� �
<br /> 78�30204 �
<br /> To Hnt+� aND To �Iotn the same unCo the Mortgagee, as iie�•ein provideel. Mortgagor represents to,
<br /> and covenants with, the Mortgagce, ttiat the Mortga�or has gooc� righ-t to scll and convcy said pre�iises ;
<br />�, that they are free from encumbrance, except as her��inotherwise x•ecited ; that the Mortgagur �vill warrant
<br /> ' and de�Qnd the same against the la�vful claims of all pervans whomsoevei•. Mortgagor hereby relint�uishes
<br /> alf rigiiYs of hci�mesfeacl; all mari6al rights, either in la�v or in equity, amd all o#h�r eontingent interP,sts of
<br /> , the Mor+tgagor in and to th+e a6ove-described premises.
<br /> i PAovtDEn Atwaics, and these presents are executed ttnd delivcred upon the following c�nditions, fv `
<br /> wit :
<br /> Mortgagor aqrees to pay to thhe Mort�Agce, or order, the aforesaid princin:il sunr with interest frum ciaEe
<br /> at the rate nf eight and t ree ��er centurn ($ , 75`,✓0 ) per nu t�lte u��.�id F�alance ur�ti�aid.
<br /> fourths �rs� �e era av ngs an an
<br /> T'he said princigal and it�ferest shali be payable at Ehe office of pssociation af Lincoln
<br /> in Lincoln � Nehraska , or 1t suc}i otlier place as the holder of the npte may designate in
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the ibIort�ngor, in monthly insta[]ments of TWp HUNDRED THLRTY SI7C AND O1 / T00
<br /> Do'llars ($ 236 _ 01 ) , enmYziencing on the frrst dsy of August , 19 '78 , and cantinuin.g on
<br /> the first day of each munth tliereafCer until said ttoke is fully paid, exce��t that, if not sooner pairl, the Final
<br /> pxyment of pr�zncipal and interest ehall be clue anrl paya6le uti the firvt clay of .Tuly 2008 ; all
<br /> sccoi•ditig t� the terms of a cextaitn promissoi•y note of e�%en <late hca•ewith executetl by the saic3 Mortga�oi•. , ; ;
<br /> 7'he Martgagor further �grees : .
<br /> 1. He will pay the indebtedness, as her•eit�before �rrovicIed . Pcivil�ge is reservecl Co prepay at any
<br /> ' time, without premium �r fee, the,� entirc ind�Uteriness oi• any part tMereof not less than the arnount of one
<br /> installment, or one hundred dollass ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shnll be crediLed on
<br /> the date received. Pastiml grepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited untii
<br /> the next follqwing installmemt due date ar thirty daps aEter swch prepayment, whichever is esirlier.
<br /> : 2. Togetfier with, dnd in addition to, the monthly Payments of principal and i;nterest payable under
<br /> Che terms of the nate secure<i herehy, 11Sortgagar will pay to Martgagee, as trustce, ( ander the terms of this
<br /> truat as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month until said note is fully paid :
<br /> (¢) A sum equal to tihe �roc� n.cl renks, iS any, next elue, plus the �remiums th�t will next become due
<br /> and pa,vable �tt policies of fire anci otHer hazard insurance covering tihe rnortgaged property,
<br /> ': plufi tttxes and as:;e�sments next due on the m�rtigxged �roperty (alt as estimated by the Mor� ; "
<br /> gagee, ancl vf u•hich tihe Murtgagnr is notified ) less ail sums already paid therefor divfcled by
<br /> the number of months to elapse before �ne m�nth px•ior to the date when. such ground rents,
<br /> premiurns, taxes and assessments �i•ill hecome delitrqaent, such sums to be hel,d by- Mortgagee
<br /> � in trust to pay s�t'td ground rerrks, prerniums, taxes and special assessments.
<br /> (b ) The a�gregate of the arnounts payable pi�rsuant to subpsragraph (a.) and thase paYable ou the
<br /> t note secured hereby, shall be paid in a single payment each month, to be applied to the follo�v-
<br /> ing items in the order stated :
<br />,� ( t ) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiuma ;
<br /> ( II ) interest on the note secured hereby ; and
<br /> ( III) amortization of the principal of said note.
<br />' Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good
<br />� by the Mortgagor prior to the due date of the next such payment, constitute an event of default
<br /> under this mortgage. At Mortgagee's option, llortgagor will pay a `9ate charge" not exceed-
<br /> ing four per centum (4ryo ) of any install ment w•hen paid more than fifteen ( 15 ) days after the
<br />; due date thereof to cover the extra expense involved in handlingdelinquent payments, but such
<br /> '7ate charge" shall not be payable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br />` ness secured hereby, unless such proceeds are suffi'icient to discharge the entire indebtedness and
<br />? all proper costs and expenses secured thereby.
<br /> 3
<br />� 3. If the tohal of the payments made by the Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />� exceed the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee, as trustee, for ground rents, taxes and
<br />� assesamenta or inaurance premiums, as the case may be, such excess shall be credited by the Mortgagee
<br />; on subsequent payments to be made by the Mortgagor for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, as trustee,
<br /># shall be refunded to Mortgagor. If, however, such monthly payments shali not be sufficient to pay such
<br /> a items when the same shall become due and payable, then the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee, as
<br />� truatee, any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within thirty (30 ) days after written notice from
<br /> tt:e Mortgagee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be given by mail. If at any time
<br /> ttte Mort,gagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance �vith the provisions of the note secured
<br />; hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, the Mortgagee, as trnstee, shall,
<br /> i ia computing the amount of such indebtedneas, credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance
<br />? accumulated under the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under any
<br />� of the provisions of this mortgage resu]ting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br /> Mortgagee acquires the property otherwise after defanit, the Mortgagee, as trustee, shall apply, at the
<br /> t tiate of the commencetnent of such proceedings, or at the time the property is other�vise acquired, the
<br /> 4 amonnt then remaining to credit the Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the � ,
<br /> jintereat accrued and unpaid and the balance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note. A^ �
<br />� 4. The lien of this instrvment shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement or exten- + '°
<br />� sion�of the time of payment� of the indPbtedness or any part thereof secured hereby. E` `,
<br /> � b. He wi11 pay�all ground rents, taxea, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or munici- e � " = x
<br />� pai charges, fines, or impoaitions, levied upon said premises and that he will pay all taxes levied upon this ,„, _ '�'
<br />; mortgage, or the debt secured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied
<br />� under the laws ofNebraska against the Mortgagee, or the legal hoider of said principal note, on account of
<br />� this indebtedness, except when payment for all such items has theretofore been made under ( a ) of para-
<br />� graph 2 hereof, and he will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the. MortgaSee. In default
<br />; thereoF the Mortgagee msy pay tlie saine. �
<br />