I �
<br /> �s—� �012 s s
<br /> WHSREAS, JA?�S E. ROSS AAD JANET ROSS, (AKA JANET M. ROSS) husband and wife, and
<br /> D&LBF�tT D. THEAS?�7SR AND LOIS A. 2gIEASMEYER husband ar�d vife, are the oxners of all the
<br /> lota in ROSS-THEASr4.RER SUHDIVZSION, a eabdivision located in Hall County. Nebreaka, on
<br /> A TRACT OF LAND BDGINNS?R3 at the sovtheaat coraer of said t,'ast FlalY ot
<br /> the Northeast Quarter (Ud,�NP3�); thence tireaterly along the
<br /> aouth l.ine of asid Northsast Quarter (NF3{) a distance of
<br /> S1ve hundred Sortyrone snd s3a-tentha (s�t2.6) feet to the
<br /> southeaat corner of Rosa Heighta S�bdivi�ioa; thence deflecting
<br /> right 89� 22' L5' and running northerly along the eaat liae
<br /> of Roaa Ii�ighta Slibdivision, Ross Heights Second Snbdivision,
<br /> aad tbis ]3ne e�rtended northerly a diatance oi one thoussr�d
<br /> six hundred eighty-five and eight-tentha (1,685.8) Peet to
<br /> the southerly right-ot-xay line ot Highxay No. 2; thencs
<br /> aontheasterly along said right-oS-way line a diatance of two
<br /> hundred �eventy-eight and eighty�three hundredtha (278,g3)
<br /> feet; thence aoutherly parallel to the east line of aaid Weat
<br /> Half of ths Northeaat Quarter (F�?7F3.�) a distance of aeven
<br /> hundred S±fty-one and ninety-three hundredtha (751.93) fe�t;
<br /> thence deflecting lett 90° 00' and running ea�terly e diatance
<br /> ot tvo ht�dred aeventy-four and Yive-tentha (271�.5) Seet to
<br /> the eaat line of aaid West Ha1Y oP the Northeaet Quarter
<br /> ��rNP3�); thence southerly along the eaat line of eaid West
<br /> Half o! the Northeaat Quarter (Y�NF3d) a distance ot eight
<br /> hundred fiYty-nira and aixty�ine hundredtha (859.69) feet
<br /> to the place of begiruiing� at�d containing 1,�„5p7 g��8� ��
<br /> or leaa; and
<br /> Wf�REAS, it is the deaire of the aforesaid ovnera o! said S�bdivision to
<br /> improvo tl�e eama by encouraging the sale of lots and the conatructioa ot modern and
<br /> desirable dvs111ng honsea thereon and to inanre the use of the property for an
<br /> attractih rssidential purpose only, to prevent n¢iaancea, to maintain the desired tone
<br /> of the comam�aity and thereby ineure to each omer the f1i11 benePit and en�oyment of
<br /> hia home and to fnanre the aame advaatagea to otber ovnera in aaid �abd3vision;
<br /> p�s T�ORE, in conaideration thereot, and of the mutnal benePite Lo be
<br /> derived by the oxners oS aaid Subdiviaion, arrd any purchaaer or purchsaers, their heira,
<br /> adminiatratora, ezsentora and ae�igna� the osmera atipulate and agree that any and all
<br /> lota in aaid 9ubdiviaion �old, tranafersed and conveyed shall be and are sub�ecL to
<br /> the tollowing Protectisro Covenanta, R,eatrictions and conditions, a21 of Which ahall
<br /> run xiLh the ].aad, as tollotrs t
<br /> 1. All lota in the S�bdivision ahall be Imorm and deacribed as reaidential
<br /> lota.
<br /> 2. Each lot will have no more thaa one dwslLing unit tla�ron and auch dve11-
<br /> inga �►ill mset ths folloxing minimua aquare teet requirementss
<br /> (a.) IS one story, not lees than One T}wuaand pna gundrad(1,100) �quare feet
<br /> of ISving space above ground level, exclnding garage, breezexay and porchee.
<br /> �b.) IP aplit-level or tw atorq, no leaa than One Thouaand One Hundred
<br /> (1,100) aquare Seet of 2iving epace oa the ground and aecond level combined, a
<br /> minimmn of 800 aquare feat being on ground Iev�l, cxcluding gu-age, bre�zerray and porchee.
<br /> 3. No apartment honse, duplex or triplex shall be built on sny lot, nor aha11 any
<br /> baaement houae be built on at�y lot. Ho atructure shall be erected, altered, placed
<br /> or perodtted to remain e�a any lot other than one dvel7.ing arid sn attached garage for
<br /> at Ieast tvo cera and no more than thres cus and one other aecondary �uilding
<br /> incidentai to the reaidential use of the lot. No �relling or other building shall ti
<br /> ezceed txo atoriea in tuight above ground level.
<br /> _ :�.
<br /> 1t• Nu dx�Iling shall be erected tor occupaney for more than one fami�y, nor �
<br /> ahall and aw�ell,iag be uaed for occupaacy Sor more than one familq, No coamercial or
<br /> bvaineaa enterprimsa.shall be maintained, oonducted or operated in said Subdivisioa. � ��
<br /> ' �k
<br /> filad for record at ,M, in Book ' `
<br /> oS page {
<br /> . . _, . .'w:�'�..'.
<br /> Jean Fisher, Regiater oP Deeda,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraeka
<br /> �
<br />