<br /> _ _ � �
<br /> ��"' OQ1317 .
<br /> 2 _ Water . The Subdivider a rees to � � '` '
<br /> g petition for the construction = r Y ' �
<br />�^° ` � of water ` ma.in service to serve all lots` in the subdivision prior to � , = ' ,"�"� �'
<br /> � � � � � � � ��� , � �;�,
<br /> requesting any occupancy permits for any structure in said subdivision , �. '
<br /> and agree to connect said structures to the City ' s water main system . ; �
<br /> In the alternative , the Subdivider may construct a water main in accordance ' t
<br /> with plans and specifications approved by the City ' s Director of Public ' 1 "
<br /> Works and subject to the City ` s inspection .
<br /> 3 . Sanitary Sewer . The Subdivider agrees to petition for the con-
<br /> struction of a sanitary sewer to serve alI lots in the subdivision prior ' r
<br /> - ""'+,
<br /> , �,
<br /> to requesting any occupancy permit for any structure in said subdivi.sion , `
<br /> and agree to connect such structures to the City ' s sanitary sewer . In .`
<br /> n4
<br /> �')
<br /> the alternative , the Subdivider may construct a sanitary sewer in accor -
<br /> ,.;>
<br /> dance with plans and specifications approved by the City ' s Director of �;L
<br /> � . � z 51 5 a F.,
<br /> Public Works and subject to the City ' s inspection . `-` � �
<br /> , �
<br /> � � � ` � �
<br /> 4 . Draina�e . The Subdivider agrees to grade the lots of the sub - � '. '� "'�=��'1
<br /> division in conjunction with the structures thereon so that the storm E ' ' ' � `''
<br /> �. ,.r
<br /> (�e �.. '., + h ) *'V
<br /> water drains to public right - o £ -way . ,, , k
<br /> ;' , r � ���
<br /> , , �.
<br /> � ��
<br /> 5 . Sidewalks . The Subdivider , if still the owner of the land in � �`
<br /> � ��
<br /> ttte proposed subdivision , or if the Subdivider shall have transferred ; ,-�
<br /> .,�lY.
<br /> title to the property , then the various grantees thereof , will install , � ;'.r�
<br /> ,, ,:
<br /> at their own expense , a11 public sidewalks required by the Grand Island `�a
<br /> 3 ( 1
<br /> �'�
<br /> City Code when the adjacent lot is built upon , and sidewalks shall be � � ';
<br /> regulated and required with the building permit for each such lot . � =�
<br /> 6 . Fencing . The Subdivider further agrees to construct on the east '
<br /> property line of Lots 4 , 5 , and 6 , excepting the southerly 30 feet of
<br /> Lot 6 , a site obscuring fence of at least six feet in height .
<br /> 7 . Warranty . The undersigned owner , as Subdivider , warrants that
<br /> she is the owner in fee simple of the land described and proposed to be
<br /> known as Von Oh1en Second Subdivision , and that an abstract of title
<br /> will be submitted for examination , if necessary , upon request of the City
<br /> of Grand Island .
<br /> 8 . This agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding
<br /> ' upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto , her successors , �.�--� � ?:'
<br /> zs
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