<br /> _ r �
<br /> ,.-,, . ,-,� .
<br /> i not extentl or post.pone the due date of tlu montlily instntlmentg referred to in pnragraphs 1 und 2 hernof or
<br /> ` change the amount of sucli instalime�ts.
<br /> ;i 10. Soaower Not Released. Extension of the tiine for payment or modificntion of atnortization of the sums ' �
<br /> � secured by this bTortgage granted by Lender to any suceessor in interest of Borrower shall not operste to release, ,
<br /> ' in nny manner, the lisbility of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence Proceedings against sucli succeasar or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify �
<br /> amortization of the sums secured by this \Iortgage by reason of any demand mnde by the originat Barrower and
<br /> ;� Borrower's succeseors in interest. '
<br /> 11. Forbe�amce by Leader Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy , ".
<br /> � hereunder, or othenvise afforded by npplicsble Iaw, sha❑ not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> � � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insursnce or ti�e payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> T„i shall not be n wuiver of Lender's right to necelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. , '
<br /> � 12: Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this \4ortgage are dietinct und cumulative to any other
<br /> � � right or remedy under this 1Iortgage or zfforde�i I�y Inw• or equicy , and may be eaercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> � ently or suceeasively.
<br /> 13. Suecessora �d Assigas Bouad; loint �ad Several Liability; Captioas. The covennnts and agreements
<br /> ' herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder �hall inure to , thc respectivc successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> ,� �, snd Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragrapl� 77 hereof. :111 covenants nnd agreements of Borrower ehall
<br /> i be �oint und several. The captions and headings of tlie paragrnphs of this \ Iortgu�e arc for convenience only and
<br /> c are not to be used to interpret or define the provi<ions hereoi.
<br /> � 14. Notiee. Any notice to Borrower pro�•ided for in thi= \lortgage shall be given by muilin� such notice by
<br /> certified mail addressed to Borrower ut the Yroperty :lddre�� stnted belo«• , cxcept for un� notice required under '
<br /> '� parugraph 18 hereof to Ue given to Borro�cer in the mssnner �n•escribed b�• applicable law . Any notice provided `
<br /> "$ for in this \fortgage shall be dee�ned to havc been given to Borro���er «•hen given in thc manner designuted herein.
<br /> � 15. Uniiorm Mortgage; Goveming Law: Severability. This form oC �nortgage combines uniform covennnts
<br /> for nstionsl use and non-uniform covenants witl� limited variutions b� jurisdiction to constitute a unitorm secv- , ,.:
<br /> j rity instrument eovering real property. This \lortgage shall bc governed by the ]s�v of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> , the Property is locnted. In the event that any provision oi• clause of this �Iortgage or the Note conflicts tvith
<br /> � appGcable law, sucl� conflict shall not affect ot.her pro�•isions oP this \Iortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> '� effect without the conflicting provision, and to thi� end the provisions of the \tortgagc and the Note sre declared
<br /> i to be severable. ` r ,r�
<br /> � 16. Bonowez's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of this �Iortgage at the time of execu- ,::
<br /> 'a tion or after recordation liereof. � ,�
<br /> � 17. Transter of the Propedy; Assumption. If all or sny part of the Property or an interest therein is sold ` � �,
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prim• written consent , excluding (a) the creation of n lien or encum- , 2�
<br /> brance subordinate to this VIartgage, ( b) the creat.ion of a purchase money security interest for household a►ppIi- <�
<br /> sncea, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of lu��� upon tLe death of a joint tenant or (d) the. grant of `� ": s�,��
<br /> � any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchuse, Lender may, at I.ender's option, x ,�,,;,,.
<br /> ; dealare all the suma secured by this vIort�age to Ue im�nediately due and pa.yuble. Lender shalt have waived auch " r � 5�?'
<br /> � option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transier, Lender �nd tt�e person io whom the Property is to be sold or „ r ,;
<br /> transferred reac6 agreement in writing that the credit of sucli person is satisfactor}• to Lender and that the interest ' <'" *`?+
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this �3ortgage shall Ue at such rAte as Lender shnll request. If Lender has waived � j ',�z°
<br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in this parngrapli 17 and if I3orro�ver's successor in interest hus executed a writ- "° "h
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by 7.ender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under ` � �"
<br /> this Mortgsge and the Note. " '�
<br /> If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall :nail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance r�:
<br /> with paragraph 14 hereof. Sucli notice shsll providc a period of not lees than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br /> �; mailed within which Bonower inuy pay the sucns declared duc. If Borrou•er fails to psy sucL sums prior to thc � _�'
<br /> ' expiratios of such period, Lender inay, «�ithout further notice. or demand on !3'orrower, invoke any remedies per- %�
<br /> ' mitted by paragraph 18 hereot.
