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<br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Foma F�o 2os (aev. i—r�) ';
<br /> .�s U01974 ,�—�_ --- -----_ __ —. .
<br /> Date March 28, 197$
<br /> I�
<br /> 9' �
<br /> Dennis B. Baasch (also known as D+ennis Baasch) and Kathleen G. Baasch, husband and � ��
<br /> wife � � ,i
<br /> � , Mortgagors,
<br /> Ha1T Nebraslca , in conslderatf on of �
<br /> OS.. ..Cuu,flty. -- � fi .
<br />. the advance of� the Orincipal suro reciteG i.n tihe noGe hereinsfter described, receiptof whLch is aeknowletlged, hereby �
<br /> morCgage and convey to �!
<br /> �( THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, q�
<br /> f� of Omaha, Uouglas �ounty, Nebraska, whose address
<br /> 1f� is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 6810U,
<br /> It Mortgagee (sub�e�et 40 oil, ga.s� and mSneral rl.ghts ownecf Dv partizs otYfer chtsn Mort�gagors; existing easememts nf
<br /> 1 recora; i•eservutions !n Un1teG �Oates 3ndStat,epatents;ar;��dtY.e rf.ghr,s uf the putalic in a1Z highways), r,hetollowing-
<br /> 1� descrlbed real escate in HaTI cour.ty, Nebraska ; �
<br /> SEC. TWP. R(i. � ��
<br /> j� E�i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ - ^ - - - - - - 5 12N 11 F16thB.M_ � ;
<br /> �� f if
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<br /> �
<br /> !j4 � . L=:
<br /> I f t
<br /> �' � �� I
<br /> � j!
<br /> i�
<br /> contalning 313 acres, �ore or less, together wSth all of the rl�t, LSt1e, and lnterest �
<br /> .(now owned or hereatter acqulreC)ofthe Mortgagors Sn sald property, including all bu11d1ngs, improvements, tixtures, �
<br /> or appurtenances thereon or hereafter pinced Cliereon; all water, Srrl�tion, and dralnage rlghts• the tenements,
<br /> hereGlTsments, anC apDurtenances thereto and t1�e ^ents, issues, crops, and profits arising from sa1� lands; nnd (17 Z; �
<br /> . the Mortgagors� rights in the publlc domaln are required by Mortqagee for securlty purposes) all leases, permits, �? '
<br /> licenses,orprivileges, appurtenant or nonappurcenant to sala mort�ged premises,nowor hereafcer lssued, extended, ; � �
<br /> or reneweA to Lhe Hortgagors by che United States or Lhe state Sn whlch the above-described property is located or i! �
<br /> any depertment, bureAu, or agency thereof. �
<br /> �i -
<br />� 1Y�Ss-mortgage is glven to secure a promissory note of even date herewlth, executed by Mortgagors to i7ortgagee, In
<br /> the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SIX HlINDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - -ppLLaas, (_
<br /> �pq}+able with Snterest accordinq r.o the terms of said note, the final p�yment being due and payable on the flrst day �� .
<br /> of � � M�S'+ 1998 . -rnis conveyance shall be vold uCon the payment of said promissory nate, i:
<br /> l;
<br /> �This�mortgage Ss subJect to the provislons o2 TNE FARM C?iEDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supDlemental � .
<br />� thereto. The Droceeds of the loan secvred hereby w111 De used Sor trie purposes specified Sn the Hortgagors� appli- .
<br /> cation for sald loan and authorized by saSQ Act. � , .
<br />. Trie:Hortgagors, and each of them, hereUy warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgageQ real proDerty; that Lhey � � �'
<br /> wlll deienG tbe tltle against all claimants whameoever, and that sald property is free from ali encumbrances: that �
<br /> they .w111 keep all the Improvements, iixtures, and appurtenances occupied and in good repaSr and permit no acts of �
<br /> �waste��and they will relinquish� all rights of hamestead ln sald premises,anQ covenant and agree with the�Mortgagee, �: �
<br />� as follows: '; ��
<br />- .(i) That they will DeY when due all taxes, iiens. �udgments, or assessments which may be lawSully assessed agalnst �, �
<br /> the property hereln mortgaged. �' � �
<br /> {.
