. ...
<br /> , � �
<br /> ; � .
<br /> �..
<br /> ;
<br /> � ° _ . .:_ -.�_ . _.: ._ __ . _. -: . .. . _ _. : �. : -- ... _ . � __� _.. _. _ _ _. - - _ ._. _ _ � �
<br /> _ __ , ! �;� . .
<br /> ' ( 8 ) That in the evenC any awarCs are made to Lhe Hc�rtgagors or the4r successors in Snterest f�or taki�rg or damaging
<br /> ` I{ � by the exercise 4S Bminent Qomaln th6 whole or eqy part ot the m�rtgagefl Dremises or ��y easem�nt thereYn. ., the� s.alA � ;
<br /> III awaras ere hereby assi�ed 2o the Sfartgagee ; the M�rcgagee is hereby authorizeG ta collect , receive , and recaSDt
<br /> i �(y theretor an4 Lo aDDly the ssme ln petyment of any inQebteQne...cs , matureA. or unmacureG , secured Dy this mortgage . �?
<br /> 1 � �
<br /> (7) That in the event Mortgagors de[au3t Sn . the pqyment �f said princlpal sum , or o�t� any 1nsCallment tner�:of ,. or ,
<br /> j � ot .aqy Snterest triereon , at the timp when tihe same sriall be due , or wlth rAapect to aryy c�venant or condi ��Ydn here- �
<br /> � of�, then , at �the optlon br Mortgagee , the eniire Indebteriness secvreC hereby shall. fqrLAwlth Decome due and payable , �{
<br /> ,j � sha21 bear . . interast at the Gefault rate descriDed Sn said noGe , anC the Mortgagen mqy S�rtwediately foreclose this
<br /> 4 mortgage or puraue any ot�er availa.bla legal remeqy .
<br /> � (8) That Sn t]}e event action Ss brought to Poreclose Lhis rnorUgage , Ghe Hortgagee shall be enckLled to Smme0lace ��
<br /> . �� Dossession of Ghe mortgageA premises , anQ the court may ayD:oSnt s recalvar to cake posses�sion oS said premises , with �
<br /> �. Che usual Dowets of receiyers in llke cases . ! . .
<br /> t '�
<br /> : � ( 9 ) That SailUre on delay of Hortgagee to exercise any of ! ts rlghts or prSv2leEes shall not. De construed as a I'
<br /> � Weiyer thereo�3 ; that a[Ly act i)f Mo.rtgagee walving ax�y sper, iSic Aeiaul6 ��S Mortgagors shall not be construed a� a I �
<br /> 4i wafVer ot any future defaults ; thaG in case oS de�faulC 1.n the puymenL o[ �ny amnrtSzaClon SnstallmenGs pr Sncerest !'�
<br /> �� i or in �ca^,e of p�yment Dy Mortgagee ot aitY 11en , � udgment , trix . Insairance , c�st or expense , or ren.ts , ft;.es or charges , �l ��
<br /> � sa1,d Hortgagee sha1T bnve the� prlvilege , wlthout declarSng the whole in�ebtedness Cue anQ pxyable , to foreel�se un .. .
<br /> account of �uc�h speclfic default for such sum�s a�s are Sn default anG such torecYosure Droceetl.ings may tre haC anG ;,,
<br /> �� the land Qescribed hereln may be sold., subJect Lo the unDaid SndeD�Gedness hereby sec,ured , and Lhls mortgage shall
<br /> � contlnue as s llen fas nny unpa2.d. balnnce . �� .
<br /> �,.
<br /> 1 � f10) Thet Lhe Mortgegee m�y extentl and tlefer CBa matur2ty oi and renew and resmortize sa1C lndebLetlness , release �t �
<br /> � trom liabiiity nc�y party ilable thereon. , an.d release Srom the lien heraof portlozq of the property cOvered t.ereby � , �
<br /> wSthou��t affecGing the DriorSty hereaf os the 1 : ab111ty of Hortgagors or any oCrier pactg� Sor the payment of said
<br /> � inAeDtedness , all such extensions , de2erments , renewals , and reamortSzations to be ser.ured here0y . j:, . .
<br /> I , (31 ) Transfer af SecurlCy . Zt YS agreeQ between r,he partles -Yneret.o , their heirs , Tegal Cepresentatives an�d assl�t i � � . ��
<br /> 9 � T.hat the� inGegrlty an�d responsibSlSty oi the NortRagors ranstltuces $ part otthe conslderatlon for Che note seeured
<br /> � hereby , 8ntl th�:t in the event the nortgagors shall se11 , transfer ,. or cQnvey the DY'operCy eescr�i5ea he�rein , the � �� � � .
