� '.I?4
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> If under parsgraph 1R hereoi the Pro� �e� r6}� i, nold ur � lie 1 'ro��ert �� i�ti otl �erwi �e� aryiurv�l I ,�� Lender. l .euder
<br /> .hxll aPP�Y, no lxter thun ini�nediautl�� � uior to thc .:ilc ui thc� 1'ru� �ortt ur it ,. uryui� rtiuu In� Li�n� ic�r, any Fundn
<br /> held by Lender :�t� thr timc of ap� �liratiou u, a �� re� lit aRain�r i } u� ,uin� ,orun��f I , �� t lii � �1urt �;u;;c .
<br /> 3. Ayplication o( Payinenls. L.?nlc.• a� ���li��sl � lr I:i �c � �rovidc. othenvi��� , all paynicntr rc� eiti�cd by Lender
<br /> under the Note und paragraplis 1 and 'l I�ereof sl � all L�• s � �pli��� i In� L��ndcr tir�t in � �:i�� nu•nt ui awo�� nt . � �u,y :�ble tu
<br /> Lender by Borrower under �iHragrapii 2 hereof , theu tu interest � >.���sblo m � tlu� :� oto un� l .nr Futur� � :� dvannes , if
<br /> I any , n:id then to the principal of thc �1utc and tu thc � �rim�i� �iil uf 2�utum :1 � i � :� n< ��. . il :iny .
<br /> 4. Charges; I.ietfs. Borrower sLall pup all taxes , assessmentn :snd other rharKes , tinen siid impo&itions attrib -
<br /> utable to the Property H�hich may attaiu :s prim•ity u�•cr tlii� �lortg:��;e . an� i Rrouu�l rcut . . ii au}• , at Lender's
<br /> ry� option in the �nanner pro��ided under � �aragrapl� 2 hereof or L}• Borro�ver � nakinr � �ayui<�nt , ti•hen dur, directly to
<br /> ry the payee thereof. Borrower shnll promptl,y furnisli tu l .rnder all notice. of amount . �luo under this ��aragraph .
<br /> ,_,, and in the event Borrower bliall ivakc pa��n �ent directly , 13urro�cer �h:sll � �romE �tl� iurni,li tu Leu�ler• receipts evi -
<br /> �,, dencing sucl� payments. Borrower shall � �ron � � rtlt� dischsrge auy lieu whieli ha: priority� uti�er this \tortgage ; pro-
<br /> ,� vided, that 13orrower shall not be reyuire�l to discliaugr a�nf• �u� h lien so lou�; ti� liurroµ���r .Lall agree i❑ writing to
<br /> the payment of t}ie oLligation secured by such lien in :� u �xnner ar.�c�rt :iblc tu Loud�• r , or �I �all in goad faith contest
<br /> � such lien by, or de(end enforcement of such lien in , legsl � �rrucee� iing. a� liich ri� �ri;�t �� tu � � re� i• ut the enforcement of
<br /> Op the lien or forfeiture of the Yropert.y or am� � iari tliereof .
<br /> � S. Hazard I:asur�ce. 13orrower slic�Il kee� � tlic iiu � , ro���•n�icnt . no��� exi.ting un c�rE•after ��recLed on the Yrop -
<br /> erty insured against loss by fire, hazards inoluded �vithiu tLc terni " exli°ncled coverago " . an.! � uch ut her hazards a�
<br /> I.ender m�y require un� i in =uch au�o� nt .= an�l (ur surli � �erio� i> u., i .<• ndcr iuu� r�•� � uirc : � �rn� irled . that I.ender shall
<br /> not require tl�xt the umount of s�ch oo��erttg� ex�•eed tli:u ainount of ro �•rru�c• r���quirr� l to �,s�• the �ume secured ' by
<br /> this Mortgage.
<br /> The insurance carrier � � rovi�ling thc in� urauce �I�all br choseu I �� liurro�s �•r sul �je�• t to ap�rro�� al by Lender :
<br /> provided , that such approval shall not he w� reasmiu,blq wit.hl�eld . All ��ren� iums �m ineuraucr policir� .I�all be paid
<br /> at Lender's option in the mauner � �rovide�l un�er � �;u�uKra ��li '? Lereoi ur I �r Rorru�r �v� niakin �; pati�uient , wlien due ,
<br /> direct]y to the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event any poliry ia not renewed on or before ten dayh of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest , may procure in�;urance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum ahall become
<br /> immediately due and payable with interest at. the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to cumply ma�•, at option of L,ender, conatitute a default
<br /> under the terms of this Mortgage.
