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� � . � <br /> ZS� 0 � 04 � 3 <br /> ' guarantee loana <br /> Said as given to eecare �[�iHNcin which the Small Bu�iness Adminieuation, an ageacp of the , <br /> United .Statea of Ameaca. ha� ,participated. In compliance with eection, 10�1 (d ) of the Rulee and Regulatione of � <br /> r the Saiall Businees Administration [13 C.F.R. 101.1 ( d ) ]. thie inetrament ie to be conetrued and enforced in accord- <br /> ance with aPPlicable Fadual,law. , ; . <br /> L ' T6b mortgagor co+venaata and agreee as followe: _ . <br /> , : , guarantee <br /> ' d. 'He will prnmpdp pay the indebtedneee evidenced by said=��� �t 'the timea and in the ; <br /> manner thereia provided. <br /> � <br /> - b. $e will pay all tsxas, aexeemeats, water ratee, aad other governmeaial or municipal c2�erges, Snea, or <br /> ` impoeitione, for w2uch provieion has not been made hereinbefore, and will prompdy deliver the 'o�cial receipta ! <br /> therefor to the eaid mor[gagee. <br /> c. He will pny such racpenses and feee ae may be incurred ia the pratection and maiatenaace of said <br /> properey, including the feee of any attorney employed by ehe mortgagee for the collection oC any or all of <br /> the indebtedaeee hereby eecured, or fotecloeure by mortgageds eale, or court proceedinge, or in any other <br /> ; litigation or fsroceeding affectinR eaid property. Attorneya' (eex reaeonably incurred in anv other wav ehall be <br /> ' paid bp the mortRaRor. <br /> d. For better eecurity of the indebtedneee hereby secured, vpon the requeet of the mortgagee, ite <br /> ' � eacceaeore or aeeigne, he ehall execute and deliver a eupplemental mortRaKe or mortKaRes covering any <br /> ' additione, improvementa, or betterments made to the property hereinabove deacribed and all propeny <br /> acquired by it after the date hereof (all in Corm satisfuctory to mortgagee ) . Furthermore, ehonld mortgagor <br /> fail to cvre aay default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property deacribed by <br /> thie inet:ument, mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure svch default, but mortgagee is not <br /> obligated to do eo ; and euch advancea ehall become part of the indebtedncex eecured by thie inevumeny � <br /> ` aubject to the eame terme and conditione. � <br /> ; <br /> e. The righte created by this conveyance ahall remain in full Lorce und eHect durinR any� yoetpuneuieul <br /> or exteaeion of the time of the paytnent of the indebtedness evidenced by said promiesory n�ste or any part <br /> ' i thereof eecured hereby. �; <br /> f. He will coatiauously maintain hazard ineuraace, of euch type or typee aad ia such amounts ae the <br /> mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or liereafter on waid � property, nnd <br /> , ; will pay promptly when dae any premiuma therefor. All ineurance ehall ba carcied in companiee acceptable ;, <br /> � to mortgagee and the policiea end renewala thereoE ehall be held by mortgagee and have aneched therew <br /> loea papable clausea in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loee, mortgagor will give <br /> immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof o[ loee if not made promptly by <br /> ' mortgagor, and each insnrance company concerned ia hereby authorized and directed to make payment for euch <br /> ' loee direcdy to mortgagee inetead of to mortgagor and mortgagee joiatly, and th� ineurance proceeds, or aay <br /> part thercof, may be applied by mortgagee at iu optioa either to the reduction of the indebtedneee bereby <br /> } secured or to the restoration or repair of the property damaged or deatroyed. In event of forecloeuze of this <br /> : � �ortgag�e, or other tranefer of titlo to eaid property in extinguiahment of the indebtedneee eecwred hereby, all <br /> ; righy dde, and intereat of the mortgagor in aad to any ineurance policiea then in forco ehall paes to the <br /> purchaxr or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortga�cee, mav be esurrendered for a refiui�. <br /> � 1 <br /> � g. He will keep all buildings und other improvements on esaid property in good repair and condition ; <br /> ; will permiq commit, or suffer no waete, impairment, detezioration of eaid propertv or any port thereof; <br /> t' in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premiees und thoae erected on eaid ' <br /> " ; premiaea, or improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make euch repaire ae in ite diecretion <br /> � it may deem aeceaeary for the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and every auch <br /> j payment ehall be immediately due and payable : and ehall be eecured by the lien of thie moKgw�e. <br /> �( h. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created againet the property eubject to thia mortgage any <br /> { liea or lieue inferior or euperior to the lien ot thie mortgage without the written coneeat of the mortgagee ; and <br /> $ further, that he will keep and maintain the eame free from the claim of all perauna nupplying labor or <br /> � matarials Eor conetruction. o[ any and nll buildinge or improvemente now }seinR erected or to be erected ou <br /> aaid premiees. <br /> � . _ <br /> � i. H� will not rent or aeuign any part of the rent of said mortgaged properh- ar demolieF�, or re�no.•e, <br /> or eubatantially alter any buildinR without the written coneent of the mortRa{cee. <br /> j. All awarda oE damagee ia conneetioa with any condemnation for public uae oC or injur� to anp oi tlie <br /> property eubject to thie mortgage are hereby aeaigned and ahall be pai8 to rnortgagee, who ma�� appiy the <br /> � eame to payment of the iaetallme�te laet due under eaid note, and mortgagee ie hereb}• authorized, in the t <br /> :aame oF ehamortgngor, to �execute and deliver valid acquittancee thereof and to appeal from any each award. <br /> r _ ; ^ � <br /> k. Tlie mortgaRee ehall have the ri�tftt to inepect the mortKaged premiee.= et anp reaeonable time. "'�="" °' <br /> ; � ��t � <br /> 2c� Defaalt ia' any of the cuv�nante or conditione of thia inserament or of the aote or loan agre�meat eecurod >s <br /> hereby ehall terminata the mortgagor'e right to poeseaeioa, nee, and enjoymeat of the property, et the option of the ;;, ;.:; '' <br /> _ � ` mpctgagee or his aeaigne (it btiag agreed that the mortgagor e6a1] have euch right until default ) . Upon any euch ;`�' " <br /> ' ' ! 'defaiilt;.,the mo:tgagea' shall became the owner of:aII' of�rt6e reau and pro&te acaruing after defanit ae eect�rity + „ .t� <br /> Y, , poa .snid ro rt for the u oee of collectin euch ".�y�, <br /> � , or t6e `indebtedriees ee `cured herGb wit6 the risbt to mr�'n A Pe Y P rP � B " � � � <br /> : i+ents and profita. T7ais instrument ehall o te as ,ia ' "� ent 'oE an rentale oa aaid '" . �� .' -" <br /> pere �ea�gnm y property to thai extent. <br /> : � <br /> ,, 3 . <br /> " ae� ro � eza tz-�at , � <br /> h <br />� <br /> i <br />