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<br /> .78�- U01 � 52
<br /> 1. xbemorta.go; covenaats.aa agree. as fonuw.:
<br /> � a. He w.iH pmmpdp'pq tbe indebtednee� evidmced by said promiesory note at the tima and in tLe I
<br /> ; : , mrnmr therein` 'provided
<br /> b:' He 'will pay- alt uses, aseeaemeaL, water ratea. and ocher governmeatal or manicipal charges, Snes, or
<br /> impasitione, for wLich proviaioa hae not been made hex+einbefore. and will prompdy deliver the o�cial reocipb
<br /> th�rofor to the said mortgagee.
<br /> c. He will pay auch expenees and feee as mny be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br /> :prwperty, inclnding the feee of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of aay or all of
<br /> the indebtedneae hereby secured, or for foreclosure by mortgagee e eale, or court proceedinga, or in any other
<br /> - litigation or proceeding affecting said premisea. Attomeye' fees reasonably incurred in any other way ahall be
<br /> ; , -paid by the mortgagor.
<br /> d. For better eecurity of the indebtednees hereby eecured, upon the reqnest of the mortgagee, ite ena
<br /> ceaeors or aesigne, he shall execute and deliver a suppiemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additione,
<br /> improvemente. or bettermenta made to the property hereinabove described and all property acquired by
<br /> it after the date hereof (a11 in form satisfactory to mortgagee ) . Furthermore; should mortgagor fail to cure
<br /> any de(ault in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by thie inetrumenq
<br /> mortgagor hereby a�reee to permit mort�egee to cure auch default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do eo ;
<br /> aad euch advances shall become part of the indebtednees eecured by this inatrument, aubject to the eame
<br /> terme nnd conditione.
<br /> e. The righte created by thie conveyance shall remnin in full force and elfect during any postponemont
<br /> or extension of the time of payment of the indebtedneas evidenceJ by said promiason• note or any part thereof
<br /> eecured hereby.
<br /> /. He will continuouely maintain hazard ineurance, of auch type or types and in such amounts as the
<br /> mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereaftcr on eaid property, and
<br /> wiH pay prompdy when dne any premiuma eherefor. All insnrance ehall be carried in companies accepuble
<br /> W mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof ehall be held by mortgagee and have attached thercto
<br /> laes paysble clausea in Cavor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. Ia event of loee. mortgagor will give
<br /> immediate notice ia writing to mortgsgee, and mortgagee may mnke proof of loes if not made pmmptly by
<br /> mortgagor� and each insuraace oompany concxrned ia hereby authorized and directed to make paymmt for anch
<br /> loes dix�ectly to mortgagee inetead of to mortgagor aad mortgagee jointly, and the insnrance proceeds, or any
<br /> pars thereof, may bn applied by mortgagce at its option eitlaer to the reductioa of the iadebtednem hereby
<br /> �ecated or to t6e reatoration or repair of t6e property damaged or destmyed. In eveat of foreclosnre ot this
<br /> mortgagy or ot2�er trenefer of tide to eaid property in e:tiaguiel�ment of the indebudneea aecured heroby, all
<br /> riglat, tide. and iaterest of the mortgagor in and to sny inaurance policiee then in force shall paee w the
<br /> purchaeer or mortgagee or, at the option of the mort�agee, may be aurrendered Cor a refund.
<br /> • g. Iie will keep all bnildings and od�er impzovementa on said property in good repair and condition ;
<br /> will permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of enid prnpeny or any paR lhereof;
<br /> � in ihe event of failure of the mort�agor to keep the buildinga on said premisee and thoee erected on eaid
<br /> premieee, or unprovements thereou, in good repair, the mortgagee may make euch repairs aa in ita discretion it
<br /> may dcem neceseary for the proper preeervation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment
<br /> a6a11 be immediately due and payable and shall Le secured by the lien of this mortgage. , ,
<br /> " h. He will not voluntarily create or perritit [o be created againet the property aubject to thia mortgage
<br /> any' ]ien or liene' infenor or euperior to the lien of this mortgage withovt the written coneent of the mort-
<br /> gagee; and furtke�, He will keep and maintain the eam� free from the claim of all pernone aupplyiaglabor or
<br /> materiale for eonetruction of any and all buildinp,e or improvementa now being erected or to be erected on
<br /> eaid premiees.
<br /> 1° i. . He will not rent or aeeign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demoliah, or remove.
<br /> ' or aubatantially alter any building without the wriuen consent oi the mortgagee.
<br /> � �. . .N� ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> ' '; j. All awarde of damagee in connection with any condemnation for public u_ne of or injury to any oC tlae
<br /> property eubject to thie mortgage are hereby nseigned and shull be puid to mortgagee, who may apply tIae
<br /> ' earne to payinenr of che instAllmente last due under said note, and mortgagee ia hereby aud�orized, in the
<br /> ,name. of the mortgagor, to eaecut$ and deliver valid ucquittances thereoC aad to appeal [rom nny euch awurd.
<br /> ` k. The martgag� 'ehatl have t2�e riRht to inapect the mortptaged premiaee at anc reaeonuble time.
<br /> ! ' It tn any of the covenants or condiiione of thie instrument or of the note or loan agreemenc aecured d
<br /> � mor gageeaorerininaYe' the mor'[gagor'a�right^to poseceuion, uee, and enjoyment of the properly, at the option of the -- �, ��
<br /> 2 Defau
<br /> � hie aaeigae ( it being agreed that ihe mortga�;or ahall have euch right until defavl[ ) . Upon any such � '
<br /> ` defaulq t}te mortgagee ehall become tLe owner of all oF;,the r�nta and profita accruin� after default ae eecurity � { E `
<br /> r n
<br /> ; forihe•-indebteduese eacured hereby, with the right to cnter upon said property tor the purpoee of collecting auch
<br /> i roats�and piofita. T7tie inetrument ehall operatb i�s a�i�aen�timenitoC any ientale on said property to that extent. yp
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