<br /> All insurance policies utid renea;� l , therruf � lu� ll h�• in furiu :ir��� �� � tublo t < � L��u� ior :unl < h :ill inc• ludc u �tsu�lar�i
<br /> mortgage clau�e in favor of itnd iu forui :t�•ce� �taLlc ru l.euder, I .�rrni��r �hall L:a�-�� thr riklit to hold tl�e ��olicie, :tiud
<br /> renewals thereof , and Borroµ�er shull }>rony,�tly furnisl � to Len� ier :ill reue���al uotic�e, and ull recci� �ts oE paid pre-
<br /> miums. In the event ot loss , I3orrower �lialt gi��v � �rou �pt notic.• � u rli �• iu. ur�ncu carrier an�i Lrnder, and I.ender
<br /> may �nake }�rooi of lose i1 not �nade pro�nptly L}- 33orro�crr .
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�er otlierwis� ugrce in �critin� , in �ur:in��r � uueer�lc nliall bv :iE��, lie� ! lu restorution or
<br /> repair of the Yropert}• daniuged . � �rovidr�] rucli r�•rroratiuu ur r��� �;ur i> ri�uu �u ; :i ��:ul �� i��u.•il ,l�� :, u� l iLc ,rcurit �� uf
<br /> this Mortgage is not diereby impairc�l . I � ;u�•] � r��,tur.ition ur re� ,alr ir not � ��•uuuinic;ilh� fc;zeiLl.• or if the security
<br /> of thie \fortgage would be ic��paired , tl�e insurance � uucee�l, �h;tll Li• ;ip} �lie�i tu tln� > uw. ,ecured by tLis illartgage .
<br /> with the excees, if any , paid to Rorrower. 1f tlic Yrupert �� i � :tLa ���l� �ne� i I �}• liorro�. ��r or ii Borro�� er fsils to respond
<br /> to Lender within 3U duys aftrr uotice by Len�ier tu Borro�rer tluu th.� ui��iraure carrier offer. tu ,ettle a claim for
<br /> ineurance benefits, Lender i� authorized to �•ullect an�i aE��d � th�� insurnnce }�ro��erd, at l ,euder :< uption either to
<br /> restoration or repair oi 2he Yroperty ur W t6r ,�uma aecw�ed ! �� tlii� \ lurtgage .
<br /> Unleas Lender and LSorroH�er other�siec agree iu writiug, an} �ueli s� �� rlicatiuu ot procred. tu princi}�al shall
<br /> not extend or postpone tlie due date of the �uuntlil }� installuu�ut . rrierrr.l tu in �iaragrapii� 1 and :.� hereof or chenge
<br /> the smount of such installments.
<br /> If under parsgra�,�h IS hereof tl�e Yropert }� is ucyu� red f�}� I ,ender. :ill rigLt , titl�� s�ia incerrst of Borrower in
<br /> and to eny insurance ��olieie. and in an� i to tlie proceeds clira•i�ot rto � lu• ecte•ut ui tl ,r �uni� ,a�rured b}� thin '11ort-
<br /> gage immediately prior to .ucli sale � �r acyuisitiun � re< ultiuR irmn rlu � uu�r tu � lu� Pmpem� � �rior tu the .ale or
<br /> acquieition shall pune to Lender.
<br /> 6. Pr�rervation mad Mmat�nmsee o! Peop�rty: Leas�holds; Condominiuma. NorroHer slial! krep the Yrop-
<br /> erty in good repair and shall not peritiit or co�umit �caste . i � npair�urnt , ur � 3r�� rriurauon uf thr YroEiertt� snd shall
<br /> comply witl� tLe provieione of uny lease , if thi� Alortgage i� uu u l.�asehoLi . If ihi• Alortgatir i. ou a condominiuni
<br /> unit, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower '- ubG�atiun > undrr t h�• � ie� I ;� r;�tiou �, : � ou� ioiuinium r,r muster deed .
<br /> the by-laws and regulations of the condominiwu � , ruj �•ct :iud runst �� uent ducumrut � .