<br /> ! Nnrtgagee may at f. ts optlon de�clare the entire SndeDteGness immediately tiue ana payo.ble and may proceeG S.n the !�.n
<br /> a
<br /> ' �� . {� 2oncsment o1 S. ts r1&hts as on arLy ottier deSault. in the terms of the noce and mcrtgagz . �
<br /> ` �:
<br /> �;
<br /> ( 12) ps9lgun�ent of Proceeds of Minetal Lease . Nortgagors hereby transier , s�et over , anQ �:onvey to Hort.gagee all +?
<br /> rents , ro,valLies , Donuses , and Qel.ay moaeys that may Irom ttme to clrne be�eome due and payable under any q11. , oas
<br /> � i � � or n�ther mineral lease oS any kin�i nn�v exTsting or that may herea! ter come into exYstence , covertnR tihe aDove land 4�.
<br /> � ,� � or aqy pac�G tksereof . All such sums .so received by Mortgagee �hall be aDClied to the SnQebtzdness secured hereb3; br !i ,
<br /> , j said M�rtgagee may nt lts opt�lon turn over and deliver tp the Mortgagqrs or thelr saccessors in lnteresc , a� or a.il ��! �.
<br /> �� o�f such sum3 wlthouG pre� u�ice to any of Mort�gtigee � e rights tc Ceke and retain SuWre sumN , and wlthout DreJudice " , rs�.
<br /> j ��. � to any ot Sts other right� under thSs mUrLgage _ The Lrans:er a�:d conveyanr. e h.erevndar to Mo�rtgagee oY �a9d renCa , ' ; � u�
<br /> j � royslties , b�nnses , and delay maneys shall Oe can.strued to be R aro�vtsion S�r che paym?nt or reQucclon ef the mort- � ; . _ � �
<br /> i gage debt , s1�bJec�tto the Morteagee + s op�tlon as herelnDefore� p.ovSaed . dnQepenffent oI the mortgage llen on saiQ real i1 � � �5��
<br /> e9taCe . t)pon payment fn full of the morGgage tiebt und the rel. ease of thls mortgage oS record , thls conveyance sha21 � d , .
<br /> � become inoperative snG of no Yurthez� 7orae ana effect . ,? { � � �
<br /> � � F`5
<br /> ; � � �� (Yords and yh>ases he�rei ��n, inelvdin� the acknowtadgment herecf, slusll be �ccnsbrved as in the simgular or yiursC i� � � � ��W =� -
<br /> ; nwbess and as aasculine� , fe�intine , o+ neuter gendes , acrordzng to the crns'ext . ) � ' • ,,
<br /> ! 4y . , ;; ,�.
<br /> �� S�L � ��� �.2 � , w � �
<br /> �.w > (z if� .t
<br /> � � � �( /�enn� s`�B� BaascTi ( SEt+L ) �� : , ' }�� ,
<br /> � . ?� ; � SF.AL1 �f/ .� ��7���J�'i'.ltv'" k�7 ���/ Ei � � . _ .. 9zx �� `.
<br /> S � , Kathleen G . Baaschts�aL ) i ,: r �
<br /> j ( SEAL ) ( 5£AL ) tl `r`�'��.
<br /> y � , � , '
<br /> F :l ��t
<br /> € ( S$ALJ ( SEALI l; . . „� '�
<br /> i � i ,' �
<br /> ( . STATE OF iZ��E-/f�i�i�.S.�'f{� �; ,
<br /> � � ss . 4{ .. " '
<br /> '� � COIRJTY OF _,�A G C. � j � � .
<br /> ;i
<br /> � � . E� r�;a .
<br /> . � � . � � On this � �� day of �`%E�/L , p , D . , 19 I; � before me , a Notary Public Sn and for sald County anG �' � fiN�
<br /> ( 'f 54N�
<br /> : � � Dennis B . Baasch ( also Lcnown as Dennis Baasch) and Kathleen G . �; x'�
<br /> State , Dersonally appeared ,�
<br /> ' Baasch husband and wife +�
<br /> , i �� f �
<br /> �'' �� � ` �
<br /> . �
<br /> �� '. ` to me known to be the Persons named Sn antl who executed Lhe foregoing instz^�ment , and acknowletlgeti that they executed � �
<br /> � ' j !
<br /> the seme as thelr voluntary ac[ ana deed .
<br /> ° � � NAN ITZEL L l � � ,
<br /> ; � ti ' x ,.
<br /> // ) /
<br /> %l ✓ ! � . . ( �- �r � � - �i �
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<br /> ' {t _.�, MY Cp�n p�iN /L �"�'.r- f� cT l r" iTIL' L �;
<br /> . ! . � . MAR�'f� $, 78,� ( Type or print ame unCer signature 1 � �
<br /> � Notary Pub11c Sn and for sald County and State
<br /> f
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