<br /> � Nox-Uxiaosni COVENANTS. ROl'1'O\�'Cl' AR<I Lendei• further covenflnt ancl a�ree as follo���s :
<br /> I 18. Aeceleratioa; Remedies. Excepc as pro�•id��ci in � >aragrar�h 17 liereof, upun Borrower's breaicl� of an}•
<br /> � covenant or agreement oC Borrow•er in tl�is \iort�nge. including the covenants to pay when dur sn� sums securecl
<br /> by this \fortgsge, Lender prior to accclerstion �hxll �n:�il notice to Borrowcr as �irovided in paragraph 1 �4 l�ereo[
<br /> specifying _ ( 1 } the breach ; (2) the nction rcquired to curc ,uch brcacl� ; ( 3) u datc, not Icss than thirtp days
<br /> � from the date the notice is maileci to Borroti�•er. b�• ��•liich such bre;ticl � must !m cu�rd ; :ind ( 41 that failurc to eure
<br /> such breach on or before tlie date specified in the noticc �usy resuk in ucceleration of the eums vecured by this
<br /> �, . :�4ortgage snd sale of the Property. If the brcucl� is not cured on or beforc thc date specificd in the notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option may declare all of the sums secured b�• tl�is �fortgage to be immedistcly due und payable
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose this \Iortgage by judicial proceediug. Lender shall bc encitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclo.ure, inclucling, hut not limited to, costs of documentary evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reporta
<br /> 19. Borrows{s Right to Reiast¢te. \`otwithstanding T.ender's ucceleration o[ the suroe secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, BorroweT ahall have the right to have any proceedings hegun by 7,endcr to enforce this �4ortgage dis-
<br /> continued st any time prior to entry of a judgment. enfoFcing thi� 3lortgttge if : Iml Borrow•cr pavs Lender all
<br /> svms which would be then dne under this �iortgagc , the �ote and notes securing Futurc Ad�•ances, if any, had no
<br /> �i acceleration occurrnt ; (b) Borrower cures nil brencheu of am• other covenants or a�rcements of Borrower con-
<br /> tsinad in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays all reasonnblc expenses incurred b�• Lcnder in enforcing the covenants
<br /> ,� snd agreementa of $orrower contained in this �fortgnge and in enforcing Lender i rnmedies as provided in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, ineluding, but noE ]imited to, reasonable attorney'� fee� ; and fd ) Borrower takes such action as
<br /> I.ender may ;eseonably zequire to assure that the lien of this J1ort�age, Lender'. interea-t in the Property and
<br /> ; Borrower's pbligation to pay the sUms secured by thie \iortgage �l�all continue unin�pnired. Upon �uch payment �.��_,;
<br /> : and cure by Borrower, this Mortgsge and the obligations secured hereb�• shall remain in full force and effect as if
<br /> no acceleration had occurred. •
<br /> 20. Aa+iqam�rnt of,Reafs; Appoiahasnt of Raeeiver, Leader in Possesaioa. :�s additionul security here- � , P�p°:3
<br /> � under;�Borznwer hereby assi6ria to Lender the rents of't6e Propem•. procideci tl�at Borrow•er shall, prior to acceler- c
<br /> ; atioa under paragrsph I8 hereof or sbandonment of the Property, havc the right to collect and retain such rents t
<br /> � as they beeome due, and payable. � y • � #
<br /> ' Upon:�ecelerstion under para g e a ph 18 .hereof or abandomnent ot the Yro pert y. Lender, in person, bp a gent � ,,,. �e r,r�
<br /> ' or, by.judicislly ,uppointed receivershall be entitled to entcr u{wn, take passersiou of artd iusuage tLe Property ` `
<br /> ; and to.colleeG .the rents of.. the Property, , inclnding those .rast due. All rents : coilecteci by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall bespplicd fiistto payment of the costs`ot mansgement of the Property snd collection of rents, including, but
<br /> not limited to,seceiver's fees, premiuma on mceiver's bondc and reasonable attornev's fe�. and then to thc sums
<br /> , - secured bythis Mortgage. Lender and the receiver xhall be liable to account only for those rents nctuully receiti�ed _ �
<br /> :
<br /> �,�. , . _ . _ .. . . , _ . . � ,.. , , . . . . . ,._ ._ . . '
<br />