- r �
<br /> - Zs-= �10128 6
<br /> 5. I�o lot or Iots shall be divided or eplit to cr�ate amaller bnilding aresa .
<br /> 6. A7.1 garagss muat be a{�oched dirsct�y to the d�+elling or coanectad thereto �
<br /> by brseaevey or aiaf.lar structnre . An� aecoadary building shall be �onatructed ot the
<br /> same naterial aad qnatitq coastruction as the outaide Yinish aa� roof of the main
<br /> dwelling structnra .
<br /> 7, l�o structure on any lot ahall be erected, altered or plac�d to remaia closer
<br /> than thirty-tive ( 35 * ) from the iront lot line of sa3d lot , nor cloaer than Fifteen
<br /> Sest ( 15 ' ) from the aide lot line ot any lot .
<br /> 8 . No fence, side , rear or Pront, ahall be constructed of bar ,bed vire , oP
<br /> voven vi.re (not chain link) , ot creoaote tr�ated matarial above ground, or any
<br /> vmaightly materia7, or lumber .
<br /> 9 . No dvelling house shall be moved into aaid S�bdivision and placed upon a
<br /> Zot , lio trailer, camper� eeobile home , modularhome , pre.•fsbricated , ter►t, garage �
<br /> ahack or uaaightly outbuilding shall be used in asid Subdiviaion as a dMelling at arry-
<br /> time � nor ahsll aiiy type atructure of a temporary character be u�ed as ai r�sideace .
<br /> 10. No baras, chicken. , housea, hog houaes, comoercial occupationa or aale � or
<br /> ot1�r bnildinga for ths oare and houaing o! rabbits, fawl, or livestock shall be
<br /> placed, maiatained or uaed on any iot, nor shall arry forl, rabbits, liveatock or
<br /> saimala� other thaa houaehold pota bs kept on any Iot, a�d houaeho3d peta shall aot
<br /> be kept, plac�d or maintaiaed Sor acry bneineaa or cocmnercial purpose . Ths owner of �
<br /> each �ot in said 9ubdiviaion ahall be responsible to see that any dog or other pet
<br /> kept or maintained on said lot, is aot permitted to run free and xill be conPined to
<br /> a pen or ienc:ed aroa or �ecvrely tied vithin the conPinea ot aaid lot .
<br /> 11 . Ao sod, earth, sand, gravel or trees shall be removed to the in3ury oi the
<br /> value ot or appearaace of anq lot, arid no unuaed building materiak, �unk or rubbiah
<br /> shall be left expoaed an any lot, e�ccept dnring actual building operations .
<br /> 12 . No billboarda or aign boards shall be erected or maintained on any lot
<br /> azcept auiteble si�s for advertiaiag the sale of any lot or lota .
<br /> 13. No Trorn out or diacarded automobilea , trucka � machinerq or parEa thereof
<br /> shall be atored on any lot in the Stibdivision and no portion of any lot aha11 be ueed
<br /> tor �uak pilea or the atorage ot any kind ot 3unk or rraate material , '
<br /> 1!t• Certain easements are eatablished for installation and maiatenance of
<br /> ntilities and for drainage purpoaea , and such eaaements are clearlq marked on the
<br /> recorded pla0 of said rDnbdiviaion and each and ewry lot located in said Subdivision
<br /> ahall be aub�eet to th� Subdivision Agreement for �aid Subdivision dated Septembcr
<br /> 19, 197T, entered into betxwn the o�mers and subdividera end the City of (3rand
<br /> Island, Nebra�ka, Which S�bdivision Agreement haa been recorded vith the pl=t of seid
<br /> Subdivision .
<br /> 15. All lots art zoned Por residential use only and ahall not be uaed for
<br /> either industrial or coivaercial purpoaea .
<br /> 16. The ovner o1 each lot shall keep the veeds thereon cut to a ma�cimum height
<br /> o! 7welve inchea ( 12 ") and in th� evenL auch ovners do not cut vs�ds :s herein set
<br /> Sorth, the Subdividera are authoriud to hire the same cut end to collet the eame frow
<br /> ths wrner of ths lot or lots involved .
<br /> 17. All inataliationa ot rater ayate�an , a�xage and dispoasl ayatema a�uat meet
<br /> vith city, county aad atate ordinancea, regulaLions and atatutea . Septic tsnka for
<br /> aexage diaposal shall be locaLed to the rear of aoy dvelling on the lot . When any
<br /> public or coawunity aever aqatem ia laid in arry atreet vithin the Sli�idiviaion, the
<br /> o�uaera of abntLing Zota ahall eatabliah eom�ection vith such sever line xithia a re- 3
<br /> aeonable tima and thersatY.�r uae the aam� to the exclnaion ot any private method of
<br /> handliAg eswage . _
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