei•eby secured
<br /> or to the restorxtion �r i•epair of the praperty damaged. In event of foreelosure of this trnortgage, or ather
<br /> transfer of title to the niortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtecinc;ss secured liereby, a1l `_
<br /> right,' title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the -
<br /> purchaser or grantee.
<br /> `,
<br /> 10. As additional and collateral security for the payment of the note described, and all sums to become
<br /> due under this mort�age, the Mortgagor hereby assigns to the MorYgagee all lease bonuses, profits, reve-
<br /> nues, royalties, rights, and other benefits accruing to the Mortgasor under any and ail oi1 and gas leases
<br /> now, or during ttte life of this mortgage, executed on said premises, with the right to receive and receipt
<br /> for the same and apply them to said indebtedness as well before as after default in the conditions of this '
<br /> mortgage, and the Mortgagee may demand, sue for and recover any such payments �vhen due and pay-
<br /> able, but shal] not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate and become null flnd coid upon
<br /> release of this mortgage.
<br /> 11 . He shall not commit or pei•rnit waste ; and shail maintain the property in as good condition as at
<br /> present, reasonable «•ear and tear excepted. Upon any failure to so maintain, Mortgagee, at its option,
<br /> may ca.use reasonab]e maintenance work to be performed at the cost of Mortgagor. Any amounts paid
<br /> therefor by Mortgagee shali bear interest at the rate provided for in the pi•incipal indebtedness, shall
<br /> thereupon become a part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, ratubly a�id on a parity with ali
<br /> other indebtedness secured hereby, and shall be payable thirty (30 ) days after demand_
<br /> 12. If the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the po���er of eminent domain, or
<br /> acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, or the consideration for
<br /> such acquisition, to the extent uf the full amount of the remaining unpnid indebtedness secui•ed by this
<br /> mortgage, or hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, and shall be paid forth�vith to slid Mortgngee, to be
<br /> appliecl on account of the ]ast maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br /> 13. If the i�Iortgagor fails to make any payments when due, or to conform to and comply with any
<br /> of the conditions or lgreements contuined in this mortgage, or the notes a•hich it secures, then the
<br /> entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and pay�al�le, at the election of the
<br /> Mortgagee ; and this mort�age ma�• thereupon Ue foreclosed immediately for the whole of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereby secured, includiug the cost of extending tlie abstract of title fi•om . the date of this mort- �
<br /> gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, and any sums paid by the Veterans
<br /> Administration on account of the gunranty or insurance of the indebtedness secured hereby, all of which "` `�c ' '
<br /> shall be included in the decree of foreclosure. 1�-
<br /> �`' .i
<br /> 14: If the indebtedness secured hereby be guaranteed or insured tmder Title 38, United States Code,
<br /> sricb Title anct Regulations isaued thereuncler and' in effect on the date hereo£ shali govern the rights, duties � ;
<br /> arid ]tabilities of the arties .hereto undhn � . �
<br /> P , y provisions of this or other instrumetits executed in connection k
<br /> with said ind�bted 'ness which nre inconsistent with said Title or Regulations are hereby amended to � � ' ?;,�
<br /> conform thereto. �
<br /> � The covenants herein contained- shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shail inure to, the ~ '� �� �
<br /> �
<br />