_ � _ �
<br /> 7$-= UC� 04 � 3
<br /> 3. Tha moztgagor covenante and agreee that iF he ehsll fail to pay tlaid indebtedneee or any part thereof when
<br /> j duq or ehall failto perform any covenant ot agreement of, ,ythie instniment or the promieeory note eecured hereby, the ,
<br /> { :entire iadebtedneae hereby eecured ehall immediateIy becdme due, payable, and collectible without notice. at the � :
<br /> � ` option of the mortgagee: or aesigna, rogardlens of macurity, find the mortgagee or hie aeeigne may before or after entry
<br /> ��.r
<br /> � ,sell ;eaid property without appraieement ( the mortgaqor having waived and aeei�ened to the mort�cagee all righte of
<br /> _r
<br /> ` a . ;°PPiaisement) c
<br /> J .
<br /> � ? ( t ) at judicial eale •pureuant to the provieioae of 28 U.S.C. 2001 � a ) ; ur
<br /> `
<br /> � (ti) a[ the option of tlae mortgagee, either by auction or by eolicitation of sealed bids, for the 6igIaest and
<br /> : } beat bid complying with th� terms of eale and manner o[ payment epeci&ed ia the publiahed notice of eale, first
<br /> g,iving four weeka' notice of the time, terme, and place oE euch eale, bp advertiaement not leeus tl�an uncn
<br /> duriag �ack of eaid four w�eka in s newepaprs published or distributed ia the comty in which said property
<br /> i is eituated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor ( and eaid mortgagee, or sny peraon on
<br /> J behalf of esid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedneas evidenced by said note) . Said eale ehall be
<br /> ; held at or on the property to be eold or at the Federal, county, or city courthouee for the county in which the
<br /> prnperty ie located. The mortgagee ia henby authorized to ezecute for and on behalf of t6e mortgagor and to
<br /> deliver to the purchaeer at euch eale a eufficient conveyance ot eaid property, which conveyanc� ehall contain
<br /> recitale an to the happening of ehe default npon which the ezecution of the power of eale herein granted
<br /> depends� aad the eaid mortgagor hereby conetitutee and appointe the mortgagee or aay agent or attorney oE the
<br /> � mortgag�e, the ag�:nt and attoroey in fact of eaid mortgagor to make euch recitala and to execute eaid
<br /> conveyaace and hereby covenaats and agreee that the reci�le eo made e6all be effectual to b=r all eqnitr or
<br /> righY of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptione of the mort�tegor, ali o( which are herehy
<br /> _
<br /> expreeely waived and conveyed to the mortgagee ; or
<br /> � ( ur) , taice . any other appropriate action pureuant to xtate ur Yederal atatute eit6er in n[ate or P'edetal
<br /> ? court or otherwiee for the d'upoeition ot the property. " ' '
<br /> � . . . � . . . . . - � . . . . _ . . . . . . . E:. . . .
<br /> r In the eveat of a eale as hereinbefore pmvided, the mortgegor ar aaq penoas in poeeeseioa aader the mort-
<br /> s gagor ehall then beeome and be tenante holding over end ahall forthwith deliver poeeeesion to the purchase� at � `
<br /> 5 euch eale oi be eammarily diepoeeeaecd, in accordance with the provisiona of law applicable to tenanta holding over.
<br /> iThe power and agency hereby granted are coupled with an intereet and are irrevocable by death or otherw-iee, and
<br /> ' � are granted se cumulative to the remediee for collection of aaid indebtedness provided b�• ]aw•.
<br /> y «'" � .. �. �x.aer �s'+ r� y' . . .,. � . . . .
<br /> i 4. The prooeeds �any ea}l�'oi�d "property ia accordance with the preceding paragraphs ehall be applied firet
<br /> � to pay the coeta and �'` Y'ea�`eal��t�ie'"eX`pensee incurred by the mortgagee for the purpoee of protecting or main-
<br /> g taiaing eaid propetty, and reseoasble attorneye' feea; eecondly, to pay the u�debtednees sccured hereby ; and thirdly,
<br /> � to pay any eurplue or ezceae to the peroon or pereone Iegally entitled ihereto.
<br /> � 5. Tn' the ev�nt said property is sold at a judicial torecloeure eal� or pnrnuant tu the power of eal� hereinabove '
<br /> � granted, and the proceede are not anlScient to pay the total indebtedneee eecured by thie inatrummt and evidenced by
<br /> :j eaid promiesory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a de6ciency judgmeat For the amount of the deficsency without
<br /> r resar�d so apprassement. '
<br /> , E
<br /> �
<br /> y �
<br /> � 6. In the event the moregagor faile to pay any Federal, etate. or local tax aae�eaemeut, income tax or uther tu�
<br /> ? � lien. charge, fee, or other expenee charged againet d�e pzoperty the mongagee ia hereby authorized at his option tu
<br /> pay the eame. Aay eums ao paid by che mortgagee ehall be added to aad become a part oC the principal amo�mt ot thc
<br /> � indebtedneae evideaced by eaid nose, enbject to the eame terme and conditione. If the mortgagor ehall pay and
<br /> diecharge the indebudaeee evidenced by eaid promieeory note, and ehall pay euch eume and ehall diecharge all
<br /> tazea and liene aad ehe coets, feee, and expeneee of making, eaforcing, and executing this mortgage, thea thie mortgage
<br /> � �hall be canceled and eurrendered.
<br /> 3 Z The coveaante hereia contaiaed ehall bind and the benehts and advantagee el�all inure tu lhe rrtiprctive nuo-
<br /> � cessors and assigias of the partiee hereto. Whenever uxd, the eingular number �hall include the plaral, the plural the
<br /> 's eingular, and the nse of any gender �},aD inclnde all gmdere.
<br /> ; .,
<br /> s 8. No waiver oE aay coveaant herein or of the obligation xecured hereby ehall a� an� time therrHfter be held {
<br /> ' � to be a waiver of the terme hereof or of the note necured hereby. � �
<br /> ° �g X r
<br /> .` :7 . . _...r;" . �I
<br /> � 9. A jndicid decree, order, or judginent holding any provieion or purtiou o[ thid instrument i�ev�!id ur uucur '" ' ¢
<br /> forceable" ahall aot in any way unpair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provieione or portione oF thie I `"
<br /> ,. � ilistrameni
<br /> ,e,
<br /> K •
<br /> "j "' �" ` 10 Any wnt}�w aohx w be arned to tlae. mortgagor, pursuant W the provisione of this inetrument ehall be �d- A ` �; �
<br /> .� ; dre..edtoth:+ moitgaRoras 2015 N . Broadwell; Grand Island , Nebr . � • " .i�;.'.:. "
<br /> aad any writtea notice to be iesued to the mortgagee e6a11
<br />� ' be addrercd to tbe moet6agee re Grand Island , Nebraska
<br /> k��..�� � 39A FORM 920 f2 79� J
<br /> V
<br /> 4 L �
<br /> r
<br />�
<br />