<br />� (2) .That�they will Snsure anG keeD insured buildings or other improvements now on or whlch may hereatter be placeG �' �
<br /> on.sald premises tothe satlsfactlon of Lhe Mortgagee, sucri insurance policy shall be endorsea with a mortgage clause i; � .
<br /> I �w1th the loss thereunQer to be pQyaDle to the Nortgagee. Aqy sums received may be used to pay for reconstruction � �
<br /> ! of tbe�Qestroyod SmDrovements: or, 1f not so applleQ, may, at the option of Lhe Mortgagee, be applied Sn payment oS ,,
<br /> � any IndebLeQness, matured or unmaturea, securetl by this m.ortgage. ,
<br /> j (3). 1b�DeY all rents, fees, or charges now dve or te become due under the terns ef each lease, permlt, license, or � ��
<br /> � �.yrivilege-on the .yublle Qomain which is aDP�'tenant or nonappurtenant to the mortgaged premises, which has been �� -� . � . .
<br /> .� SssueA,.extenaed,or renewed by Lhe UniteQ StaLes or the state ln which the above-descrlbed proyerLy is located: and �,
<br /> to�perform�and abserve every act, covenant, conditlon, anQ�stipulation necessary to keep eaCh of Lhe same in Bood ,� . ,
<br /> � standing; end to take�every necessary step Go secure the relssue, renewal, or extension of each of the seme; anQ to y - - � '�k r
<br /> �� assign,�waive;p2eGge; or endorse to�tt�e�Horcgagee each•lease, Dermit, license, or prlvilege lf Hartgagors� rlghts �
<br /> � Sn�puCllc Qomaln sre required..by Hortgagee for securlty purposes. (� � � . �'.c+M`
<br /> �.�(4) That ia���the event��the Mortgagee is a party tu any iltlgatlon afiecting the security or the lien of its morc- �� i;
<br /> �gage.,���incluQing.an�y suit.by..the�Mortgagee Loforeclose Lhls mortgage or any sult in w71ch the Mortgagee may De named . �j;,,
<br /> �a yarty Gefen6ant 1a whlch it is obilgat�,d to Drotect Sts�rlghts�or 11en, including conGemnation and bankruDtcy � �
<br /> „yrceeedinga, the Mortgagee mey�incur expenses and advance payment�far abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the � . � �,x�
<br /> :.eateat,prohibited hy �law.), costs,. expenses, and��other�charges. . � . � �� � �7,
<br /> . . . . . a�`� LE
<br /> : (6 Thst ia.the. event the Mortgagors fa11 Lo DaY.�v+hen�Gue eny Cszes, liens, Judgments, or assessments, or fail to _, r �,
<br /> ���-ma�taln insurance as�herelnbefore provided, or fail to pqv rants, Sees, or charges under the cerms oS any lease. � � � . .,,,*c.•,:�:: . .
<br /> ��. Dermit,-license,..or yrSvilege;�or�Hortgagee ls required to Sncur expenses Sor aDstract tees, a[torney feec, costs, . . . �
<br /> expenses,and other�charges� ln�'connection wlth 11tS�atlan, Mortgegee may mnke such pRvment orprovthe surh insurance. ' �
<br /> . or�incur such�Obrigatiod. �atid the�amovnta paid�t�ereior shall Decome a parL of the Snaebce0ness secured hereby due � �
<br /> � enQ D�Yable��3mmeGiately�,�anQ�shall bear lnterest frao�.the� aste oZ payment at the same rate as provlded for deSault
<br /> ...ln the note. �. . � . . . . . .
<br /> �I �..r._ � � �_:._.�_,_.�_.�_..____�.�.��-----..._ ---___.. !
<br /> ._ .. .... .._._ . . ......_.
<br /> . . . _. . .1 . __.. � . �
<br /> ..... .. - . ......,:..�. ......... .. _.....,,.., ,,,. ....,-.., . � . , .. . { .
<br />