� �
<br /> 78- UO105 � . ..� .
<br /> ,�.:.
<br /> �� ; _
<br /> " ' ;3. The mortgago; coyenante and agreea that if he shall; fail to pay said indebtednese or any part thereof when
<br /> ,' ,,,� ? _
<br /> � �iug, or ehall fail to :perform any covenant or agre�ment of this instrument or the promiaeory note secured,heroby, the �
<br /> i >entii� indebtedneee hereby eecured ehall immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notice. at the
<br /> ,j 'w`"�ption of the mortgagee•or aesigns, regardleee of maturity, and tRe mortgagee or I�ia nseigne may before or after entry
<br /> ' aa.�ell ;said property wiihout appraieement (the morigagoc having waived and assigned to the mortgage,e all righte of
<br /> ,
<br /> i :`"ePPraieementl : ,
<br /> ;,.� � �" : ( z 1 at judicial sale: purauant to the provieiona of 28 LT.S.C. 2001 ( a ) : or
<br /> (i[) at tLe optioa of the mortgagee, either bp'. auctioa or by aolicitation ot eealed bide, Cor the highest and
<br /> best bid complyiug with the �terms of aale and manner of payment epecified in the publiehed nodce o[ eale, fizst
<br /> giving four weeke' notice o[ the time, terme, and place of such eale, by advertiBement not lese than once
<br /> � � duting each of eaid four weeke in a newapaper publiehed or dietributed in the county in which said property
<br /> ' S' is situated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor ( aad aaid mortgagee, or any person on
<br /> behalf oE said morigagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedneee evidenced by eaid note) . Said eale ehall be
<br /> held at or on the property to be eold or at the Federal, county, or city courthouee for the connty in which the
<br /> ' property is located. The mortgagee ie hereby suthorized to execute tor aad on behalf of the mortgagor and ta
<br /> ' deliver to the purchaaer at auch eale a eul6cient conveyance of eaid property, which conveyanee ehall contain
<br /> ncitab es to tl�e happening of the default upon which the execudon ot the power of eale hetein granud
<br /> i depende; and the eaid mortgagor henby conetitutea end appointa the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br /> ' mortg:gee, the agent and attorney in fact of aaid mortgagor to make auch recitale and w ezecute said
<br /> � conveyance and hereby covenanta and agreee that the recitals eo made ehaA be e8ectual to bar s11 equity or
<br /> right `of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptiona o( the mortgegor, all of which are hereby
<br /> expreesly waived and conveyed to the morfgagce : or
<br /> (u[) take any other appropriate action purauant to etate or Federal etatute either in etate or Federa]
<br /> � � court :.-or. otherwiee for �the dieposition of tlie property. � . . � � � � . . � � �� . � � � _ �
<br /> f� In the event o[ a eale ae hereinabove provided, the moRgagor or any peraon in poaeeasion under the mortgagor el�all
<br /> �` n become and be tenante holding over and ehall forthwith deliver poseeeeion to the purchaaer at euch eale or be
<br /> ,� ���a� .a oeeeased. in accordance with the provieiona of ]aw applicnble to tenants holding oven The power
<br /> n en ted are coupled with an intereat and are irrevocable by death or othersviee, and are granied
<br /> ae"cum ii ' rt6 ��ii� for collection of said indebtedneee provided by law.
<br /> �..,.;� �'H$ �, w .�- ,.,�
<br /> � : , . �
<br /> 4. .T6e proceeds of any eale of eaid property in accordance with the preceding peragraphs ehall be applied firet
<br /> to pay the cosss and expeneee of eaid eale, the expeneee incurred by the mortgagee for the purpoee of protecting or main-
<br /> taining wid property, and reaeonable attorneys feee; eecondly, to pay the indebtedncee eecured hereby ; and thirdly,
<br /> to pag my snrplua or exceee, to the peraon or peraonn legally entided thereto. �
<br /> 5. In the event aaid property is eold' at a judicial forecloeure aale or pursuaat to the power of eale hereinabove
<br /> granted, and tlae proceeds are not sufficient to pay tho- total indebtedneas eecured by thia instrument aad evidenxd-by
<br /> ,.
<br /> : eaid promieeory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgrneat for the amount of the deficieneywithorss
<br /> regard so appnaisemens.
<br /> 6. In the event the mortgagor Eaile to pay anp Federal, atate, or local tax eseesement, income tax or other t� lien,
<br /> charge, (ee, or other expense charged againa[ the property, the mortgagee ie 6ereby uuthorized at hie option to pa}
<br /> � t6e eame. Any eume eo paid`by the mortgagee ehall be added to aad become a part of the principal amount of the
<br /> indebtedness evidenced by said note, subject to thc same tertna and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay nnd
<br /> dixharge the iadebtedneee evidenced by said promissory note, and ahall pay such eums and ehall diecharge nll taxes
<br /> ��..
<br /> ; , and"1'iene`'a'nd''t6e"cobts, feee,'and expenees' of'making;enforcing, and executing thie mortgngc, then thia mortgage
<br /> ehall be canceled and eurrendered.
<br /> Z. The covenante 6erein coatained ehall bind and the benefiu nnd advaataRee ehall inure to the reepective euc-
<br /> '." ceaeocs and asmgns oF tbe parties hereto. �enever uxd. the aingnlar number ehall inclade the plural. the pinral tl�e
<br /> 1 . aingulrr. and t6e use of sny gender ehall include all geadere.
<br /> $. No waiver of any covenant 6eroin or of the obligation xcured hereby ehsll at any tim� theroafter be held
<br /> ; W be a waiver of th� urms hereof or of the aote eecured hereby.
<br /> : 9. In compliance with section 101.1 ( d ) of the Rulee and Regulations of the Small Buainees Adminietratioa [13 r
<br /> ' � C:F R 101 il'�a� T, '�' ` ga � . � � . � , . . .. PP � . .. . . . 1 Lw. . < ,�;.: - ��
<br /> : , ._
<br /> th�s �artrument is to be construed aad enforcxd in accordaace �vath a hcable Federa
<br /> 1i ,k , ; IO. ,A .judicia) decree, order, or judgment holding any provieion or portion of thie inetrument invalid or aa- �� t' � a
<br /> ^j eaforuabl� �,all nos .irt any..way ,impair or preclnde the enforcement of the remainiag, proriaione or portione of J � -• � '
<br /> ,
<br /> � t�'ia iamtrumeni , ::
<br /> = '� r
<br /> , s
<br /> 2.- ,i.�. ..« j t .�.a'.;a�,<.r, . � . . . . . . , . . ,'� �' .
<br /> " > . :
<br /> . . . . . tS.�r . Y. r, e . Y' . . . .. . . . ... . .. . ' . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
<br /> �.b ni.
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<br /> 8BA Fae� 9IIT (S-7!) . .� . . . . . . .
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