<br /> 7. Prolectioa oE I.�adei r Seeurity. li Borro�ser iail < to � �i•rf� u•ni thr �•u� �•n ;u �t � :u �d u�;r<•cnient � ��ontxined in
<br /> this A4ortgage , or it any a��tion or � �rocecdi��g is comnien��erl �vhiol � � us� c�risll �� ut3'��r� � L�•ndrr '� mterest in the Prop-
<br /> erty , including, but not limited to, enimrnt �iow:uu , u�•ohru�•� . �•od�� onf'un•c�nrnt , ur xrruu �;rment_, ur �� roceed -
<br /> ings involving a 1>xnkrupt ur decedeut , Uien Leuder :st Lru�i��r �� u� �uun , u� �un i�our�� tu lior�vw�er, niay make sueh
<br /> appearances , disburse �uch �mns aud cake tiucl� acci��u u: i, n�•�•e..itr�' � u { n•rnece Lrnd�• r '., inter�•,t . including . but
<br /> not limited to , disbursement ol reqsonable attorney '. Yee� su�i env�� upuu thF Nru� r�rt}� to makt: repaite. Any
<br /> aarounte die�bursecl by Lender pursuxnt to thi, � ,aragra��L i . �ciU � iiurre>t Ihereon , ,Lxll i �ecuru�� addiUonal indebt-
<br /> ednese of Borrowersecured by thie Alortgage. Unless 13orrowi�r :� u� i Lciidti• aqrer w ocher ter�us of � �apment , sueh
<br /> amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender tu Ron•o�cer re�yue�uu�; E�aycne� n ifiereof . and shall bear inter-
<br /> �t from the date of disbursement at tlie rate stated in tl �e lote unles� � �x}•iuent uf' interest ut suc6 rate wonld be
<br /> contrAry to applicable laK� , in which event such xinuwits shss11 bear intere,t at the• highe�t rate permisRible hq
<br /> applicable law . \ othing contuinc•ii iti tlii* � �sragrs� �l � ; :> L;J ; n � � uin Lc� ��irr t �, iucur �iic �•xF�e�,�r �r du a� iy yct
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 8. Insqctioa. Lender ma�• make or �uu�e ro hi� nix�io ma�uue�trlo rntr�e> iyi�m an� i in�� �e�•t �on:: ot the Yrop-
<br /> erty, Provided that Lender rhall give Borrower not �� �• � � rlur i � � :ui � �urli in .� ����•tiun .� �e��� ti� � n�; rea.onable c�aune
<br /> therefor related tc� Lender's intereet in the Propert ��
<br /> 8. Coad�mnation. The proceeds of un}� award or �• lairu for damaqes , direet ur cmiseq�ential , in connection
<br /> with any condemnation or other taking of the Yro�x�rtc , ur � �art tlicreuf , ur for �•un � e}•an�•e in liru oi c•ondemna- �
<br /> tion, sre hereby ussigned and shall I �e paid to I.ender.
<br /> In the event of a total t.aking of the Yroperty , the � �nue��1- � Iutll Le :y�plu•�1 tu t h�• .uui� sri•urnd h�� thi� �fort - C ,��'
<br /> gage, with the excess , if nn}• , paid to Borru���er. ! n the e��ent oi x � �artial takinK ot t1u� Yrupc•n�� , unle�� $orrower " '
<br /> ' and Leader otherwise agree in writing . there shall l>e a����Iieri tu the nume sec•ure•d h�� thie \iort�agE� such propor I "
<br /> tion of the proceeds as is equal to t,hat proportion which thr amount of the rumc srcured I ��� thi� \lurtgage imme- k+`^I
<br /> diately prior to thedarP of � aking hnarG �� rh.� fAir n, yrkN� ��vl•t., ,.a • �,�� Pr..�,.••.• •� ; . _ . . .:., ii ::� •. � • -:�,• • c, • �,•. •±ste ••t
<br /> til[iIIg, with the bslance of the }�rcx•e�i� pxid to Aorrowrr � �
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower or if after notice h�• I,ender to Aorro�ver that the condeiutiur otien:
<br /> to mal[e aa awatd or settle a claim for damages , Borrower fsil� io reeEwnd � o l.ender K itl,iu 30 day. oi the dace 4
<br /> of such notice, Lender ie suthorised to eollect and spph� the procecd� a� Leudrr '- option ��itl ���r iu n•.t „rxtion or
<br /> roprar of the Yroperty or co the sums eecured by tlus \ 1or[Rage.
<br /> Unleas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing , any such applicat�on of procerds tu � �nu�•�pal �Lxll
<br /> �
<br />